by Dargor
Version 1.0
It's been a while since I have posted something here so I thought I should release something new!
This script is based on Star Ocean 3 Bonus Battle system. When filling a bonus gauge with certain action such as using a skill or killing an enemy, the party enters in the Bonus Battle mode and gain bonuses as long as the bonus gauge is filled. The bonus gauge can be broken if a party member is killed or hit by a critical hit.

# ** Bonus Battles
# Â© Dargor, 2008
#Â 09/08/08
#Â Version 1.0
#Â - 1.0 (09/08/08), Initial release
#Â Â This script is based on Star Ocean 3 Bonus Battle system.
#Â Â When filling a bonus gauge with certain action such as
#Â Â using a skill or killing an enemy, the party enters in the
#Â Â Bonus Battle mode and gain bonuses as long as the bonus gauge is filled
#Â Â The bonus gauge can be broken if a party member is killed or hit by
#Â Â a critical hit.
#Â - Paste this above main
#Â - Edit the constants in Bonus_Battles moduleÂ
#Â - This script supports only 4 bonuses
#Â Â Â 1) Double Gold
#Â Â Â 2) Double EXP
#Â Â Â 3) Increase chances of finding items
#Â Â Â 4) Increase chances of preemptive strikes
# Vocabulary
Vocab::BonusBattle = 'BONUS BATTLE!'
# ** Bonus Battle Configuration Module
module Bonus_Battles
 # The maximum rate (in percent) the bonus gauge can get
 Max_Rate = 300
 # The maximum amount of points the gauge needs to be filled
 Gauge_Max = 100
 # Gauge colors
 Gauge_Color_1 = 29
 Gauge_Color_2 = 28
 Back_Color = 19
 # Time (in seconds) before the bonus rate drops
 Decrease_Time = 2
 # Sound effects
 Gauge_Filled_SE = 'Heal1'
 Gauge_Break_SE = 'Battle2'
 Bonus_Battle_ME = 'Fanfare1'
 Play_Bonus_Battle_ME = false
 # Bonus Points gained
 Attack_Points = 1
 Skill_Points = 2
 Critical_Points = 4
 Kill_Points = 8
 # Automatically gain bonus if in Bonus Battle.
 Auto_Gain_Bonus = true
 # Order of auto-gained bonus
 Auto_Order = [1,3,4,2]
 # Gain a bonus at each X chain battles
 # (Works only when Auto_Gain_Bonus = true)
 Bonus_Chain = 5
 # Preemptive Multiplier (When party has the Preemptive bonus)
 # VX original preemptive/surprise depends on the average party and
 # troop agility. If the party's average agility is higher than the
 # troop's average agility:
 # Preemptive chance = 5%, Surprise chance = 3%
 # If the troop's average agility is higher than the party's average
 # agility:
 # Preemptive chance = 3%, Surprise chance = 5%
 Preemptive_Multiplier = 4
# ** Sound
#Â This module plays sound effects. It obtains sound effects specified in the
# database from $data_system, and plays them.
module Sound
 # Bonus Battle Gauge Break
 def self.play_gauge_break
  se =
 # Bonus Battle Gauge Filled
 def self.play_gauge_filled
  se =
# ** SRPG::Enemt::DropItem
module RPG
 class Enemy
  class DropItem
   # * Denominator
   def denominator
    if $game_party.increase_items?
     return @denominator / 2
     return @denominator
# ** Game_Unit
#Â This class handles units. It's used as a superclass of the Game_Party and
# Game_Troop classes.
class Game_Unit
 # * Object Initialization
 def total_agi
  result = 0
  for member in members
   result += member.agi
  return result
# ** Game_System
#Â This class handles system-related data. Also manages vehicles and BGM, etc.
# The instance of this class is referenced by $game_system.
class Game_Party
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :bonus_battles
 attr_accessor :bonus_gauge
 attr_accessor :last_bonus_gauge
 attr_accessor :battle_bonuses
 attr_accessor :gauge_rate
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_gauge_party_initialize initialize
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_gauge_party_average_agi average_agi
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  @bonus_battles = 0
  @bonus_gauge = 20
  @battle_bonuses = []
  @last_bonus_gauge = @bonus_gauge
  @gauge_rate = 200
 # * Add Battle Bonus
 def add_battle_bonus(type)
  return unless can_add_bonus?
  if !@battle_bonuses.empty? &&
    (Bonus_Battles::Auto_Gain_Bonus or type == 0)
   @battle_bonuses << type
 # * Auto Add Battle Bonus
 def auto_add_battle_bonus
  for i in Bonus_Battles::Auto_Order
   if !@battle_bonuses.include?(i)
    @battle_bonuses << i
 # * Can Add Battle Bonus?
 def can_add_bonus?
  if @battle_bonuses.size == 0
   result = Integer(@bonus_gauge) >= Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max
   @bonus_gauge = [@bonus_gauge, Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max].min
   return result
  elsif @bonus_battles > 0
   result = @bonus_battles % Bonus_Battles::Bonus_Chain == 0
   return result
  return false
 # * Get Adjusted Gauge Rate
 def get_adjusted_gauge_rate
  agi_total = [average_agi, $game_troop.average_agi]
  agi_min = agi_total.min
  agi_max = agi_total.max
  difference = (agi_min * 100) / agi_max
  if average_agi >= $game_troop.average_agi
   difference -= 1 until difference % 10 == 0
   rate = 100 - ((difference / 2) + ($game_party.members.size * 10))
   difference += 1 until difference % 10 == 0
   rate = 100 + ((difference / 2) + ($game_troop.members.size * 10))
  rate = [[rate, Bonus_Battles::Max_Rate].min, 0].max
  return rate
 # * Calculate Average Agility
 def average_agi
  result = dargor_vx_bonus_gauge_party_average_agi
  result *= 2 if increase_preemptive?
  return result
 # * Increase Gold Bonus
 def increase_gold?
  return @battle_bonuses.include?(1)
 # * Increase EXP Bonus
 def increase_exp?
  return @battle_bonuses.include?(2)
 # * Increase Items Bonus
 def increase_items?
  return @battle_bonuses.include?(3)
 # * Increase Preemptive Bonus
 def increase_preemptive?
  return @battle_bonuses.include?(4)
# ** Game_Enemy
#Â This class handles enemy characters. It's used within the Game_Troop class
# ($game_troop).
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
 # * ALias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battle_enemy_exp exp
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battle_enemy_gold gold
 # * Get Experience
 def exp
  result = dargor_vx_bonus_battle_enemy_exp
  result *= 2 if $game_party.increase_exp?
  return result
 # * Get Gold
 def gold
  result = dargor_vx_bonus_battle_enemy_gold
  result *= 2 if $game_party.increase_gold?
  return result
# ** Sprite_BonusGauge
#Â This sprite is used to display the bonus gauge on the battle screen.
#Â It observes the $game_system bonus gauge variables and automatically
#Â changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_BonusGauge < Sprite
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :rate_sprite
 attr_accessor :chain_sprite
 # * Object Initialization
 #  viewport : viewport
 def initialize(viewport)
  self.bitmap =, 268)
  self.x = 544 - self.bitmap.width
  self.y = 16
  self.z = 200
  # Create a seperate sprite for Bonus Rate
  @rate_sprite =
  @rate_sprite.bitmap =,24)
  @rate_sprite.x = self.x
  @rate_sprite.y = 264
  @rate_sprite.z = self.z + 1
  # Create a seperate sprite for Chain Battles
  @chain_sprite =
  @chain_sprite.bitmap =,24)
  @chain_sprite.x = self.x
  @chain_sprite.y = 0
  @chain_sprite.z = self.z + 1
  @last_color = text_color(0)
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
 # * Refresh
 def refresh
  $game_party.bonus_gauge = [$game_party.bonus_gauge, Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max].min
  bar_height = ($game_party.bonus_gauge * 264) / Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max
  bar_y = 264 - bar_height + 2
  gc1 = bar_color_1
  gc2 = bar_color_2
  rate = $game_party.gauge_rate
  case rate
  when 0
   color = knockout_color
  when 10..49
   color = crisis_color
   color =,255,255)
  if color != @last_color
   @rate_sprite.flash(@last_color, 20 * 4)
  @rate_sprite.bitmap.font.color = color
  if $game_party.bonus_battles > 0
   chain = $game_party.bonus_battles
   @chain_sprite.bitmap.font.color = text_color(0)
   @chain_sprite.bitmap.font.color = system_color
  @last_color = color
  if $game_party.bonus_gauge == Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max &&
    $game_party.last_bonus_gauge != Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max
   self.flash(,255,255), 20 * 4)
  if $game_party.bonus_gauge == 0 &&
    $game_party.last_bonus_gauge != 0
   self.flash(,255,255), 20 * 4)
  $game_party.last_bonus_gauge = $game_party.bonus_gauge
 # * Frame Update
 def update
  $game_party.bonus_gauge = [$game_party.bonus_gauge, Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max].min
  if $game_party.bonus_gauge != @points
 # * Get Text Color
 #  n : Text color number (0-31)
 def text_color(n)
  windowskin = Cache.system("Window")
  x = 64 + (n % 8) * 8
  y = 96 + (n / 8) * 8
  return windowskin.get_pixel(x, y)
 # * Get System Text Color
 def system_color
  return text_color(16)
 # * Get Crisis Text Color
 def crisis_color
  return text_color(17)
 # * Get Knockout Text Color
 def knockout_color
  return text_color(18)
 # * Get Gauge First Color
 def bar_color_1
  return text_color(Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Color_1)
 # * Get Gauge Second Color
 def bar_color_2
  return text_color(Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Color_2)
 # * Get Gauge Background Color
 def gauge_back_color
  return text_color(Bonus_Battles::Back_Color)
# ** Sprite_Battler
#Â This sprite is used to display battlers. It observes a instance of the
# Game_Battler class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Game_Battler
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battler_make_attack_damage_value make_attack_damage_value
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battler_skill_effect skill_effect
 # * Calculation of Damage From Normal Attack
 #  attacker : Attacker
 #  The results are substituted for @hp_damage
 def make_attack_damage_value(attacker)
  if attacker.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   if @critical
    # Do not add points for critical hit if the hit kills the target.
    # Instead, add points for killing the target.
    unless @hp_damage >= self.hp
     points = Bonus_Battles::Critical_Points
     points *= $game_party.gauge_rate.to_f / 100
     $game_party.bonus_gauge += points
     # Gain bonus for filling the bonus gauge with a critical hit
   elsif @hp_damage > 0 or @mp_damage > 0
    # Do not add points for hitting if the hit kills the target.
    # Instead, add points for killing the target.
    unless @hp_damage >= self.hp
     points = Bonus_Battles::Attack_Points
     points *= $game_party.gauge_rate.to_f / 100
     $game_party.bonus_gauge += points
     # Gain bonus for filling the bonus gauge with an attack
   # Break bonus gauge if hit by a critical
   if @critical
    $game_party.bonus_gauge = 0
    $game_party.bonus_battles = 0
    $game_party.battle_bonuses = []
 # * Apply Skill Effects
 #  user : Skill user
 #  skill : skill
 def skill_effect(user, skill)
  dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battler_skill_effect(user, skill)
  if user.is_a?(Game_Actor)
   # Do not add points for using skill if the skill kills the target.
   # Instead, add points for killing the target.
   unless @hp_damage >= self.hp
    points = Bonus_Battles::Skill_Points
    points *= $game_party.gauge_rate.to_f / 100
    $game_party.bonus_gauge += points
    # Gain bonus for filling the bonus gauge with an skill
# ** Game_Actor
#Â This class handles actors. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and referenced by the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_actor_perform_collapse perform_collapse
 # * Perform Collapse
 def perform_collapse
  if $game_temp.in_battle and dead?
   $game_party.bonus_gauge = 0
   $game_party.bonus_battles = 0
   $game_party.battle_bonuses = []
# ** Game_Enemy
#Â This class handles enemy characters. It's used within the Game_Troop class
# ($game_troop).
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_enemy_perform_collapse perform_collapse
 # * Perform Collapse
 def perform_collapse
  if $game_temp.in_battle and dead?
   points = Bonus_Battles::Kill_Points
   points *= $game_party.gauge_rate.to_f / 100
   $game_party.bonus_gauge += points
   # Gain bonus for filling the bonus gauge by killing an enemy
# ** Spriteset_Battle
#Â This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the
# Scene_Battle class.
class Spriteset_Battle
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :bonus_gauge
 # * Create Picture Sprite
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_spriteset_create_pictures create_pictures
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_spriteset_dispose_pictures dispose_pictures
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_spriteset_update_pictures update_pictures
 # * Create Picture Sprite
 def create_pictures
  @bonus_gauge =
 # * Dispose of Picture Sprite
 def dispose_pictures
 # *Update Picture Sprite
 def update_pictures
# ** Window_BonusBattle
#Â This window displays battle bonuses on the battle screen.
class Window_BonusBattle < Window_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  super(0, 0, 544, 160)
  self.opacity = 0
  self.openness = 0
 # * refresh
 def refresh
  self.contents.font.size = 24
  self.contents.font.color = crisis_color
  self.contents.font.size = 20
  self.contents.font.color = normal_color
  return if $game_party.battle_bonuses.size == 0
  for i in 0...$game_party.battle_bonuses.size
   bonus = $game_party.battle_bonuses[i]
   x = i % 1 * 272
   y = i / 1 * WLH
   case bonus
   when 1
    text = 'Double Gold'
   when 2
    text = 'Double EXP'
   when 3
    text = 'Raise chances of finding items'
   when 4
    text = 'Raise chances of preemptive strikes'
   self.contents.draw_text(x,y + WLH,504,WLH,text)
 # * Create Background Sprite
 def create_back_sprite
  @back_sprite =
  @back_sprite.bitmap = Cache.system("MessageBack")
  @back_sprite.opacity = openness
  @back_sprite.z = self.z - 1
 # * Dispose of Background Sprite
 def dispose_back_sprite
 # * Update Background Sprite
 def update_back_sprite
  @back_sprite.opacity = openness
 # * Dispose
 def dispose
 # * Update
 def update
# ** Window_Base
#Â This is a superclass of all windows in the game.
class Window_Base < Window
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_reader :opening
# ** Scene_Map
#Â This class performs the map screen processing.
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battle_map_preemptive_or_surprise preemptive_or_surprise
 # * Determine Preemptive Strike and Surprise Attack Chance
 def preemptive_or_surprise
  if $game_party.increase_preemptive?
   actors_agi = $game_party.average_agi
   enemies_agi = $game_troop.average_agi
   if actors_agi >= enemies_agi
    percent_preemptive = 5 * Bonus_Battles::Preemptive_Multiplier
    percent_surprise = 3
    percent_preemptive = 3 * Bonus_Battles::Preemptive_Multiplier
    percent_surprise = 5
   if rand(100) < percent_preemptive
    $game_troop.preemptive = true
   elsif rand(100) < percent_surprise
    $game_troop.surprise = true
# ** Scene_Battle
#Â This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battle_start start
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battle_terminate terminate
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battle_update_basic update_basic
 alias dargor_vx_bonus_battles_battle_execute_action execute_action
 # * Start Processing
 def start
  # Increase bonus battle count
  if $game_party.bonus_gauge == Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max
   $game_party.bonus_battles += 1
  # Auto-gain bonuses
  # Set gauge rate
  $game_party.gauge_rate = $game_party.get_adjusted_gauge_rate
  # Create bonus window
  @bonus_window = if $game_party.bonus_battles > 0
  @last_party_bonus = $game_party.battle_bonuses
 # * Start Processing
 def terminate
 # * Basic Update Processing
 #  main : Call from main update method
 def update_basic(main = false)
  update_bonus_gauge     # Update the bonus gauge
  update_bonus_window    # Update the bonus window
  # Close the bonus window
  if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
  # The usual
 # * Frame Update (Bonus gauge)
 def update_bonus_gauge
  if update_bonus_gauge?
   $game_party.gauge_rate = [$game_party.gauge_rate -= 10, 0].max
 # * Frame Update (Bonus window)
 def update_bonus_window
  if ($game_party.bonus_gauge == Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max &&
    $game_party.last_bonus_gauge != Bonus_Battles::Gauge_Max) or
    ($game_party.battle_bonuses != @last_party_bonus)
   @bonus_me = = Bonus_Battles::Bonus_Battle_ME if Bonus_Battles::Play_Bonus_Battle_ME
   if $game_party.battle_bonuses != @last_party_bonus
    @last_party_bonus = $game_party.battle_bonuses
 # * Update Bonus Gauge?
 def update_bonus_gauge?
  time = Bonus_Battles::Decrease_Time * 60
  result = true
  result &&= == false
  result &&= @message_window.visible == false
  result &&= Graphics.frame_count % time == 0
  return result
This script supports only 4 bonuses
1) Double Gold
2) Double EXP
3) Increase chances of finding items
4) Increase chances of preemptive strikes
Also, the algorithm for the gauge rate isn't final yet.