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@wait.count = Song time?

Hi, I just want to ask if it's possible to make a wait count of a song's length? I mean to store it into a variable and calls it per @wait.count

I found this in the FFX2 Custom Menu System.

If my memory serves me right:

  def delay(seconds)
  for i in 0...(seconds * 1)
    sleep 0.01

That's the method you would use in say Scene_Menu.

The in your updating method, or whatever method you want to put it in you would insert:


Now that's just a delaying method. I don't know where you want to delay the song though. Do you want to delay it in Scene_Map, Scene_Menu, Scene_Title, etc. Please specify.

Well you would have to seemingly input the length of the song manually... I don't think it can be determined automatically, except possibly if there's a way to read the ID3 info of the MP3 file.
Well, this Delay is usable, too. Altough I want to use this thing on a map. You know this in BGII? If a battle starts, the music will change, but the one before will play trough. And if it's over, the other bg plays again. And make it sound good is hard. I will use this delay-thing. Thanks.
to handle a thing like this you would need to rewrite or add methods to the Audio class, which wouldn't be a simple task to achieve.

for me, the simpliest way to do this would be to create a variable :

@count = 0

and then increase it by one each frame :

def update
  @count += 1
  #rest of the update_method

and add an if statement to check if the number of seconds = what time you want

if @count / Graphics.frame_rate == 15 # 15 seconds
  # do something

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