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[[VX]Easy vision script(at least i think so o_o)

Hello ppl!

It's a really easy script (I think):
Idk how to explain that but here i go:

When the player enter in the "vision" area of a NPC, the NPC jumps(in the same square), look to the player,
and start following the player. Simple huh?

If possible i want to set the "vision" of a NPC in comment, like: vision=x


If you need more explanation i will try to explain better, thxs.
Simple enough, but I am going to expand on this a bit. I'll post something in a bit.

Wow. I actually did this script already. Sad I don't even remember doing it.
# ** Encounter Detection Chaser
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 1.01
# 2007-08-29
# SDK : Version 2.0+, Part I, II
# * Version History :
#   Version 1 ---------------------------------------------------- (2007-08-16)
#    Version 1.01 ------------------------------------------------ (2007-08-29)
#     - Update : Moved move_toward_target method to MACL
# * Requirements :
#   Method & Class Library 2.11+
# * Description :
#   This script was designed to allow you to make quick events chase your
#   player (or another event) with a simple comment line. You selete a target,
#   a chase speed and a start and stop range (when the target gets x distance).
# * Instructions :
#   Place The Script Below the SDK and Above Main.
#   Comment : ENCOUNTER DETECTION a b c d e f
#   a : target (0 - player, event_id - event)
#   b : speed (movement speed)
#   c : start range (range when event starts chasing player)
#   d : stop range (range when event stops chasing player) (should be > c)
#   e : Animation id to display when in sight (optional)
#   f : animation id to display when giving up (optional, but requires e)
# * Syntax :
#   You may change the chaser values, but when an event is refreshed, the
#   instance @encdet_is_chaser is reset to false and if any comment lines
#   are read, it will reset the instances as well.
#   Instance List : encdet_is_chaser, encdet_is_chasing, encdet_chase_target
#                   encdet_chase_speed, encdet_chase_start_range,
#                   encdet_chase_stop_range, encdet_chase_start_aid, 
#                   encdet_chase_stop_aid
#   All instances of Game_Event
# * Special Thanks :
#   Thanks to Khatharr for helping me debug the chaser bug.

# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('Encounter Detection Chaser', 'SephirothSpawn', 1.01, '2007-08-29')
SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [2], {'Method & Class Library' => 2.11})

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?('Encounter Detection Chaser')

# ** Game_Event

class Game_Event
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :encdet_is_chaser
  attr_accessor :encdet_is_chasing
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_target
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_speed
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_start_range
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_stop_range
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_start_aid
  attr_accessor :encdet_chase_stop_aid
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :seph_encdet_gmevt_init, :initialize
  alias_method :seph_encdet_gmevt_rsp,  :refresh_set_page
  alias_method :seph_encdet_gmevt_um,   :update_movement
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(*args)
    # Original Initialization
    # Sets Enc Chaser Off if not on
    @encdet_is_chaser = false unless @encdet_is_chaser
  # * Refresh Set Page
  def refresh_set_page
    # Original Set Page
    # Sets Enc Chaser Off
    @encdet_is_chaser         = false
    @encdet_chase_start_aid   = nil
    @encdet_chase_stop_aid    = nil
    # Pass Through Event Commands
    for ec in @list
      # Skip if Not Comment Code
      next unless [108, 408].include?(ec.code)
      # Skip if Comment Doesn't Include Encounter Detection
      next unless ec.parameters[0].upcase.include?('ENCOUNTER DETECTION')
      # Gets Parameters
      pm = ec.parameters[0].split
      # Turn Chaser Flag On
      @encdet_is_chaser = true
      # Set Chasing Paramters
      t = pm[2].to_i
      @encdet_chase_target      = t == 0 ? $game_player : $game_map.events[t]
      @encdet_chase_speed       = pm[3].to_i
      @encdet_chase_start_range = pm[4].to_i
      @encdet_chase_stop_range  = pm[5].to_i
      @encdet_chase_start_aid   = pm[6].to_i if pm.size > 6
      @encdet_chase_stop_aid    = pm[7].to_i if pm.size > 7
      # Gets Range to Target
      range = VR.range(self, @encdet_chase_target)
      # Gets Chasing Status
      b = @encdet_is_chasing
      # Fix Chasing Status - If Chasing, Turn off if past stop range
      #                      If not chasing, turn on if within start range
      @encdet_is_chasing = b ? range > @encdet_chase_stop_range :
                               range <= @encdet_chase_start_range
      # If was chasing, but isn't anymore
      if b && @encdet_is_chasing == false && @encdet_chase_stop_aid != nil
        # Set to Non-chasing animation id
        @animation_id = @encdet_chase_stop_aid
      # If wasn't chasing, but is now
      if b == false && @encdet_is_chasing && @encdet_chase_start_aid != nil
        # Set to chasing animation id
        @animation_id = @encdet_chase_start_aid
      # Update Encounter Detection Movespeed
  # * Frame Update : Update Movement
  def update_movement
    # If Chaser
    if @encdet_is_chaser && moving? == false
      # Gets Range to Target
      range = VR.range(self, @encdet_chase_target)
      # If Chasing - Turn off if Range is greater than stop range
      if @encdet_is_chasing && range > @encdet_chase_stop_range
        @encdet_is_chasing = false
        # Set to Non-chasing animation id
        unless @encdet_chase_stop_aid.nil?
          @animation_id = @encdet_chase_stop_aid
      # If Not Chasing But Range is Less that start range
      elsif !@encdet_is_chasing && range <= @encdet_chase_start_range
        # Turn Chasing On
        @encdet_is_chasing = true
        # Set to chasing animation id
        unless @encdet_chase_start_aid.nil?
          @animation_id = @encdet_chase_start_aid
      # If On, Move Toward Player
      if @encdet_is_chasing
        move_toward_target(@encdet_chase_target.x, @encdet_chase_target.y) 
    # Update Enc Det Movespeed
    # Original Update Movement
  # * Frame Update : Enc Det Movespeed
  def update_encdet_movespeed
    # If Chasing and Chase Speed isn't nil
    if @encdet_is_chasing && @encdet_chase_speed != nil &&
      # Save Old Speed
      @encdet_chase_old_speed = @move_speed
      # Set Move Speed to Chase Speed
      @move_speed             = @encdet_chase_speed
    # If Not Chasing and Old Speed has been set
    elsif @encdet_is_chasing == false && @encdet_chase_old_speed != nil
      # Restore Movespeed
      @move_speed = @encdet_chase_old_speed
      # Set Old Speed to nil
      @encdet_chase_old_speed = nil
  # * Move object toward target
  def move_toward_target(x, y)
    # Get difference in player coordinates
    sx = @x - x
    sy = @y - y
    # If coordinates are equal
    return if sx == 0 and sy == 0
    # Get absolute value of difference
    abs_sx = sx.abs
    abs_sy = sy.abs
    # If horizontal and vertical distances are equal
    if abs_sx == abs_sy
      # Increase one of them randomly by 1
      rand(2) == 0 ? abs_sx += 1 : abs_sy += 1
    # If horizontal distance is longer
    if abs_sx > abs_sy
      # Move towards player, prioritize left and right directions
      sx > 0 ? move_left : move_right
      if not moving? and sy != 0
        sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
    # If vertical distance is longer
      # Move towards player, prioritize up and down directions
      sy > 0 ? move_up : move_down
      if not moving? and sx != 0
        sx > 0 ? move_left : move_down

# * End SDK Enable Test

It is in my Test Bed V.4 if you need the MACL

Thank you for viewing

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