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[VX] Punk's Pause Script v1.1 [1 new add-on!]



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Punk's Pause Script
Version: 1.1

Pause script. The name of the script should be pretty self-explanatory, right? Unlike most pause scripts, this is the most customizable, in-depth pause script yet, packing in over 120 customizable options to suit your needs of making the perfect pause screen for your game. You'll get to customize just about everything about the pause script including but not limited to the music, graphics, etc. This script provides a pause screen and temporarily stops the game at the touch of a key.

  • Specify maps which disables pausing. Also specify a switch which disables pausing if turned on.
  • Determine if pause screens stops the game's play time.
  • Set pause/unpause buttons.
  • Set pause/unpause sound effects. (File, Volume, Pitch)
  • Completely enable/disable pausing in maps and/or default battles.
  • Lower volume of BGM/BGS during pause, give your pause screen custom music or pause the music completely.
  • Custom background color. Dim it, give it a different color, etc.
  • Turn on/off a graphical “element”. (BGIMG, Box, Animation, Text, Lower Layer Graphic, Upper Layer Graphic.)
  • Set Z coordinates of each element.
  • Adjust BGIMG: File, tone (R, G, B, S), opacity, blend type, scrolling, scaling, blur, radial blur.
  • Adjust Animation: Animation ID, X&Y position, loop endlessly or set number, loop delay.
  • Adjust Box: X&Y position, width&height, gradient color 1, gradient color 1 opacity, gradient color 2, gradient color 2 opacity, vertical or horizontal gradient, box blend type, box radial blur, box blur, box wave effect.
  • Adjust Text: Custom “paused!” text, bold, italics, shadow, size, font, blur, mirror (flip horizontally), alignment, scaling, color, opacity, blend type, wave effect, custom positioning flag (it auto-centers by default), custom x&y positioning, custom alignment.
  • Adjust LGFX: File, hue, tone, opacity, blend, x&y, scaling, blur, mirror.
  • Adjust UGFX: File, hue, tone, opacity, blend, scaling, blur, mirror, custom positioning flag, custom x&y positioning.

Bug Notes
  • Do not misplace any graphics, songs, background sound effects, music effects or sound effects that you may be using for this pause script. It will not “rescue” you.
  • Do not use the same file for BGIMG, LGFX or UGFX. Some bug related to bitmaps will occur.

Don't mind the FPS here.

Version 1.1 (Recent!)
Version 1.0

It's in the demo.

  • Copy Punk's Pause Scr. (Settings), Punk's Pause Scr. (Main) and Punk's Pause Scr. (Integrate) then paste them within the materials section of your project.
  • Read the readme. Or you can read about each setting in my second post.
  • Start adjusting the settings.

The script also needs a Paused Music Effect to be in your project's Audio/ME directory and some paused graphics in Graphics/Pictures.

Version 1.1: Moved method 'pk_pause_hooks' to start before 'pk_pause_elements_start' and added 'pk_pause_hooks_after' after 'pk_pause_sounds'.

Awaiting question.

Adding onto this script.
If scripters are using the recent version (1.1) and would like to add onto this script, they should alias the following four methods: pk_pause_hooks, pk_pause_hooks_after, pk_pause_hooks_update and pk_pause_hooks_dispose. They're all empty, just waiting there for you to alias them.

This alters Scene_Map and Scene_Battle update methods.

Credits and Thanks
DerVVulfman: He helped me out with a couple of things, whenever I had asked for support and such. Not only that, he also asked to have an animation playing in the script. I thought it was a cool idea so I added it.
dox: He helped me with auto-centering the graphics.
modern_algebra: He helped when it came down to playing animations in a script and looping them.
myownfriend: For convincing me to do a full-on script. (It was going to be an event system.)
Pim321: I was never able to figure out how to fetch a song that was playing in a map on RMVX. Pim321 helped out, thankfully.
Puppeto4: I really needed help on how to stop the play time. Pup mentioned something about Graphics.frame_count which I then thought to myself “Hmm... store the frame count in an instance variable then make said instance variable equal the Graphics.frame_count.”
SilentBackStabber: SilentBackstabber gave me some neat ideas and helped out a bit in the making of this script. SBS had requested to have my pause script literally pause the music. I had somehow misread such a request and thought “Custom Pause Music? Totally adding to this script!” SBS really wanted my script to be able to literally pause the music and I just couldn't figure out a scripted solution to it. So then I thought of Music Effects and how they have a way of stalling the BGM. I had an idea in which I could make the ME play repeatedly therefore efficiently stalling the BGM for quite some time. I then needed help from someone to make me a 1-second sound effect that was silent. SBS made the music effect and sent me the file.
Shade: During chat in another site, Shade said "RPGs don't pause except in battles". By saying that, he had given me yet another idea for a feature to add in the script. Allow pausing in maps and allow pausing in battles were added to my script.
Arbiter: I think it was his pause script which made me want to do mine.
NO: I'd like to say that my script (regarding some features) were inspired by NO and his/her pause script.
Enelvon and Aërendyll in a way, helped out with Version 1.1.

Author's Notes
This script began as some experiment with evented script call commands to see if I could define scenes and windows using Script Calls. It surprisingly worked. Then I thought about making an event-scripted pause system. Never has there been a pause system done through events, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Right when I thought I was done with what would've been my event script, I had a few ideas and wanted to add them into the script. Before I knew it, it was growing to be just a little too much.

Then Myownfriend then convinced me to turn it into a full-on script. Afterwards, I began thinking of idea after idea, adding feature after feature. And it was all in the effort to give developers the ability to customize and personalize their pause screens. It was insane, man. I then took requests or thought of ideas based on what people have said or what pause scripts I've seen in the past. Eventually this script went over 100 in customization options, which I can understand is pretty overkill for those who just wanted a pause script.

Luckily, game developers do not have to go through adjusting every single setting in my script. They can simply set any or all “flags” to false.



Pause Script Add-ons!
Screen Add-on. (Blur, radial blur, wave, and do other things with the screencap. It still needs some work)
Put this in a new script.
# Screen Add-on for Punk's pause script.
# Add-on by Punk
# Requested by Aërendyll.

#-- Screen add-on customization settings!
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPFLAG = true #Completely turn on/off this add-on.
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPR = 0 # Adjust the amount of red. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPG = 0 # Adjust the amount of green. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPB = 0 # Adjust the amount of blue. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPS = 0 # Adjust the amount of saturation. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPOPACITY = 255 # Adjust screencap opacity. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPBLEND = 0 # Set blend type. (0:Normal, 1:Positive, 2:Negative)

PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPPOSX = 0 # Adjust X Position of Screencap.
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPPOSY = 0 # Adjust Y Position of Screencap.

PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPSCALEX = 1.0 # Adjust horizontal scale of Screencap.
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPSCALEY = 1.0 # Adjust vertical scale of Screencap.
# Note: 1.0 denotes actual pixel size.

PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPBLUR = false # Turn on/off blur effect.
PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPMIRROR = false # Flip Screencap horizontally.

PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPRBFLAG = false # Turn on/off radial blur settings.


#-- Script.
  module PK_Pause
	alias screencap_start :pk_pause_hooks
	alias screencap_update :pk_pause_hooks_update
	alias screencap_dispose :pk_pause_dispose
	def pk_pause_hooks
	def pk_pause_hooks_update
	def pk_pause_hooks_dispose
	def screencap_start
	  @pk_pause_screencap = Sprite.new
	  @pk_pause_screencap.z = 0
	  @pk_pause_screencap.bitmap = Graphics.snap_to_bitmap
	  @pk_pause_screencap.blend_type = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPBLEND
	  @pk_pause_screencap.tone = Tone.new(PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPR,
	  @pk_pause_screencap.opacity = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPOPACITY
	  @pk_pause_screencap.x = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPPOSX
	  @pk_pause_screencap.y = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPPOSY
	  @pk_pause_screencap.zoom_x = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPSCALEX
	  @pk_pause_screencap.zoom_y = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPSCALEY
	  @pk_pause_screencap.mirror = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPMIRROR
		@pk_pause_screencap.wave_amp = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPWAVEAMP
		@pk_pause_screencap.wave_length = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPWAVELENGTH
		@pk_pause_screencap.wave_speed = PK_PAUSE_SCREENCAPWAVESPEED
	def screencap_update
	def screencap_dispose

Pause Script Settings
This post explains each setting. The settings are divided into sections. Please, do not let the huge number of settings turn you off.

PK_PAUSE_DPSID - Specify the switch ID that disables the ability to pause when activated.
PK_PAUSE_DPMID - Specify the map IDs that disables the ability to pause whenever the player is on the map.
Note: If the player is on a map that doesn't allow pausing while the disable pause switch is activated, the player would be allowed to pause.
PK_PAUSE_PDSIB - Even if the ability to pause was disabled thanks to a particular map, if set to true, the player could pause during a battle despite the disability.

PK_PAUSE_PBUTTON - Specify the input button key that will pause the game.
PK_PAUSE_UPBUTTON - Specify the input button key that will unpause the game.
Input Keys: A, B, C, X, Y, Z, L, R, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9.

PK_PAUSE_DURINGMAP - Completely enable/disable the ability to pause in a map.
PK_PAUSE_DURINGBATTLE - Completely enable/disable the ability to pause in a battle.
PK_PAUSE_STOPTIME - Decide whether pausing stops the play time of the game or not by specifying "true" or "false".
PK_PAUSE_INDIALOGUE - Can players pause during dialogue?

PK_PAUSE_PSFILE - Specify "pause" audio file. It should be from Audio/SE. File extensions may be omitted.
PK_PAUSE_PSVOLUME - Adjust "pause" sound effect volume. (Default: 80)
PK_PAUSE_PSPITCH - Adjust "pause" sound effect pitch. (Default: 100)
PK_PAUSE_UPSFILE - Specify "unpause" audio file. It should be from Audio/SE. File extensions may be omitted.
PK_PAUSE_UPSVOLUME - Adjust "unpause" sound effect volume. (Default: 80)
PK_PAUSE_UPSPITCH - Adjust "unpause" sound effect pitch. (Default: 100)

PK_PAUSE_BGMVOL - Lower the volume of the BGM here. (Default: 50)
PK_PAUSE_BGSVOL - Lower the volume of the BGS here. (Default: 50)

PK_PAUSE_PBGMFLAG - Set to "true" to pause the music. Set to false to disable this feature.
1: This overrides Lower volume of BGM and Custom Pause Music options!
2: You should have a file called “paused” in Audio/ME if you enable this.

PK_PAUSE_CBGMFLAG - Enable/Disable Custom Pause Music. Skip section if disabled.
PK_PAUSE_CBGMFILE - Specify Custom Pause BGM audio file. The file should be in Audio/BGM. File extensions may be omitted.
PK_PAUSE_CBGMVOLUME - Adjust Custom Pause BGM volume.
PK_PAUSE_CBGMPITCH - Adjust Custom Pause BGM pitch.
This overrides Lower volume of BGM options!

PK_PAUSE_BGCR - Adjust the amount of red in the background. (Min: -255 / Max: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGCG - Adjust the amount of green in the background. (Min: -255 / Max: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGCB - Adjust the amount of blue in the background. (Min: -255 / Max: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGCS - Adjust the amount of saturation in the background. (Min: 0 / Max: 255)
Set the background colors of your pause.

-- Enable/Disable background image.
-- About: Tiles the background graphic and can scroll it.
-- Settings: Graphic, tone, scroll speed, scale, opacity, blur.

-- Enable/Disable pause animation.
-- About: Give your pause screen an animation from the animation database.
-- Settings:  Animation ID, Repeat, Delay, X Position, Y Position.

-- Enable/Disable the "box".
-- About: It's a small but highly customizable rectangle VX users ought to take great advantage of.
-- Settings: Gradient, width, height, X&Y, blur, blend, radial blur, wave.

-- Enable/Disable text.
-- About: Text! Good for simplistic pause screens, I suppose.
-- Settings: Custom text, formatting, X&Y, mirror, blur, blend and more...

-- Enable/Disable "lower layer graphic".
-- About: This is more like a "lower layer" when it comes to the two elements LGFX and UGFX. Therefore, this isn't given much priority. (No auto-centering)
-- Settings: Graphic, hue, tone, blend, opacity, X&Y, scale, flip, blur.

-- Enable/Disable "upper layer graphic".
-- About: This is more like a "upper layer" when it comes to the two elements LGFX and UGFX. So there's auto-centering given to this element. You could remove it however by setting a certain flag to “true”.
-- Settings: Same options as LGFX, including disable auto-center, custom X&Y.
The number of settings you have to edit depends on how many flags you set to true. Enable/Disable a graphic element

PK_PAUSE_BGIMGZ - Set Z coordinate of BGIMG. (Recommended: 1)
PK_PAUSE_ANIZ - Set Z coordinate of pause animation. (Recommended: 4)
PK_PAUSE_BOXZ - Set Z coordinate of box. (Recommended: 3)
PK_PAUSE_TXTZ - Set Z coordinate of text. (Recommended: 5)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXZ - Set Z coordinate of Lower Layer Graphic. (Recommended: 2)
PK_PAUSE_UGFXZ - Set Z coordinate of Upper Layer Graphic. (Recommended: 6)
The larger the value, the closer it is.

PK_PAUSE_BGIMGFILE - Specify the file name for the background graphic. It should be able to tile like a webpage background. Also note, the graphic shouldn't be small.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGR - Adjust the amount of red in the bg image. (Max: -255 to Min: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGG - Adjust the amount of green in the bg image. (Max: -255 to Min: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGB - Adjust the amount of blue in the bg image. (Max: -255 to Min: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGS - Adjust the amount of saturation in the bg image. (Max: 0 to Min: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGOPACITY - Adjust the amount of opacity in the bg image. (Max: 0 to Min: 255)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGBLEND - Set bgimg blend type. (0: Normal, 1: Positive, 2: Negative)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGSCROLLX - Set the horizontal scrolling speed of the graphic. Negative and positive integers are allowed.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGSCROLLY - Set the vertical scrolling speed of the graphic. Negative and positive integers are allowed.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGSCALEX - Set the graphic's X scale. 1.0 denotes actual pixel size.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGSCALEY - Set the graphic's Y scale. 1.0 denotes actual pixel size.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGBLUR - Set blur effect to true or false.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGRBFLAG - Enable/disable radial blur for background image? If set to false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_BGIMGRBANGLE and PK_PAUSE_BGIMGRBDIVISION.
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGRBANGLE - Adjust Radial Blur angle. The larger the number, the rounder the effect. (0 to 360)
PK_PAUSE_BGIMGRBDIVISION - Adjust Radial Blur division. The larger the number, the smoother it will be. (2 to 100)
Looping, scrolling background images!

PK_PAUSE_ANIID - Specify the ID of the database animation.
PK_PAUSE_ANIPOSX - Adjust the X coordinate of the animation.
PK_PAUSE_ANIPOSY - Adjust the Y coordinate of the animation.
PK_PAUSE_ANILOOPINF - Loop the animation an infinite number of times? * This overrides PK_PAUSE_ANILOOP option if set to true.
PK_PAUSE_ANILOOP - If PK_PAUSE_ANILOOPINF is set to false, you may specify many times does it loop. (1: Play once.)
PK_PAUSE_ANIDELAY - How many frames before the animation plays again? (Default: 0)
Give your pause an animation from the database!

PK_PAUSE_BOXPOSX - Set the X Position of the box.
PK_PAUSE_BOXPOSY - Set the Y Position of the box.
PK_PAUSE_BOXWIDTH - Set the width of the box.
PK_PAUSE_BOXHEIGHT - Set the height of the box.
Note: Options below are meant for setting up the colors of the box. You can make it a gradient by adjusting the G1 and G2 settings or make it a solid color by copying the same settings from G1 over to G2.
PK_PAUSE_BOXG1R - Set amount of red in G1. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG1G - Set amount of green in G1. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG1B - Set amount of blue in G1. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG1OPACITY - Set the opacity of G1. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG2R - Set amount of red in G2. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG2G - Set amount of green in G2. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG2B - Set amount of blue in G2. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXG2OPACITY - Set the opacity of G2. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_BOXGVERTICAL - Would you like to give it a horizontal gradient (false) or a vertical gradient (true)?
PK_PAUSE_BOXBLEND - Set the blend type of the box. (0: Normal, 1: Positive, 2: Negative)
PK_PAUSE_BOXBLUR - Set blur effect to true or false.
PK_PAUSE_BOXRBFLAG - Enable (true) or Disable (false) Radial Blur for the box? If false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_BOXRBANGLE and PK_PAUSE_BOXRBDIVISION.
PK_PAUSE_BOXRBANGLE - Adjust Radial Blur angle. The larger the number, the rounder the effect. (0 to 360)
PK_PAUSE_BOXRBDIVISION - Adjust Radial Blur division. The larger the number, the smoother it will be. (2 to 100)
PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVEFLAG - Enable (true)/Disable (false) Wave Effect? If set to false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVEAMP, PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVELENGTH and PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVESPEED.
PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVEAMP - Set wave amplitude of the box.
PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVELENGTH - Set wave frequency of the box.
PK_PAUSE_BOXWAVESPEED - Set wave speed of the box. (Default: 360)

PK_PAUSE_TXTSTR - Set custom PAUSED! text. Don't remove the quotation marks. (Default: "Paused")
PK_PAUSE_TXTBOLD - Make your paused text bold. (true or false)
PK_PAUSE_TXTITALIC - Italicize your paused text. (true or false)
PK_PAUSE_TXTSHADOW - Give your paused text a shadow. If true, a black shadow will be drawn at the bottom right of the text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTBLUR - Blur the text? (true or false)
PK_PAUSE_TXTMIRROR - Flip the text horizontally? (true or false)
PK_PAUSE_TXTFONT - Specify fonts to be used in your paused text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTSIZE - Set the font size to your paused text. (Default: 32) (Max: 96)
PK_PAUSE_TXTALIGN - Set alignment of your paused text. (0: Left, 1: Center, 2: Right)
PK_PAUSE_TXTSCALEX - Adjust the width of the text. (1.0 denotes actual pixel size.)
PK_PAUSE_TXTSCALEY - Adjust the height of the text. (1.0 denotes actual pixel size.)
PK_PAUSE_TXTR - Adjust the amount of red in the text. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_TXTG - Adjust the amount of green in the text. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_TXTB - Adjust the amount of blue in the text. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_TXTOPACITY - Set the opacity of the text. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_TXTBLEND - Set blend type of the text. (0: Normal, 1: Positive, 2:Negative)
PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVEFLAG - Enable/Disable Wave Effect? If set to false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVEAMP, PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVELENGTH and PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVESPEED.
PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVEAMP - Set wave amplitude of the text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVELENGTH - Set wave frequency of the text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTWAVESPEED - Set wave speed of the text. (Default: 360)
Note: I made the text automatically center itself by default. However, if you're not liking the auto-   centering, you might like the options below. If you set PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSFLAG to true, you can start    adjusting the position of the text. Do note that this overrides PK_PAUSE_TXTALIGN.
PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSFLAG - Enable/Disable custom text positioning. If false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSX, PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSY and PK_PAUSE_TXTCALIGN. If true, PK_PAUSE_TXTCALIGN would override PK_PAUSE_TXTALIGN.
PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSX - Adjust the X coordinate of the text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTCPOSY - Adjust the Y coordinate of the text.
PK_PAUSE_TXTCALIGN - Adjust the alignment of the text. (0: Left, 1: Center, 2: Right)

PK_PAUSE_LGFXFILE - Specify the file name for LGFX. (Should be in Graphics/Pictures)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXHUE - Adjust the hue of the graphic. (0 to 360)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXR - Adjust the amount of red in the graphic. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXG - Adjust the amount of green in the graphic. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXB - Adjust the amount of blue in the graphic. (-255 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXS - Adjust the amount of saturation in the graphic. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXOPACITY - Set the opacity of the graphic. (0 to 255)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXBLEND - Set the graphic's blend type. (0: Normal, 1: Positive, 2: Negative)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXPOSX - Adjust the X coordinate of the graphic.
PK_PAUSE_LGFXPOSY - Adjust the Y coordinate of the graphic.
PK_PAUSE_LGFXSCALEX - Adjust the graphic's width. (1.0 denotes actual pixel size.)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXSCALEY - Adjust the graphic's height. (1.0 denotes actual pixel size.)
PK_PAUSE_LGFXBLUR - Enable/Disable blur?
PK_PAUSE_LGFXMIRROR - Enable/Disable graphic flipping horizontally?
Primarily meant for backgrounds. Unlike UGFX (Upper Layer Graphics), this does not auto-center by default.

Most settings are the same as Lower layer Graphic(LGFX).
PK_PAUSE_UGFXCPOSFLAG - Enable/Disable custom Upper Graphic positioning? If false, it wouldn't be necessary to adjust PK_PAUSE_UGFXCPOSX and PK_PAUSE_UGFXCPOSY.
PK_PAUSE_UGFXCPOSX - Adjust the X coordinate of the graphic.
PK_PAUSE_UGFXCPOSY - Adjust the Y coordinate of the graphic.
Meant for paused graphics. This auto-centers by default. You could disable it though.
Wow... very nice. I'm not to good with code but it looks great. I think this will be good for people who play games fullscreen (which is what most people do) because other then that they could click outside the box.
This is GREAT!! Im using it with Tankentai SideView Battle System with ATB and it works perfectly in battle too! Great job!



This script has been updated to version 1.1.

Version 1.1: Moved method 'pk_pause_hooks' to start before 'pk_pause_elements_start' and added 'pk_pause_hooks_after' after 'pk_pause_sounds'.

To anyone using this script, please update to Version 1.1. Reason? Improved compatibility.
Interesting script, but yeah... it's too overloaded for me, as in that no matter what you do, you necessarily have a bunch of unneeded code in ayour project because you can never use more than one set of pause effects at all... I'm not saying you should be able to, just that I'm not a big fan of those uber-customizeable scripts ^^

Aside from that, it's not too badly scripted (though i miss the comment lines between methods, but that's just a getting-used-to thing of mine)... what you should change is putting your instructions from your first post in here in short form behind the constants in your customize script tab, since that'd make it a lot more compact to use.
What bugs me is the functioning of your PK_PAUSE_PBGMFLAG constant, which has a light fadeout and a huge fadein to it. That makes no sense and sounds horrible, you need to change that or else, that constant is entirely pointless.

Okay, because people usually complain I bother too much about what is to improve and not what is good: I think it does the main purpose of the script not too bad: Pausing the game. That's always a hassle with RMwhatever games for the avarage user, so good job at that.

Here's an image of my favorite setup btw...


And yeah, that's a slight hint on a passability error there ;)



BlueScope":3syn6u0t said:
Interesting script, but yeah... it's too overloaded for me, as in that no matter what you do, you necessarily have a bunch of unneeded code in ayour project because you can never use more than one set of pause effects at all... I'm not saying you should be able to, just that I'm not a big fan of those uber-customizeable scripts ^^
I definitely understand where you're coming from in terms of this script being overloaded. Would you prefer if I made a 'lite' version of it? :eek:

BlueScope":3syn6u0t said:
Aside from that, it's not too badly scripted (though i miss the comment lines between methods, but that's just a getting-used-to thing of mine)... what you should change is putting your instructions from your first post in here in short form behind the constants in your customize script tab, since that'd make it a lot more compact to use.
What bugs me is the functioning of your PK_PAUSE_PBGMFLAG constant, which has a light fadeout and a huge fadein to it. That makes no sense and sounds horrible, you need to change that or else, that constant is entirely pointless.
Yeah, I hate that too. Unfortunately, I really don't know how to screw around with music effects enough to not have it do that quick fade-in/slow fade-out. :(

BlueScope":3syn6u0t said:
Okay, because people usually complain I bother too much about what is to improve and not what is good: I think it does the main purpose of the script not too bad: Pausing the game. That's always a hassle with RMwhatever games for the avarage user, so good job at that.
Thanks. :D

BlueScope":3syn6u0t said:
Here's an image of my favorite setup btw...


And yeah, that's a slight hint on a passability error there ;)
Yep, I'm definitely digging the setup there. Simple yet effective. And aaaaah, fudge! I blame VX's mapping for that passability(sp?) error. D:


Alright, I've made an add-on for the script, as requested by Aërendyll. It's a "screen" add-on. It allows you to add effects (such as blur, radial blur, waves, etc.) to the screen when the game is paused.

Screenshots of it in action.

If you want this add-on, check out my second post in this topic.
Hey Punk, really love your scripts but I wanted to ask if you could make a version of this script for XP cause im sure most people here still use Xp and would really love this script for it.
Its just an idea, you dont HAVE to do it but it still would be nice.
Genji The Katana weilder":3sv25kn1 said:
Hey Punk, really love your scripts but I wanted to ask if you could make a version of this script for XP cause im sure most people here still use Xp and would really love this script for it.
Its just an idea, you dont HAVE to do it but it still would be nice.

I'm with him on this one. Please?
This is a really cool script, I'll definitely be using it.
But it looks like I'm having trouble using the custom pause music...I changed the custom music flag (PK_PAUSE_CBGMFLAG ) to "true", and left the song as the default (Airship), but for some reason it doesn't register and just quiets the music as always. What am I missing here?



SuperMaxZero":3la5o2ij said:
This is a really cool script, I'll definitely be using it.
But it looks like I'm having trouble using the custom pause music...I changed the custom music flag (PK_PAUSE_CBGMFLAG ) to "true", and left the song as the default (Airship), but for some reason it doesn't register and just quiets the music as always. What am I missing here?
I think you might have PK_PAUSE_PBGMFLAG set to true. Turn it off by setting it to false.

@Genji and Kirby: That might be a bit of a toughie to do but I'll give it a shot.

@Surichi: Could you explain to me step by step how you got this error?

Quick announcement: I'm working on Pause Script v1.2. :D
That wasn't it, I made sure to leave that as false. This is odd, so I'll just post the relevant part of the script.

# ►► Audio Options
# ►►►► Pause Sound Effect
PK_PAUSE_PSFILE = "Decision1"

# ►►►► Unpause Sound Effect
PK_PAUSE_UPSFILE = "Decision2"

# ►►►► Lowering volume of background music and sounds

# ►►►► Literally pause the music?

# ►►►► Custom music for pause?
PK_PAUSE_CBGMFLAG = true # If true, overrides PK_PAUSE_BGMVOL.

Everything else is the default for the demo v 1.1, all I did was swap false to true for the custom music. True is in blue, so it does recognize that I put there, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I should also note that with this configuration, it doesn't lower the volume of the field music, it just keeps playing as normal. Whatever I'm doing wrong, thanks in advance for the help.



SuperMaxZero":247qzlg7 said:
That wasn't it, I made sure to leave that as false. This is odd, so I'll just post the relevant part of the script.

# ►► Audio Options
# ►►►► Pause Sound Effect
PK_PAUSE_PSFILE = "Decision1"

# ►►►► Unpause Sound Effect
PK_PAUSE_UPSFILE = "Decision2"

# ►►►► Lowering volume of background music and sounds

# ►►►► Literally pause the music?

# ►►►► Custom music for pause?
PK_PAUSE_CBGMFLAG = true # If true, overrides PK_PAUSE_BGMVOL.

Everything else is the default for the demo v 1.1, all I did was swap false to true for the custom music. True is in blue, so it does recognize that I put there, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I should also note that with this configuration, it doesn't lower the volume of the field music, it just keeps playing as normal. Whatever I'm doing wrong, thanks in advance for the help.
...crap! Dude, thanks so much for finding a bug in my pause script. Crap, I can't believe I overlooked this! D:

That'll be totally fixed in version 1.2. For now, do this:
Find line 383 in Punk's Pause Scr. (Main). Replace it with
      if PK_PAUSE_CBGMFILE != ""

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