# Sideview Battle System Configurations Version 2.2xp
# Original Script by:
# Enu ([url=http://rpgex.sakura.ne.jp/home/]http://rpgex.sakura.ne.jp/home/[/url])
# Conversion to XP by:
# Atoa
# Original translation versions by:
# Kylock
# Translation continued by:
# Mr. Bubble
# XP version Translation by:
# cairn
# Special thanks:
# Shu (for translation help)
# Moonlight (for her passionate bug support for this script)
# NightWalker (for his community support for this script)
# XRXS (for the script of damage gravity, which was modified and
# used as the system's base of damage exibition)
# Squall (for the FF styled damage script, which was modified
# and added to the damage exibition system)
# KGC (for the STBreaker script, which was the base for the
# attribute limit system)
# Herena Isaberu (for her support in XP version bug fixes)
# Enu (for making an awesome battle system)
# ■ module N01
# Sideview Battle System Config
module N01
# ● Settings
# Battle member starting positions
# X Y X Y X Y X Y
ACTOR_POSITION = [[460,180],[480,210],[500,240],[520,270]]
# Maximum party members that can fight at the same time.
# Remember to add/remove coordinates in ACTOR_POSITION if you adjust
# the MAX_MEMBER value.
# Delay time after a battler completes an action in frames.
# Delay time before enemy collapse (defeat of enemy) animation in frames.
# Delay before victory is processed in frames.
# Animation ID for any unarmed attack.
# Damage modifications when using two weapons. Values are percentages.
# 1st Wpn, 2nd Wpn
# Auto-Life State: Revivial Animation ID
# POP Window indicator words. For no word results, use "".
POP_MISS = "Miss" # Attack missed
POP_EVA = "Evade" # Attack avoided
POP_CRI = "Critical" # Attack scored a critical hit
# Set to false to remove shadow under actors
SHADOW = true
# true: Use actor's walking graphic.
# false: Don't use actor's walking graphic.
# If false, battler file with "_1" is required since walking file is not used.
# "_1" and subsequent files ("_2", "_3", etc.) should be uniform in size.
# Number of frames in a battler animation file. (horizontal frames)
# Number of types of battler animation file. (vertical frames)
# ■ Single Action Engine
# These are utilized by sequenced actions and have no utility alone.
# A single-action cannot be used by itself unless it is used as part of a
# sequence.
# ● Battler Animations
# No. - Battler graphic file used.
# 0: Normal Battler Graphic. In the case of Actors, 0 refers to
# default walking graphic.
# n: "Character Name + _n", where n refers to the file number
# extension. An example file would be "$Ralph_1". These
# files are placed in the Characters folder.
# Use "1" for non-standard battler, like Minkoff's.
# Row - Vertical position (row) of cells in battler graphic file. (0~3)
# Speed - Refresh rate of animation. Lower numbers are faster.
# Loop - [0: "Round-Trip" Loop] Example: 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 ...
# [1: "One-Way" Loop] Example: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ...
# [2: One Loop, no repeat] Example: 1 2 3 .
# Wait - Time, in frames, before animation loops again.
# Does not apply if Loop=2
# Fixed - Defines loop behavior or specific fixed cell display.
# -2: Reverse Loop Animation
# -1: Normal Loop Animation
# 0: No Loop Animation
# 0~3: Fixed cell display. Refers to cell on character sprite
# sheet starting where 0 = left-most cell.
# Z - Set battler's Z priority.
# Shadow - Set true to display battler shadow during animation; false to hide.
# Weapon - Weapon animation to play with battler animation. For no weapon
# animation, use "".
# Action Name No. Row Speed Loop Wait Fixed Z Shadow Weapon
"WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
"WAIT(FIXED)" => [ 0, 1, 10, 2, 0, 0, 0, true,"" ],
"RIGHT(FIXED)" => [ 0, 2, 10, 1, 2, 0, 0, true,"" ],
"DAMAGE" => [ 0, 3, 4, 2, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
"ATTACK_FAIL" => [ 0, 3, 10, 1, 8, 1, 0, true,"" ],
"MOVE_TO" => [ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
"MOVE_AWAY" => [ 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],
"ABOVE_DISPLAY" => [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, 600, true,"" ],
"WPN_SWING_V" => [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, -1, 2, true,"VERT_SWING"],
"WPN_SWING_VL" => [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, -1, 2, true,"VERT_SWINGL"],
"WPN_SWING_VS" => [ 0, 1, 6, 2, 0, -1, 2, true,"VERT_SWING"],
"WPN_SWING_UNDER" => [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, -1, 2, true,"UNDER_SWING"],
"WPN_SWING_OVER" => [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, -1, 2, true,"OVER_SWING"],
"WPN_RAISED" => [ 0, 1, 2, 2, 28, -1, 2, true,"RAISED"],
# ● Weapon Animations
# Weapon Animations can only be used with Battler Animations as seen
# and defined above.
# Xa - Distance weapon sprite is moved on the X-axis.
# Ya - Distance weapon sprite is moved on the Y-axis. Please note that
# the Y-axis is inverted. This means negative values move up, positive
# values move down.
# Za - If true, weapon sprite is displayed over battler sprite.
# If false, weapon sprite is displayed behind battler sprite.
# A1 - Starting angle of weapon sprite rotation. Negative numbers will
# result in counter-clockwise rotation.
# A2 - Ending angle of weapon sprite rotation. Rotation will stop here.
# Or - Rotation Origin - [0: Center] [1: Upper Left] [2: Upper Right]
# [3:Bottom Left] [4:Bottom Right]
# Inv - Invert - If true, horizontally inverts weapon sprite.
# Xs - X scale - Stretches weapon sprite horizontally by a factor of X.
# Values may be decimals. (0.6, 0.9, etc.)
# Ys - Y scale - Stretches weapon sprite vertically by a factor of Y.
# Values may be decimals. (0.6, 0.9, etc.)
# Xp - X pitch - For adjusting the X axis. This number changes the initial
# X coordinate.
# Yp - Y pitch - For adjusting the Y axis. This number changes the initial
# Y coordinate.
# Weapon2 - If set to true, Two Weapon Style's Weapon 2 sprite will be used
# instead.
# Action Name Xa Ya Za A1 A2 Or Inv Xs Ys Xp Yp Weapon2
"VERT_SWING" => [ 6, 8,false,-135, 45, 4,false, 1, 1, -6, -12,false],
"VERT_SWINGL" => [ 6, 8,false,-135, 45, 4,false, 1, 1, -6, -12, true],
"UNDER_SWING" => [ 6, 8,false, 270, 45, 4,false, 1, 1, -6, -12,false],
"OVER_SWING" => [ 6, 8,false, 45,-100, 4,false, 1, 1, -6, -12,false],
"RAISED" => [ 6, -4,false, 90, -45, 4,false, 1, 1, -6, -12,false],
# ● Battler Movements
# Origin - Defines the origin of movement based on an (x,y) coordinate plane.
# 1 unit = 1 pixel
# [0: Battler's Current Position]
# [1: Battler's Selected Target]
# [2: Screen; (0,0) is at upper-left of screen]
# [3: Battle Start Position]
# X - X-axis pixels from origin.
# Y - Y-axis pixels from origin. Please note that the Y-axis is
# inverted. This means negative values move up, positive values move down.
# Time - Travel time. Larger numbers are slower. The distance is
# divided by one frame of movement.
# Accel - Positive values accelerates frames. Negative values decelerates.
# Jump - Negative values produce a jumping arc. Positive values produce
# a reverse arc. [0: No jump]
# Animation - Battler Animation utilized during movement.
# Origin X Y Time Accel Jump Animation
"NO_MOVE" => [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"START_POSITION" => [ 0, 54, 0, 1, 0, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"BEFORE_MOVE" => [ 3, -32, 0, 18, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"AFTER_MOVE" => [ 0, 32, 0, 8, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"4_MAN_ATTACK_1" => [ 2, 564, 186, 12, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"4_MAN_ATTACK_2" => [ 2, 564, 212, 12, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"4_MAN_ATTACK_3" => [ 2, 504, 174, 12, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"4_MAN_ATTACK_4" => [ 2, 504, 254, 12, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"DEAL_DAMAGE" => [ 0, 32, 0, 4, -1, 0, "DAMAGE"],
"EXTRUDE" => [ 0, 12, 0, 1, 1, 0, "DAMAGE"],
"FLEE_SUCCESS" => [ 0, 300, 0,300, 1, 0, "MOVE_AWAY"],
"FLEE_FAIL" => [ 0, 48, 0, 16, 1, 0, "MOVE_AWAY"],
"VICTORY_JUMP" => [ 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, -5, "MOVE_TO"],
"MOVING_TARGET" => [ 1, 0, 0, 18, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"MOVING_TARGET_FAST" => [ 1, 0, -12, 8, 0, -2, "MOVE_TO"],
"PREV_MOVING_TARGET" => [ 1, 24, 0, 12, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"PREV_MOVING_TARGET_FAST" => [ 1, 24, 0, 1, 0, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"MOVING_TARGET_RIGHT" => [ 1, 96, 32, 16, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"MOVING_TARGET_LEFT" => [ 1, 96, -32, 16, -1, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"JUMP_TO" => [ 0, -32, 0, 8, -1, -4, "MOVE_TO"],
"JUMP_AWAY" => [ 0, 32, 0, 8, -1, -4, "MOVE_AWAY"],
"JUMP_TO_TARGET" => [ 1, 12, -12, 12, -1, -6, "MOVE_TO"],
"THROW_ALLY" => [ 0, -24, 0, 16, 0, -2, "MOVE_TO"],
"TRAMPLE" => [ 1, 12, -32, 12, -1, -6, "ABOVE_DISPLAY"],
"PREV_JUMP_ATTACK" => [ 0, -32, 0, 12, -1, -2, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"PREV_STEP_ATTACK" => [ 1, 12, 0, 12, -1, -5, "WPN_SWING_VS"],
"REAR_SWEEP_ATTACK" => [ 1, 12, 0, 16, 0, -3, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"JUMP_FIELD_ATTACK" => [ 1, 0, 0, 16, 0, -5, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"DASH_ATTACK" => [ 1, -96, 0, 16, 2, 0, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"RIGHT_DASH_ATTACK" => [ 1, -96, 32, 16, 2, 0, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"LEFT_DASH_ATTACK" => [ 1, -96, -32, 16, 2, 0, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"RIGHT_DASH_ATTACK2" => [ 1,-128, 48, 16, 2, 0, "WPN_SWING_V"],
"LEFT_DASH_ATTACK2" => [ 1,-128, -48, 16, 2, 0, "WPN_SWING_V"],
# ● Battler Float Animations
# These types of single-actions defines the movement of battlers from their
# own shadows. Please note that it is not possible to move horizontally
# while floating from a shadow.
# Type - Always "float".
# A - Starting float height. Negative values move up.
# Positive values move down.
# B - Ending float height. This height is maintained until another action.
# Time - Duration of movement from point A to point B
# Animation - Specifies the Battler Animation to be used.
# Type A B Time Animation
"FLOAT_" => ["float", -22, -20, 2, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"FLOAT_2" => ["float", -20, -18, 2, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"FLOAT_3" => ["float", -18, -20, 2, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"FLOAT_4" => ["float", -20, -22, 2, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"JUMP_STOP" => ["float", 0, -80, 4, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"JUMP_LAND" => ["float", -80, 0, 4, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
"LIFT" => ["float", 0, -30, 4, "WAIT(FIXED)"],
# ● Battler Position Reset
# These types of single-actions define when a battler's turn is over and
# will reset the battler back to its starting coordinates. This type of
# single-action is required in all sequences.
# Please note that after a sequence has used this type of single-action,
# no more damage can be done by the battler since its turn is over.
# Type - Always "reset"
# Time - Time it takes to return to starting coordinates. Movement speed
# fluctuates depending on distance from start coordinates.
# Accel - Positive values accelerate. Negative values decelerate.
# Jump - Negative values produce a jumping arc. Positive values produce
# a reverse arc. [0: No jump]
# Animation - Specifies the Battler Animation to be used.
# Type Time Accel Jump Animation
"COORD_RESET" => ["reset", 16, 0, 0, "MOVE_TO"],
"FLEE_RESET" => ["reset", 16, 0, 0, "MOVE_AWAY"],
# ● Forced Battler Actions
# These types of single-actions allow forced control of other battlers
# that you define.
# Type - Specifies action type. "SINGLE" or "SEQUENCE"
# Object - The battler that will execute the action defined under Action
# Name. 0 is for selected target, and any other number is a State
# number (1~999), and affects all battlers with the State on them.
# By adding a - (minus sign) followed by a Skill ID number (1~999),
# it will define the actors that know the specified skill, besides
# the original actor.
# If you want to designate an actor by their index ID number,
# add 1000 to their index ID number. If the system cannot designate
# the index number(such as if actor is dead or ran away), it will
# select the nearest one starting from 0. If a response fails,
# the action will be canceled. (Example: Ylva's actor ID is 4. A
# value of 1004 would define Ylva as the Object.)
# Reset Type - Specifies method of returning the battler to its original
# location.
# Action Name - Specifies action used. If Type is SINGLE, then Action Name
# must be a single-action function. If Type is SEQUENCE,
# the Action Name must an action sequence name.
# Type Object Reset Type Action Name
"LIFT_ALLY" => ["SINGLE", 0, "", "LIFT"],
"4_MAN_ATK_1" => ["SEQUENCE", -101, "COORD_RESET", "4_MAN_ATTACK_1"],
"4_MAN_ATK_2" => ["SEQUENCE", -102, "COORD_RESET", "4_MAN_ATTACK_2"],
"4_MAN_ATK_3" => ["SEQUENCE", -103, "COORD_RESET", "4_MAN_ATTACK_3"],
# ● Target Modification
# Changes battler's target in battle. Original target will still be stored.
# Current battler is the only battler capable of causing damage.
# Type - Always "target"
# Object - The battler that will have its target modified. 0 is selected
# target, any other number is a State ID number (1~999), and
# changes all battlers with that state on them to target the new
# designated target.
# If you want to designate an actor by their index ID number,
# add 1000 to their index ID number. If the system cannot designate
# the index number(such as if actor is dead or ran away), it will
# select the nearest one starting from 0. If a response fails,
# the action will be canceled. (Example: Ylva's actor ID is 4. A
# value of 1004 would define Ylva as the Object.)
# Target - New Target. [0=Self] [1=Self's Target]
# [2=Self's Target After Modification]
# [3=Reset to Previous Target (if 2 was used)]
# Target Mod name Type Object Target
"REAL_TARGET" => ["target", 0, 0],
"TWO_UNIFIED_TARGETS" => ["target", 18, 1],
"FOUR_UNIFIED_TARGETS" => ["target", 19, 1],
"ALLY_TO_THROW" => ["target", 1000, 2],
"THROW_TARGET" => ["target", 1000, 3],
# ● Skill Linking
# Linking to the next skill will stop any current action. Linking to the
# next skill will also require and consume MP/HP cost of that skill.
# Type - Always "der"
# Chance - Chance, in percent, to link to the defined skill ID. (0~100)
# Link - true: actor does not require Skill ID learned to link.
# false: actor requires Skill ID learned.
# Skill ID - ID of the skill that will be linked to.
# Action Name Type Chance Link Skill ID
"LINK_SKILL_91" => ["der", 100, true, 91],
"LINK_SKILL_92" => ["der", 100, true, 92],
# ● Action Conditions
# If the condition is not met, all current actions are canceled.
# A: Type - always "nece"
# B: Object - Object that Condition refers to. [0=Self] [1=Target]
# [2=All Enemies] [3=All Allies]
# C: Content - [0=State] [1=Parameter] [2=Switch] [3=Variable] [4=Skill]
# D: Condition - This value is determined by the value you set for Content.
# [0] State: State ID
# [1] Parameter: [0=Current HP] [1=Current MP] [2=ATK] [3=DEX] [4=AGI] [5=INT]
# [2] Switch: Game Switch Number
# [3] Variable: Game Variable Number
# [4] Skill: Skill ID
# E: Supplement - Supplement for the Condition as defined above.
# [0] State: Amount required. If number is positive, the condition is how
# many have the state, while a negative number are those who
# don't have the state.
# [1] Parameter: If Object is more than one battler, average is used.
# Success if Parameter is greater than value. If Value
# is negative, then success if lower.
# [2] Switch: [true: Switch ON succeeds] [false: Switch OFF succeeds]
# [3] Variable: Game variable value used to determine if condition is met. If
# supplement value is positive, Game Variable must have more
# than the defined amount to succeed. If supplement value has a
# minus symbol (-) attached, Game Variable must have less than
# the defined amount to succeed. (Ex: -250 means the Game
# Variable must have a value less than 250 to succeed.)
# [4] Skill: Required amount of battlers that have the specified skill
# ID learned.
# Type Obj Cont Cond Supplement
# A B C D E
"2_MAN_ATK_COND" => ["nece", 3, 0, 18, 1],
"4_MAN_ATK_COND" => ["nece", 3, 0, 19, 3],
"FLOAT_STATE" => ["nece", 0, 0, 17, 1],
"CAT_STATE" => ["nece", 0, 0, 20, 1],
# ● Battler Rotation
# Rotates battler image. Weapon Animations are not automatically adjusted
# for Battler Rotation like with Invert settings.
# Type - always "angle"
# Time - Duration duration of rotation animation in frames.
# Start - Starting angle. 0-360 degrees. Can be negative.
# End - Ending Angle. 0-360 degrees. Can be negative.
# Return - true: End of rotation is the same as end of duration.
# false: Rotation animation as defined.
# Type Time Start End Return
"FALLEN" => ["angle", 1, -90, -90,false],
"CLOCKWISE_TURN" => ["angle", 48, 0,-360,false],
"COUNTERCLOCKWISE_TURN" => ["angle", 6, 0, 360,false],
# ● Battler Zoom
# Stretch and shrink battler sprites with these single-actions.
# Type - always "zoom"
# Time - Duration of zoom animation in frames.
# X - X scale - Stretches battler sprite horizontally by a factor of X.
# 1.0 is normal size, 0.5 is half size.
# Y - Y scale - Stretches battler sprite vertically by a factor of Y.
# 1.0 would be normal size, 0.5 would be half size.
# Return - true: End of rotation is the same as end of duration.
# false: Zoom animation as defined.
# Battler zoom is still temporary.
# Type Time X Y Return
"X_SHRINK" => ["zoom", 16, 0.5, 1.0, true],
"Y_SHRINK" => ["zoom", 16, 1.0, 0.5, true],
# ● Damage and Database-Assigned Animations
# These single-actions deal with animations, particularly with those assigned
# in the Database for Weapons, Skills and Items. These are what causes
# any damage/healing/state/etc. application from Weapons, Skills and Items.
# A difference between "anime" and "m_a" single-actions is that
# "anime" triggered animations will move with the Object on the screen. The
# Z-axis of animations will always be over battler sprites. If "OBJ_ANIM"
# is added at the beginning of the name, it will be both damage and defined
# animation.
# Type - always "anime"
# ID - (-1): Uses assigned animation from game Database.
# (-2): Uses equipped Weapon animation as assigned in the Database.
# (1~999): Database Animation ID.
# Object - [0=Self] [1=Target]
# Invert - If set to true, the animation is inverted horizontally.
# Wait - true: Sequence will not continue until animation is completed.
# false: Sequence will continue regardless of animation length.
# Weapon2 - true: If wielding two weapons, damage and animation will be
# based off Weapon 2.
# Type ID Object Invert Wait Weapon2
"OBJ_ANIM" => ["anime", -1, 1, false,false, false],
"OBJ_ANIM_WEIGHT" => ["anime", -1, 1, false, true, false],
"OBJ_ANIM_WEAPON" => ["anime", -2, 1, false,false, false],
"OBJ_ANIM_L" => ["anime", -1, 1, false,false, true],
"HIT_ANIM" => ["anime", 14, 1, false,false, false],
"KILL_HIT_ANIM" => ["anime", 67, 1, false,false, false],
# ● Movement and Display of Animations
# These single-actions provide motion options for animations used for
# effects such as long-ranged attacks and projectiles. Weapon sprites
# may also substitute animations.
# A difference between "m_a" and "anime" single-actions is that "m_a"
# animations will stay where the Object was even if the Object moved.
# Type - always "m_a"
# ID - 1~999: Database Animation ID
# 0: No animation displayed.
# Object - Animation's target. [0=Target] [1=Enemy's Area]
# [2=Party's Area] [4=Self]
# Pass - [0: Animation stops when it reaches the Object.]
# [1: Animation passes through the Object and continues.]
# Time - Duration of animation travel time and display. Larger values
# decrease travel speed. Increase this value if the animation
# being played is cut short.
# Arc - Trajectory - Positive values produce a low arc.
# Negative values produce a high arc.
# [0: No Arc]
# Xp - X Pitch - This value adjusts the initial X coordinate of the
# animation. Enemy calculation will be automatically inverted.
# Yp - Y Pitch - This value adjusts the initial X coordinate of the
# animation.
# Start - Defines origin of animation movement.
# [0=Self] [1=Target] [2=No Movement]
# Z-axis - true: Animation will be over the battler sprite.
# false: Animation will be behind battler sprite.
# Weapon - Insert only "Throwing Weapon Rotation" and
# "Throwing Skill Rotation" actions. For no weapon sprite, use "".
# Type ID Object Pass Time Arc Xp Yp Start Z Weapon
"START_MAGIC_ANIM" => ["m_a", 2, 4, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0, 2,false,""],
"OBJ_TO_SELF" => ["m_a", 51, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 1,false,""],
"START_WEAPON_THROW"=> ["m_a", 0, 0, 0, 16, -24, 0, 0, 0,false,"WPN_ROTATION"],
"END_WEAPON_THROW" => ["m_a", 0, 0, 0, 16, 24, 0, 0, 1,false,"WPN_ROTATION"],
"STAND_CAST" => ["m_a",100, 1, 0, 64, 0, 0, 0, 2, true,""],
# ● Throwing Weapon Rotation
# These are used to rotate weapon sprites that are "thrown" with Movement of
# Animation single-actions. These must be used while the sprite is in flight.
# You may assign a different weapon graphic to be thrown in this
# configuration script under Throwing Weapon Graphic Settings.
# Start - Starting angle in degrees (0-360)
# End - Ending angle in degrees. (0-360)
# Time - Duration, in frames, of a single rotation. Rotation will continue
# until the animation is complete.
# Start Angle Time
"WPN_ROTATION" => [ 0, 360, 8],
# ● Throwing Skill Rotation
# Different from Throwing Weapon Rotation. These single-actions are used to
# rotate weapon sprites that are "thrown" with Movement of Animation single
# actions. These are specifically used with skills. You may assign a different weapon graphic to be
# thrown in this configuration script under Throwing Weapon Graphic Settings.
# Start - Starting angle in degrees (0-360)
# End - Ending angle in degrees. (0-360)
# Time - Duration, in frames, of a single rotation. Rotation will continue
# until the animation is complete.
# Type - Always "skill".
# Weapon Action Name Start End Time Type
"WPN_THROW" => [ 0, 360, 8, "skill"],
# ● Status Balloon Animation
# Uses Balloon.png in the System folder.
# Type - Always "balloon"
# Row - Determines row from the Balloon.png (0~9)
# Loop - Balloon loop behavior. Balloon disappears when loop is
# complete. [0="One-Way" Loop] [1="Round-Trip" Loop]
# Emote Name Type Row Loop
"STATUS-NORMAL" => ["balloon", 6, 1],
"STATUS-CRITICAL" => ["balloon", 5, 1],
"STATUS-SLEEP" => ["balloon", 9, 1],
# ● Sound Effect Actions
# Type1 - always "sound"
# Type2 - ["se","bgm","bgs"]
# Pitch - Value between 50 and 150.
# Vol - Volume - Value between 0 and 100.
# Filename - Name of the sound to be played.
# Type1 Type2 Pitch Vol Filename
"062-Swing01" => ["sound", "se", 80, 100, "062-Swing01"],
# ● Game Speed Modifier
# Type - always "fps"
# Speed - Speed in Frames Per Second. 40 is normal frame rate.
# Use with care as this function modifies FPS directly and will conversly
# affect any active timers or time systems.
# Type Speed
"FPS_SLOW" => ["fps", 20],
"FPS_NORMAL" => ["fps", 40],
# ● State Granting Effects
# Type - always "sta+"
# Object - [0=Self] [1=Target] [2=All Enemies] [3=All Allies]
# [4=All Allies (excluding user)]
# State ID - State ID to be granted.
# Type Object State ID
"2_MAN_TECH_GRANT" => ["sta+", 0, 18],
"4_MAN_TECH_GRANT" => ["sta+", 0, 19],
"CATFORM_GRANT" => ["sta+", 0, 20],
# ● State Removal Effects
# Type - always "sta-"
# Object - [0=Self] [1=Target] [2=All Enemies] [3=All Allies]
# [4=All Allies (excluding user)]
# State ID - State ID to be removed.
# Type Object State ID
"2_MAN_TECH_REVOKE" => ["sta-", 3, 18],
"4_MAN_TECH_REVOKE" => ["sta-", 3, 19],
# ● Battler Transformation Effects
# Type - always "change"
# Reset - true: Battler sprite reverts back to default file after battle.
# false: Transformation is permanent after battle.
# Filename - Battler graphics file that will be transformed to.
# Type Reset Filename
"TRANSFORM_CAT" => ["change", true,"007-Fighter07"],
"TRANSFORM_CANCEL" => ["change", true,"040-Mage08"],
# ● Cut-In Image Effects
# Only one image can be displayed at a time.
# X1 - Image's starting X-coordinate.
# Y1 - Starting Y-coordinate.
# X2 - Ending X-coordinate.
# Y2 - Ending Y-coordinate.
# Time - Length of time from start to end. Higher value is slower.
# Z-axis - true: Image appears over BattleStatus Window.
# false: Image appears behind BattleStatus Window.
# Filename - File name from .Graphics\Pictures folder.
# Type X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Time Z-axis Filename
"CUT_IN_START" => ["pic",-280, 48, 0, 64, 14, false,"016-Thief01"],
"CUT_IN_END" => ["pic", 0, 48, 640, 64, 12, false,"016-Thief01"],
# ● Game Switch Settings
# Type - Always "switch"
# Switch - Switch number from the game database.
# ON/OFF - [true:Switch ON] [false:Switch OFF]
# Type Switch ON/OFF
"GAME_SWITCH_1_ON" => ["switch", 1, true],
# ● Game Variable Settings
# Type - Always "variable"
# Var - Variable Number from the game database.
# Oper - [0=Set] [1=Add] [2=Sub] [3=Mul] [4=Div] [5=Mod]
# X - value of the operation.
# Type Var Oper X
"GAME_VAR_1_+1" => ["variable", 1, 1, 1],
# ● Script Operation Settings
# Type - Always "script"
# Inserts a simple script code into the action sequence. In the sample,
# where it says p=1 can be replaced with any script. Character strings
# and anything beyond functions will not work. (?)
# Type
"TEST_SCRIPT" => ["script", "
p = 1
# ● Special Modifiers - DO NOT CHANGE THESE NAMES
# Clear image - Clears images such as Cut-in graphics.
# Afterimage ON - Activates Afterimage of battler.
# Afterimage OFF - Deactivates Afterimage.
# Invert - Invert animation. Use Invert again in a sequence to cancel
# because "COORD_RESET" does not reset Invert.
# Don't Wait - Any actions after Don't Wait is applied are done instantly.
# Apply "Don't Wait" again in a sequence to trigger off.
# Can Collapse - Triggers collapse of battler when HP is 0.
# Required in every damage sequence.
# Two Wpn Only - The single-action following Two Wpn Only will only execute
# if the actor is wielding two weapons. If the actor is not,
# the single-action will be skipped and will move on to the next.
# One Wpn Only - The single-action following One Wpn Only will only execute
# if the actor is wielding one weapon. If the actor is not,
# the single-action will be skipped and will move on to the next.
# Process Skill - The Return marker for individual processing of a skill.
# Process Skill End - The End marker for individual processing of a skill.
# Start Pos Change - Changes the Start Position to wherever the battler
# currently is on screen.
# Start Pos Return - Returns battler to original Start Position.
# Cancel Action - Trigger the "end" of battler's turn which will cause the
# the next battler's turn to execute.
# This includes the function of Can Collapse, and no
# additional damage can be dealt by the battler after this.
# End - This is used when no action is automatically recognized.
# Note: If you wish to understand how Process Skill and Process Skill End
# functions, please examine the "SKILL_ALL" sequence in this Config
# and use the Float All skill provided in the demo to see how it works.
"Clear image" => ["Clear image"],
"Afterimage ON" => ["Afterimage ON"],
"Afterimage OFF" => ["Afterimage OFF"],
"Invert" => ["Invert"],
"Don't Wait" => ["Don't Wait"],
"Can Collapse" => ["Can Collapse"],
"Two Wpn Only" => ["Two Wpn Only"],
"One Wpn Only" => ["One Wpn Only"],
"Process Skill" => ["Process Skill"],
"Process Skill End" => ["Process Skill End"],
"Start Pos Change" => ["Start Pos Change"],
"Start Pos Return" => ["Start Pos Return"],
"Cancel Action" => ["Cancel Action"],
"End" => ["End"]
# ● About Wait
# When there is only a numerical value as a single-action name, it will be
# considered a delay, in frames, before the Action Sequence continues.
# (i.e. "10", "42") Because of this, single-action function names for the
# effects defined above cannot be entirely numerical. Any Battler Animations
# that have been prompted will persist when Waiting.
# ■ Action Sequence
# Action sequences are made of the single-action functions defined above.
# Action Sequences defined here can be used for Actor/Enemy actions below.
# Sequences are processed left to right in order.
#------------------------------- Basic Actions --------------------------------
"WAIT" => ["WAIT"],
"WAIT-FLOAT" => ["WAIT(FIXED)","6","FLOAT_","4",
"WAIT(FIXED)","Don't Wait","CAT_STATE",
#---------------------- "Forced Action" Sequences --------------------------
#---------------------- Basic Action Oriented ------------------------------
"12","WPN_SWING_VL","OBJ_ANIM_L","Two Wpn Only","16",
"Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET"],
"Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET"],
"OBJ_ANIM_WEIGHT","Can Collapse","24","COORD_RESET"],
"Process Skill","WPN_SWING_V","OBJ_ANIM","24",
"Process Skill End","Can Collapse","COORD_RESET"],
"Can Collapse","COORD_RESET"],
#------------------------------ Skill Sequences -------------------------------
"Afterimage OFF","16","FLEE_RESET"],
"Can Collapse","12","COORD_RESET"],
"Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET","2_MAN_TECH_REVOKE"],
"Can Collapse","FLEE_RESET","4_MAN_TECH_REVOKE"],
"MULTI_SHOCK" => ["JUMP_TO","JUMP_STOP","Process Skill",
"OBJ_ANIM_WEAPON","Process Skill End","Can Collapse",
"OBJ_ANIM_WEIGHT","Can Collapse"],
"Clear image","FLEE_RESET"],
"JUMP_AWAY","Can Collapse","WAIT(FIXED)","8","FLEE_RESET"],
"End" => ["End"]}
# ■ Game_Actor
# Actor Basic Action Settings
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# ● Actor Unarmed Attack Animation Sequence
# when 1 <- Actor ID number
# return "NORMAL_ATTACK" <- Corresponding action sequence name.
def non_weapon
case @actor_id
when 1 # Actor ID
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Wait/Idle Animation
def normal
case @actor_id
when 1
return "WAIT"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "WAIT"
# ● Actor Critical (1/4th HP) Animation
def pinch
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Guarding Animation
def defence
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Damage Taken Animation
def damage_hit
case @actor_id
when 1
return "DAMAGE"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "DAMAGE"
# ● Actor Evasion Animation
def evasion
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Command Input Animation
def command_b
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Command Selected Animation
def command_a
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Flee Success Animation
def run_success
case @actor_id
when 1
return "FLEE"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "FLEE"
# ● Actor Flee Failure Animation
def run_ng
case @actor_id
when 1
return "FLEE_FAIL"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "FLEE_FAIL"
# ● Actor Victory Animation
def win
case @actor_id
when 1
return "VICTORY"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "VICTORY"
# ● Actor Battle Start Animation
def first_action
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Return Action when actions are interuptted/canceled
def recover_action
case @actor_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Actor IDs.
# ● Actor Shadow
# return "shadow01" <- Image file name in .Graphics\Characters
# return "" <- No shadow used.
def shadow
case @actor_id
when 1
return "shadow00"
# Default shadow for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return "shadow00"
# ● Actor Shadow Adjustment
# return [ X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]
def shadow_plus
case @actor_id
when 1
return [ 0, 4]
# Default shadow positioning for all unassigned Actor IDs.
return [ 0, 4]
# ■ Game_Enemy
# Enemy Basic Action Settings
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
# ● Enemy Unarmed Attack Animation Sequence
# when 1 <- EnemyID#
# return "ENEMY_UNARMED_ATK" <- Corresponding action sequence name.
def base_action
case @enemy_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
# ● Enemy Wait/Idle Animation
def normal
case @enemy_id
when 1
return "WAIT"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return "WAIT"
# ● Enemy Critical (1/4th HP) Animation
def pinch
case @enemy_id
when 1
return "WAIT"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return "WAIT"
# ● Enemy Guarding Animation
def defence
case @enemy_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
# ● Enemy Damage Taken Animation
def damage_hit
case @enemy_id
when 1
return "DAMAGE"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return "DAMAGE"
# ● Enemy Evasion Animation
def evasion
case @enemy_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
# ● Enemy Flee Animation
def run_success
case @enemy_id
when 1
return "ENEMY_FLEE"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return "ENEMY_FLEE"
# ● Enemy Battle Start Animation
def first_action
case @enemy_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
# ● Enemy Return Action when action is interuptted/discontinued
def recover_action
case @enemy_id
when 1
# Default action sequence for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
# ● Enemy Shadow
# return "shadow01" <- Image file name in .Graphics\Characters
# return "" <- No shadow used.
def shadow
case @enemy_id
when 1
return "shadow01"
when 30
return ""
# Default shadow for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return "shadow01"
# ● Enemy Shadow Adjustment
# return [ X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate]
def shadow_plus
case @enemy_id
when 1
return [ 0, -8]
# Default shadow positioning for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return [ 0, 0]
# ● Enemy Equipped Weapon
# return 0 (Unarmed/No weapon equipped.)
# return 1 (Weapon ID number. (1~999))
def weapon
case @enemy_id
when 1 # Enemy ID
return 0 # Weapon ID
# Default weapon for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return 0
# ● Enemy Screen Positioning Adjustment
# return [ 0, 0] <- [X-coordinate、Y-coordinate]
def position_plus
case @enemy_id
when 1
return [0, 0]
# Default positioning for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return [ 0, 0]
# ● Enemy Collapse Animation Settings
# return 1 (Enemy sprite stays on screen after death.)
# return 2 (Enemy disappears from the battle like normal.)
# return 3 (Special collapse animation.) <- Good for bosses.
def collapse_type
case @enemy_id
when 1
return 2
when 30
return 3
# Default collapse for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return 2
# ● Enemy Multiple Action Settings
# Maximum Actions, Probability, Speed Adjustment
# return [ 2, 100, 100]
# Maximum Actions - Maximum number of actions enemy may execute in a turn.
# Probability - % value. Chance for a successive action.
# Speed Adjustment - % value that decreases enemy's speed after
# each successive action.
def action_time
case @enemy_id
when 1
return [ 1, 100, 100]
# Default action for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return [ 1, 100, 100]
# ● Enemy Animated Battler Settings
# return true - Enemy battler uses same animation frames as actors.
# return false - Default enemy battler.
# [Settings]
# 1.Enemy animated battler file must be in .Graphics\Characters folder.
# 2.Enemy battler file names must match between .Graphics\Characters and
# .Graphics/Battlers folders.
def anime_on
case @enemy_id
when 1
return false
# Default setting for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return false
# ● Enemy Invert Settings
# return false <- Normal
# return true <- Inverts enemy image
def action_mirror
case @enemy_id
when 1
return false
# Default setting for all unassigned Enemy IDs.
return false
# ■ module RPG
# State Action Settings
class RPG::State
# ● State Affliction Wait Animation Settings
# when 1 <- State ID number
# return "DEAD" <- Action sequence when afflicted by specified state.
def base_action
case @id
when 1 # Incapacitated(HP0). Has the highest priority.
return "DEAD"
when 2,3,4,5,7
return "WAIT-NORMAL"
when 6
return "WAIT-SLEEP"
when 17
return "WAIT-FLOAT"
# Default action sequence for all unassigned State IDs.
return "WAIT"
# ● State Enhancement Extension Settings
# Note about REFLECT and NULL states:
# An item/skill is considered physical if "Physical Attack" is
# checked under "Options" in your Database. Otherwise, it is magical.
# "AUTOLIFE/50" - Automatically revives when Incapacitated.
# Value after "/" is % of MAXHP restored when revived.
# "MAGREFLECT/39" - Reflects magical skills to the original caster.
# Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
# "MAGNULL/39" - Nullify magical skills and effects.
# Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
# "PHYREFLECT/39" - Reflects physical skills to the original caster.
# Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
# "PHYNULL/39" - Nullify physical skills and effects.
# Value after "/" is Animation ID when triggered.
# "COSTABSORB" - Absorbs the MP (or HP) cost of an incoming skill when
# affected. This will not appear as POP Damage. This
# function is similar to Celes' "Runic" from FF6.
# "ZEROTURNLIFT" - State is lifted at the end of turn regardless.
# "EXCEPTENEMY" - Enemies will not use animation sequence assigned
# under State Affliction Wait Animation Settings when
# afflicted. (Actors still will.)
# "NOPOP" - State name will not appear as POP Damage.
# "HIDEICON" - State icon will not appear in the BattleStatus Window.
# "NOSTATEANIME" - State's caster and enemies will not use animation
# sequence assigned under State Affliction Wait Animation
# Settings when afflicted.
# "SLIPDAMAGE" - Apply slip damage. Assign values under Slip Damage Settings.
# "REGENERATION" - Apply regeneration. Assign values under Slip Damage Settings.
# "NONE" - No extension. Used as a default.
def extension
case @id
when 1 # Incapacitated State. Has highest priority.
when 2 # Poison
return ["SLIPDAMAGE"]
when 18 # 2-Man Tech
when 19 # 4-Man Tech
when 20 # Cat Transformation
# Default extension for unassigned State IDs.
return ["NONE"]
# ● Slip Damage Settings
# Also includes regeneration options.
# when 1 <- State ID. Slip Damage only applies if "SLIPDAMAGE" is assigned above.
# Multiple settings may be applied. Ex)[["hp",0,5,true],["mp",0,5,true]]
# Type, Constant, %, POP?, Allow Death
# return [["hp", 0, 10, true, true]]
# Type – "hp" or "mp".
# Constant – Set a constant value to apply each turn.
# Positive values are damage. Negative values are recovery.
# % - Set a percentage value to apply each turn based on MAX HP/MP.
# Positive values are damage. Negative values are recovery.
# POP? - Determines whether or not you want slip damage value to
# appear as POP Damage.
# Allow Death - true: Slip damage can kill.
# false: Slip damage will not kill. (Battler will be left at 1 HP)
def slip_extension
case @id
when 2 # Poison
return [["hp", 0, 10, true, true]]
return []
# ■ module RPG
# Weapon Action Settings
class RPG::Weapon
# ● Weapon Animation Sequence Settings
# Assigns a specific animation sequence when using a weapon.
# when 1 <- Weapon ID number
# return "NORMAL_ATTACK" <- Action sequence for assigned Weapon ID.
def base_action
case @id
when 1
# Default action sequence for unassigned Weapon IDs.
# ● Weapon Graphic Assignment Settings
# Allows use of a seperate weapon graphic besides the one assigned
# from Iconset.png
# return "001-Weapon01" <- Weapon image file name. If "", none is used.
# File must be in the .Graphics\Characters folder
# of your project.
def graphic
case @id
when 1
return ""
# Default weapon graphic for unassigned Weapon IDs.
return ""
# ● Throwing Weapon Graphic Settings
# Allows use of a seperate throwing weapon graphic besides the one assigned
# from Iconset.png. This is useful for arrows when you don't want the bow
# to be thrown.
# return "001-Weapon01" <- Weapon image file name. If "", none is used.
# File must be in the .Graphics\Characters folder
# of your project.
def flying_graphic
case @id
when 1
return ""
# Default throwing weapon graphic for unassigned Weapon IDs.
return ""
# ■ module RPG
# Skill Action Settings
class RPG::Skill
# ● Skill ID Sequence Assignments
# Assign a skill ID from the Database to execute a defined action sequence.
# Only action sequence names can be assigned. Single-action names cannot
# be directly assigned here.
def base_action
case @id
when 84
when 85
when 86
when 87
return "MULTI_SHOCK"
when 88
return "SHOCK_WAVE"
when 89
when 90
return "SKILL_90_SEQUENCE"
when 91
return "SKILL_91_SEQUENCE"
when 92
when 93
return "CUT_IN"
when 94
return "STOMP"
when 95
return "ALL_ATTACK_1"
when 96
return "SKILL_ALL"
when 97
when 98
return "2-MAN_ATTACK"
when 99
when 100
return "4-MAN_ATTACK"
when 101
when 102
when 103
when 104
# Default action sequence for unassigned Skill IDs.
return "NORMAL_ATTACK" if self.atk_f > 0
return "SKILL_USE"
# ● Skill Enhancement Extension Settings
# Multiple extensions may be applied to a skill ID.
# If "CONSUMEHP" is applied along with any other extensions that deal with
# MP in a forumla, it will be HP instead.
# This script WILL have compatibility issues with KGC_MPCostAlter.
# "NOEVADE" -Cannot be evaded regardless.
# "CONSUMEHP" -Consumes HP instead of MP.
# "%COSTMAX" -Consumes % of MAXMP. Example: Actor MAXMP500,
# 10 set in Database, MP50 cost.
# "%COSTNOW" -Consumes % of current MP.
# "IGNOREREFLECT" -Ignores damage reflection states.
# "%DAMAGEMAX/30" -Changes damage formula of skill to:
# damage = ENEMY MAX HP * [Integer] / 100
# [Integer] is the number you apply after "/".
# "%DAMAGENOW/30" -Changes damage formula of skill to:
# damage = ENEMY CURRENT HP * [Integer] / 100
# [Integer] is the number you apply after "/".
# "COSTPOWER" -Changes damage formula of skill to:
# damage = base damage * cost / MAX MP
# The more the skill costs, the more damage it will do.
# "HPNOWPOWER" -Changes damage formula of skill to:
# damage = base damage * CURRENT HP / MAX HP
# The less current HP you have, the less damage.
# "MPNOWPOWER" -Changes damage formula of skill to:
# damage = base damage * CURRENT MP / MAX MP
# The less current MP you have, the less damage.
# "NOHALFMPCOST" -"Half MP Cost" from armor options will not apply.
# "HELPHIDE" -Help window when casting will not appear.
# "TARGETALL" -Will affect all enemies and allies simultaneously.
# "RANDOMTARGET" -Target is chosen at random.
# "OTHERS" -Skill will not affect caster.
# "NOOVERKILL" -Damage will not be applied after the target reaches zero HP.
# "NOFLASH" -Battler will not flash when taking action.
# "FAST" -Battler will be the first to take action in the turn
# "SLOW" -Battler will be the last to take action in the turn
# "SPDAMAGE" -Damage is dealt to the target's SP instead of HP.
# "%DMGABSORB/50" -Part of the damage is converted into HP/SP to the user
# of the skill. Recovered % is the number after "/".
# "NONE" -No extension. Used as a default.
def extension
case @id
when 86
return ["NOOVERKILL"]
when 89
when 94
return ["NOOVERKILL"]
when 96
return ["TARGETALL"]
when 98
return ["NOOVERKILL"]
when 99
when 100
return ["NOOVERKILL"]
when 101
when 102
when 103
# Default extensions for unassigned Skill IDs.
return ["NONE"]
# ● Skill Throwing Weapon Graphic Settings
# - Allows use of a seperate throwing weapon graphic besides the one assigned
# from Iconset.png. This section is specifically for skills.
# return "001-Weapon01" <- Weapon image file name. If "", none is used.
# File must be in the .Graphics\Characters folder
# of your project.
def flying_graphic
case @id
when 1
return ""
# Default throwing skill graphic for unassigned Weapon IDs.
return ""
# ■ module RPG
# Item Action Settings
class RPG::Item
# ● Item ID Sequence Assignment
def base_action
case @id
when 1
return "ITEM_USE"
# Default action sequence for unassigned Item IDs.
return "ITEM_USE"
# ● Item Enhancement Extension Settings
# "NOEVADE" -Cannot be evaded regardless.
# "IGNOREREFLECT" -Ignores damage reflection states.
# "HELPHIDE" -Help window when casting will not appear.
# "TARGETALL" -Will affect all enemies and allies simultaneously.
# "RANDOMTARGET" -Target is chosen at random.
# "OTHERS" -Item will not affect caster.
# "NOOVERKILL" -Damage will not be applied after the target reaches zero HP.
# "NOFLASH" -Battler will not flash when taking action.
# "FAST" -Battler will be the first to take action in the turn
# "SLOW" -Battler will be the last to take action in the turn
# "NONE" -No extension. Used as a default.
def extension
case @id
when 1
return ["NONE"]
# Default extensions for unassigned Item IDs.
return ["NONE"]