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VX Coverchars in HK

I always hated that the characters on the cover of all the rpg maker series looked so awesome
but never had a character based off them in the actual program.

That sounds confusing doesn't it :huh:
I'm talking about these:




Anyways, I'm going to attempt to make those 16 characters in HK.
I've never worked with HK before so I'm going to start with the 4 on VX and
see what you guys think and if I should even bother do the rest.

First Try

Second Try

NEW* Third Try

That's it for now, C&C?
The orange straps aren't thick enough, the skirt aint white enough. Good start tho.

EDIT: Oh, and it looks like she's going to bounce straight out of that top, if you catch my drift. Adjust the top up one pixel. I absolutely fucking love the gloves, unfinished or not.



Yeah, this looks like a great idea. The cover charachters are always cooler than those ingame. I say keep up the good work.
I think that looks pretty good Dawne.  I'd certainly have no problem using that in a finished game.  Perhaps the boots are a little too red and need to be a more dark orange because even though the picture looks red I'd assume they'd be orange to match her upper clothing.  I mean who wears red and orange together!
It's the hair. The hair on the first time is unlike the normal HK hair. Try putting them next to other HK's and see from there.
Considering that her hair is highlighted in the pictures from sunlight (light Perspective), that she actually does not have that light of a brown/brunette color to her hair, it is fairly darker, and has a tiny tinge of orange within it. As well her gauntlets cut off at the finger tips, not the fingers themselves. Other then that I say it looks pretty decent.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a317/ ... xWIP03.png[/img]

I agree, I like the hair better on the first try too, so I'm going to keep it like that.
I darkened it up a bit and made the red more orange.
I also added a few little things (like buckles on the belts)

I absolutely hate the boots, but I want to start working on a different character so I'll fix them up
later :wink:
I think the hair looks better now, it's got more contrast to it. The sprite overall looks pretty good, though something about the top bugs me. Maybe it needs a slightly darker outline where it meets the skin, maybe it needs to come up a pixel? I'm not sure, but something doesn't look quite right to me.

Good luck with this. :smile:



I like them a whole lot!  Good idea using the cover characters, as well.  I always like them, but they are never in the game, ha!

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