I requested one for XP and was able to get it a while back, but now I've upgraded to VX and need halp 
I know nothing about scripting, so if this sounds simple, I apologize in advance. Basically, what I want is a title screen that gets rid of the generic window skin, and uses pictures instead.
For example, I want to use instead of text 'New Game' with the blue windowskin, a picture file that has 'New Game' on it, but changes colors when its highlighted. This is the previous script I used on XP, but its not compatible with VX:
I know nothing about scripting, so if this sounds simple, I apologize in advance. Basically, what I want is a title screen that gets rid of the generic window skin, and uses pictures instead.
For example, I want to use instead of text 'New Game' with the blue windowskin, a picture file that has 'New Game' on it, but changes colors when its highlighted. This is the previous script I used on XP, but its not compatible with VX:
# Custom Title Screen ver. 1.01
# Script by Paradog Rewritten By Trickster
# http://rpg.para.s3p.net/
# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log("Custom Title Screen", "Paradog/Trickster", 1.01, "3.5.07")
# * Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [1,2,3,4])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Custom Title Screen")
module Para_Title
# * Image Menu
# - Use Images Instead of a Command Window
Image_Menu = true
# * Transparent Command Window
Transparent = false
# * Window Background Opacity
Opacity = 160
# * Horizontal Command Window Alignment
# - set to 0 to override with Position Value
# - 1 left 2 center 3 right
Horizontal_Align = 2
# * Vertical Alignment
# - set to 0 to override with Position Value
# - 1 left 2 center 3 right
Vertical_Align = 0
# * Command Window Position
# - x, y
Position = 0, 288
# * New Game Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
NewGame = 'newgame', 'newgame_active'
# * New Game Position
NewGame_Position = 250, 260
# * Load Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
Load = 'continue', 'continue_active'
# * Load Position
Load_Position = 250, 300
# * End Game Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
End = 'shutdown', 'shutdown_active'
# * End Position
End_Position = 250, 340
# * Blend Type for Sprites
# - 0 normal 1 add 2 subtract
Blend_Type = 0
class Scene_Title
# * Main Sprite
alias_method :para_custom_title_main_sprite, :main_sprite
def main_sprite
# The Usual
# New Game Sprite
@sprite_newgame = Sprite.new
@sprite_newgame.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[0])
@sprite_newgame.x, @sprite_newgame.y = Para_Title::NewGame_Position
# Load Sprite
@sprite_load = Sprite.new
@sprite_load.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[0])
@sprite_load.x, @sprite_load.y = Para_Title::Load_Position
# End Sprite
@sprite_end = Sprite.new
@sprite_end.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_end.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::End[0])
@sprite_end.x, @sprite_end.y = Para_Title::End_Position
# * Main Window
alias_method :para_custom_title_main_window, :main_window
def main_window
# The Usual
# If Transparent Window Option
if Para_Title::Transparent
# Window Transparent
@command_window.opacity = 0
# Set Back Opacity to Defined Value
@command_window.back_opacity = Para_Title::Opacity
# Branch By Window Align
case Para_Title::Horizontal_Align
when 0
@command_window.x = Para_Title::Position[0]
when 1
@command_window.x = 0
when 2
@command_window.x = (640 - @command_window.width) / 2
when 3
@command_window.x = 640 - @command_window.width
# Branch By Window Vertical Align
case Para_Title::Vertical_Align
when 0
@command_window.y = Para_Title::Position[1]
when 1
@command_window.y = 0
when 2
@command_window.y = (480 - @command_window.height) / 2
when 3
@command_window.y = 480 - @command_window.height
# Return if not image menu
return if not Para_Title::Image_Menu
# Set Command Window Invisible
@command_window.visible = false
# If Continue Enabled
if @continue_enabled
# Load Bitmap
@sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[1])
# Set Load Opacity
@sprite_load.opacity = 160
@sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[1])
# â—
# Custom Title Screen ver. 1.01
# Script by Paradog Rewritten By Trickster
# http://rpg.para.s3p.net/
# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log("Custom Title Screen", "Paradog/Trickster", 1.01, "3.5.07")
# * Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [1,2,3,4])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Custom Title Screen")
module Para_Title
# * Image Menu
# - Use Images Instead of a Command Window
Image_Menu = true
# * Transparent Command Window
Transparent = false
# * Window Background Opacity
Opacity = 160
# * Horizontal Command Window Alignment
# - set to 0 to override with Position Value
# - 1 left 2 center 3 right
Horizontal_Align = 2
# * Vertical Alignment
# - set to 0 to override with Position Value
# - 1 left 2 center 3 right
Vertical_Align = 0
# * Command Window Position
# - x, y
Position = 0, 288
# * New Game Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
NewGame = 'newgame', 'newgame_active'
# * New Game Position
NewGame_Position = 250, 260
# * Load Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
Load = 'continue', 'continue_active'
# * Load Position
Load_Position = 250, 300
# * End Game Image Sprite
# - Located in Graphics/Titles
End = 'shutdown', 'shutdown_active'
# * End Position
End_Position = 250, 340
# * Blend Type for Sprites
# - 0 normal 1 add 2 subtract
Blend_Type = 0
class Scene_Title
# * Main Sprite
alias_method :para_custom_title_main_sprite, :main_sprite
def main_sprite
# The Usual
# New Game Sprite
@sprite_newgame = Sprite.new
@sprite_newgame.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[0])
@sprite_newgame.x, @sprite_newgame.y = Para_Title::NewGame_Position
# Load Sprite
@sprite_load = Sprite.new
@sprite_load.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[0])
@sprite_load.x, @sprite_load.y = Para_Title::Load_Position
# End Sprite
@sprite_end = Sprite.new
@sprite_end.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type
@sprite_end.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::End[0])
@sprite_end.x, @sprite_end.y = Para_Title::End_Position
# * Main Window
alias_method :para_custom_title_main_window, :main_window
def main_window
# The Usual
# If Transparent Window Option
if Para_Title::Transparent
# Window Transparent
@command_window.opacity = 0
# Set Back Opacity to Defined Value
@command_window.back_opacity = Para_Title::Opacity
# Branch By Window Align
case Para_Title::Horizontal_Align
when 0
@command_window.x = Para_Title::Position[0]
when 1
@command_window.x = 0
when 2
@command_window.x = (640 - @command_window.width) / 2
when 3
@command_window.x = 640 - @command_window.width
# Branch By Window Vertical Align
case Para_Title::Vertical_Align
when 0
@command_window.y = Para_Title::Position[1]
when 1
@command_window.y = 0
when 2
@command_window.y = (480 - @command_window.height) / 2
when 3
@command_window.y = 480 - @command_window.height
# Return if not image menu
return if not Para_Title::Image_Menu
# Set Command Window Invisible
@command_window.visible = false
# If Continue Enabled
if @continue_enabled
# Load Bitmap
@sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[1])
# Set Load Opacity
@sprite_load.opacity = 160
@sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[1])
# â—