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[VX] raster operation with Bitmaps [RESOLVED]

Do you know of a method to combine 2 Bitmap using raster operation (combiniing bits of each bmp) ?

As an alternate solution, is it possible to
1/ call a dll from RGSS
2/ obtain the windows handle of the RGSS Bitmaps
1) you have to use the Win32API class, but you must known the dll's function to call:
dll=Win32API.new("your_dll", "your_function", [input_args], [output args]) 
dll.call([input_args], [output args])

i = integer
p = pointer (pointeur in french, sorry)
l = string

@screen = Win32API.new 'screenshot', 'Screenshot', %w(l l l l p l l), ''
@screen.call(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height, filename, self.handel,typid)

calls the screenshot external dll
Good start... I'll try it.
Bow just for the Bitmpa handler; or I'll have to work on files (which is not that elegant...)

Oh, and don't worry about your 'pointer'. It is 'pointer' in English too. And as I am french too....
Thanks to berka for the Win32API (je note et je souligne). It may help in other situations, but for now, I'm coming to something with transparent color, transluscent color (not sure yet...) and Bitmap.blt method.
Generally, I write my own DLLs.
The problem is: I have no idea of the internal format of the Bitmap class, and how to retriece (at last) a Windows Bitmap handle from an instance of the RGSS Bitmap class.
And I desperatly neeeddd it... (I'll post my Light & Darkness script in a couple of days, and you'll understand)

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