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[VX] Scroll Bar

Scroll Bar
by Dargor
Version 1.3


This little piece of code will display a scroll bar on the right side of any selectable window with more than 1 row.


That's all!



# ** Scroll Bar


#  © Dargor, 2008

#  27/06/08

#  Version 1.3



#   - 1.0 (26/05/08), Initial release

#   - 1.1 (24/06/08), Prevent the Stack error

#   - 1.2 (27/06/08), Added an option for Z-axis correction

#   - 1.3 (27/06/08), Added an option to improve compatibility with RPGXP



#   - Paste this above main

#   - Edit the constants in Scroll_Bar module




# ** Scroll Bar Customization Module


module Scroll_Bar

  # Scroll Bar back color

  Back_Color = Color.new(0,0,0)

  # Scroll Bar color

  Bar_Color = Color.new(28,64,255)

  # Use Z-axis correction 

  # (creates a new viewport for windows above a Scroll Bar)

  Z_Correction = true

  # Minimum viewport Z-axis

  Minimum_Z = 100

  # Used in RPG Maker XP

  XP = false




# ** Window_Base


#  This is a superclass of all windows in the game.



class Window_Base < Window


  # * Alias Listing


  alias dargor_vx_scrollbar_window_base_initialize initialize


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(*args)


    if Scroll_Bar::Z_Correction && !Scroll_Bar::XP

      self.viewport = Viewport.new(0,0,Graphics.width,Graphics.height)

      self.viewport.z = Scroll_Bar::Minimum_Z






# ** Window_Selectable


#  This window contains cursor movement and scroll functions.



class Window_Selectable < Window_Base


  # * Alias Listing


  if @scroll_bar_stack.nil?

    alias dargor_vx_scrollbar_window_selectable_update update

    alias dargor_vx_scrollbar_window_selectable_dispose dispose

    @scroll_bar_stack = true



  # * Frame Update


  def update

    # The usual


    # return if row_max = 0

    return if row_max <= 1

    # Create bar rect




  # * Draw Scroll Bar


  def draw_scroll_bar

    # Setup colors

    back_color = Scroll_Bar::Back_Color

    bar_color = Scroll_Bar::Bar_Color

    # Setup Rect

    bar_width = 4

    bar_height = (self.height - 32) / row_max

    bar_y = ((self.index / @column_max) * bar_height)

    loss = (self.height - 32) - ((@item_max * bar_height) / @column_max)

    loss = loss.to_f / @item_max.to_f

    bar_y += self.index * loss

    bar_x = self.x + self.contents.width - bar_width + 8

    # Create Bar Window

    if @bar_window != nil


      @bar_window = nil

      @bar_window = Window_Base.new(bar_x,self.y,48,self.height)


      @bar_window = Window_Base.new(bar_x,self.y,48,self.height)

      @bar_window.contents_opacity = 0


    # Set Bar Window Attributes

    @bar_window.contents_opacity += 32

    @bar_window.opacity = 0

    unless Scroll_Bar::XP

      @bar_window.openness = self.openness

      @bar_window.viewport = self.viewport


    @bar_window.visible = self.visible

    @bar_window.x = bar_x + 7

    @bar_window.y = self.y

    @bar_window.z = self.z

    @bar_window.height = self.height

    @bar_window.contents = Bitmap.new(@bar_window.width - 32, @bar_window.height - 32)

    @bar_window.contents_opacity = self.opacity if Scroll_Bar::XP

    # Create bar rectangles

    back_rect = Rect.new(0,0,bar_width,self.height - 32)

    bar_rect  = Rect.new(0,bar_y,bar_width,bar_height)

    # Draw Bars

    @bar_window.contents.fill_rect(back_rect, back_color)

    @bar_window.contents.fill_rect(bar_rect, bar_color)

    for i in 0...bar_width

      x = i

      i_rect = Rect.new(x,0,1,i)

      @bar_window.contents.fill_rect(i_rect, Color.new(0,0,0,0))

      y = back_rect.height - i

      i_rect = Rect.new(x,y,1,i)

      @bar_window.contents.fill_rect(i_rect, Color.new(0,0,0,0))




  # * Dispose


  def dispose


    @bar_window.dispose if @bar_window != nil





The script does NOT requires my Custom Commands script!!! XD

@Sir Lord Biowulve
Simply remove these 2 lines and it will work under XP.
@bar_window.openness = self.openness
    @bar_window.viewport = self.viewport
Sorry if this is a necropost, but..

Would it be possible to make it so the scrollbar's "Z" axis goes behind any windows that come in front of it? I ask, cause with some of the scripts I'm using it puts that scroll bar over text and windows. Was just curious if it could be set to be behind windows.
I understand that. But if what I'm getting here is correct, this is only for the Show Choices event command, and in eventing, you are not capable of having more than 4(?) choices, so how exactly would this let you do that? Hope I'm making sense here, I usually don't. :tongue:
I noticed a glitch.  When you press F12 to return back to the start screen and click new game (I'm not sure with continue), You get the following error...
Script 'scroll bar' line 96: SystemStackError Occurred.

stack level to deep
its called the 'most annoying problem in the world' glitch... when you press F12 (usually when you are using aliases and it tries to alias the same thing twice) it will error because the game isnt compeltely reset so to speak... in other words you can make a few edits to make it do something else when reset... but you cant truly remove the reset function therefore its still annoying...
@van helblaze 
It has been fixed.

The Reset Exception is a real bitch. You can avoid System Stack errors by putting your aliases into an if statement like that
if @stack_variable.nil?
  alias new_method old_method
  @stack_variable = true
Besides that, you can force the Reset Exception to close the game instead of "reseting" the game or clear the current executable and call a new one using Thread.new. There's a couple of methods but you're right, it really annoying.
i do as such in main:
class Reset < Exception
rescue Reset

and that pretty much fixes it... i have other, better methods but i dont know them off my head and they're made specifically for my errorlogger and for pure ruby... so they may not work in rmxp
psiclone":20dp4ene said:
Sorry if this is a necropost, but..

Would it be possible to make it so the scrollbar's "Z" axis goes behind any windows that come in front of it? I ask, cause with some of the scripts I'm using it puts that scroll bar over text and windows. Was just curious if it could be set to be behind windows.

Bumping my question, since you didn't catch it..
I agree this is extremely nice eye candy, especially in games with lots of different scenes, and choice windows. Very nice job :smile:! Though, this isn't that bad of a bug, I am using XP, and I have UCoders Message System: http://rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=36265.0. The error is that I have four choices in one window, and then I selected one choice which led to a new two choice window, and whenever I exit the two choice window by the back key (default ESC), or select a choice which leads out of all message windows I appear with this wierd map scrollbar:

http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6822/scrollbarerrorqk0.th.jpg[/img]. I find this very wierd, could you please find out for me what is wrong, and help fix it? Don't worry about the other stuff on the screen other than the map, that's my HUD, and if you look into the bottom, right hand corner you will see the back scrollbar image with no scrollbar. Please help me solve this compatibility issue.
I have updated the script to version 1.3

I have added an option to automatically correct the Z-axis bug and an option to improve compatibility with RPG Maker XP.
The Z correction feature will not work under XP.
So basically, the script snippet fix that will fix the compatibility issue between this, and UCoders Message System is in RGSS2?

EDIT: Wait sorry for the above, you weren't even talking about that error, could you please help me fix it, it's in the post above your last post.
Two things.

1) Thanks for addressing the z-axis of the scroll bar, Dargor, it works like a charm. However...

2) There is a slightly major problem with GubiD's Tactical Battle System. Whenever you select an action in combat, the menu that has choices for attack/move/etc, leaves behind the scrollbar on the map, even when the battle is over, and it never disappears until the next menu appears, then it just makes a new scroll bar to leave behind.

The script I'm using currently in my game is, as of yet, unedited from his post.

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