Hello folks! Here is my first Windowskin contribution to the community. Below I have posted 43 VX Style Windowskins, all with each their own design. There will also be a small guide that references the colors in the Windows System Palette to denote what their uses are. Hope you like them, so let me know if you do or don't, or recommend a different color scheme and that sort of stuff.
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System Window Colors
vx_WSkins Description
We have here, 7 different Windowskin designs, and 6 colors for each design. All of these skins are 32bit PNG's with Alpha transparency for the tiling patterns. (That's the bottom left 64x64 image). These do not need to be imported because their transparency is already set. You only need to copy and paste them into your games System if you wish to use one. Of course, you can still IMPORT them, to keep it proper.
I have included a preview for each design using one of its colors. Each design has one each, of the following colors. Blue, Green, Grey, Red, Sepia and Tan. There is one more in a league of its own called Funky! That one has swirly colors in it. It's spastic if ya ask me! oO
TIP - For those who don't know
You can change the base window opacity in the script editor by opening up Tools > Script Editor (F11), Going to \/Window > Window_Base, and on line 27, there is the opacity setting. It's default at 200 opacity. From 0-255 you can adjust. Larger numbers are more opaque, smaller numbers are more translucent. I have set the opacity in the editor for all the previews to 225 so they are close to solid opaque.
Windowskins must be named Window.png/bmp/jpg.. inside your game folder. VX does not allow you to "Change Windowskin" with an event. Other means must be used to utilize more than just one in a single game.
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Window Skins Bellow
Enjoy! Feedback is welcome! I have some other design ideas but for now these should do. I'mma' try and finish my Expressive Facesets for weapons next and convert all my XP icons into an Icon sheet for use in VX. There are plenty of them but they don't work yet with VX.. gotta fix...
Cheers - vorp
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System Window Colors
OK, The following is a reference to the system color palette that's included with all VX Windowskins. I will attempt to explain what the colors represent. So here we go:
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DEFAULT VX Windowskin System Colors
http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmvx_tuts/ ... colors.png[/img]
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Colors 0 - 15 - Text Colors
These colors are used specifically for in-game text. Color "0" is always the main/default font color. To utilize different colors for text in your message windows, simply type into the main "Show Text" event and specify what color you wish to use. This information is in the HELP file of RMVX as well. Also don't forger to press F2 to preview your messages, and press F1 to get a description of other codes you can use for non text color situations. You CAN use the reference palette for personal use, at least until you wouldn't need it any longer. Go right ahead!
(BOLD) represents the opening and closing code. Always CLOSE (\c[xx]) with the color number you used previously, cuz' sometimes it may not always be white, as stated below.
Example: "Hello \c[10]Mr Person!\c[0] Nice to meet you!" Notice that color 10 is a lighter red.
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Colors 16 - 31 - System Colors
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DEFAULT VX Windowskin System Colors
http://vorpal86.snesorama.us/rmvx_tuts/ ... colors.png[/img]
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Colors 0 - 15 - Text Colors
These colors are used specifically for in-game text. Color "0" is always the main/default font color. To utilize different colors for text in your message windows, simply type into the main "Show Text" event and specify what color you wish to use. This information is in the HELP file of RMVX as well. Also don't forger to press F2 to preview your messages, and press F1 to get a description of other codes you can use for non text color situations. You CAN use the reference palette for personal use, at least until you wouldn't need it any longer. Go right ahead!
(BOLD) represents the opening and closing code. Always CLOSE (\c[xx]) with the color number you used previously, cuz' sometimes it may not always be white, as stated below.
Example: "Hello \c[10]Mr Person!\c[0] Nice to meet you!" Notice that color 10 is a lighter red.
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Colors 16 - 31 - System Colors
- Color 16 - This color is for Parameter Abbreviations and Equipment text while on your sub-menu. (LV, ATK, Weapon, Shield..)
Color 17 - This color denotes whether something like ATK power will drop when equipping, or when a character in battle is getting low on HP / MP.
Color 18 - This color denotes when a player has passed away in battle.
Color 19 - This color is the BG color for HP and MP life gauges when your character is not at full health.
Color 20 - 21 - These two colors, 20 - 21 are the HP life gauge shaded from color 20 left, to 21 right. RMVX creates a gradient from color 20 - 21 to represent your life gauge.
Color 22 - 23 - These two colors, 22 - 23 are the same as above, but for MP. *Notice how the colors have a light and dark shade at their start and end?
Color 24 - This color is a positive color. You got a new weapon, and equip it, then the green here is shown to signify a positive/increase.
Color 25 - 31 - As of now, after all the experimenting, I've not yet been able to find out when, and IF these colors are used. If anyone knows, please let me know unless I find out sooner. Thanks
We have here, 7 different Windowskin designs, and 6 colors for each design. All of these skins are 32bit PNG's with Alpha transparency for the tiling patterns. (That's the bottom left 64x64 image). These do not need to be imported because their transparency is already set. You only need to copy and paste them into your games System if you wish to use one. Of course, you can still IMPORT them, to keep it proper.
I have included a preview for each design using one of its colors. Each design has one each, of the following colors. Blue, Green, Grey, Red, Sepia and Tan. There is one more in a league of its own called Funky! That one has swirly colors in it. It's spastic if ya ask me! oO
TIP - For those who don't know
You can change the base window opacity in the script editor by opening up Tools > Script Editor (F11), Going to \/Window > Window_Base, and on line 27, there is the opacity setting. It's default at 200 opacity. From 0-255 you can adjust. Larger numbers are more opaque, smaller numbers are more translucent. I have set the opacity in the editor for all the previews to 225 so they are close to solid opaque.
Windowskins must be named Window.png/bmp/jpg.. inside your game folder. VX does not allow you to "Change Windowskin" with an event. Other means must be used to utilize more than just one in a single game.
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Window Skins Bellow
Get Them ALL Here! (256kb ZIP ) Each Skin bellow can be right clicked and downloaded individually.
BASIC BLUE - Preview
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JESTER RED - Preview
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SIMPLE TAN - Preview
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VINEY GREY - Preview
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BASIC BLUE - Preview
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JESTER RED - Preview
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SIMPLE TAN - Preview
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VINEY GREY - Preview
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Enjoy! Feedback is welcome! I have some other design ideas but for now these should do. I'mma' try and finish my Expressive Facesets for weapons next and convert all my XP icons into an Icon sheet for use in VX. There are plenty of them but they don't work yet with VX.. gotta fix...
Cheers - vorp