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[VX] BDR Dialog system

BDR Dialog system
by Fustel
version 1.0

In the process of learnig RMVX and RGSS2; and with a future project in mind, I wrote this little Dialog system.
All features I had in mind are not yet implemented, but it works well for now, and any improvment will need somme studies of my own.

Definition of a dialog system
The dialog system handles a number of dialogs, each dialog composed of a topics, each of wich capable of interacting with any other topic or dialog.
The scene is a simple one, with the list of topic listed as in a menu and the answer displaued next to it.
The dialogs are set up using scripted calls to the methods of the differents Objects compsining the Dialog system.

  - The dialog list can handle an ulimited number of dialogs
  - Each dialog has its own title, greeting topic, and list of topics
  - Each dialog can handle an ulimited number of topics
  - Topics may be active (displayed) or inactive (hidden)
  - When selected, a topics can do the following
      * Change any dialog title
      * Change any dialog greeting message
      * Enable / Disable any topic of any dialog
      * Set Game Switbes
  - All the above actions of a caption can be set to occure a maximum number of time
  - Topics can be set to force a dialog to be terminated or suspended
  - Suspended dialogs may be resumed
  - The Event calling the dialog may know if it has been exited or suspended

ToDo list
  - Add handlers to override the title/greeting/active settings depending on external condirions (have an item, etc...).
  - Implement an "Ask question" response to an answer given in a dialog. May be some kind of sub-dialog.
  - Write an external software to visualy manage the whole dialogs thing, and generate the set-up ccript.

How to

#   - Place this script above Main
#   - Initialize your dialogs below the above one, in the same script or another
#   - To process a dialog, have an event run the script:
#       start_dialog(<dialog id>)
#         (<dialog id> being the id of the processes dialog
#   - To resume a suspended dialog, have anEevent call the script
#       resume_dialog
#   - To test if a dialog is suspended, have an Event make a Condition on the Script
#       is_dialog_suspended?
#   - To test if a dialog is terminated, have an Event make a Condition on the Script
#       is_dialog_terminated?
# To initialize the data, you have to ...
# - for each dialog
#   * add at least a title to each dialog
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].title = <title>
#   * set the default greeting
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].greeting.answer = <greeting message>
# - for each topic
#   * optionaly change the shortcut
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).shortcut = <shortcut>
#   * set the caption
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption = <caption>
#   * set the answer
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].dialog(<dialog id>).answer = <answer>
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).answer = [<answer line1>, <answer line2>]
#   * optionaly enable it so that it is active at the start of the dialog
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).enable
#   * optionaly set dialog titles to be changed
#     (<title index> must be an Integer)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_titles = [ <any dialog id>, <title index>]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_titles = [ <any dialog id>, <title index>, n]
#   * optionaly set dialog greetings to be changed
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_greetings = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_greetings = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, n]
#   * optionaly set other topics to be enabled/diasbled
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_topics = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, true/false]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_topics = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, true/false, n]
#   * optionaly set Game Switches ON/OFF
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_switches = [ <switch idx>, true/false]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = forever) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_switches = [ <switch idx>, true/false, n]
#   * optionaly, you can declare a Game Variable to hold the number of time the topic was processed
#     (<var idx> must be an Integer>)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).processed_count_var = <var idx>
#   * optionaly set it to force a scene to terminate after orocessing the topic
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).set_terminate_dlg
#   * optionaly set it to force a scene to suspend after processing the topic
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).set_suspend_dlg


# ** BDR Dialog
#  © Fustel, 2008
#  05/11/08
#  Version 1.0
#   - 1.0 (05/11/08), Initial release
#   - Place this script above Main
#   - Initialize your dialogs below the above one, in the same script or another
#   - To process a dialog, have an event run the script:
#       start_dialog(<dialog id>)
#         (<dialog id> being the id of the processes dialog
#   - To resume a suspended dialog, have anEevent call the script
#       resume_dialog
#   - To test if a dialog is suspended, have an Event make a Condition on the Script
#       is_dialog_suspended?
#   - To test if a dialog is terminated, have an Event make a Condition on the Script
#       is_dialog_terminated?
# To initialize the data, you have to ...
# - for each dialog
#   * add at least a title to each dialog
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].title = <title>
#   * set the default greeting
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].greeting.answer = <greeting message>
# - for each topic
#   * optionaly change the shortcut
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).shortcut = <shortcut>
#   * set the caption
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption = <caption>
#   * set the answer
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].dialog(<dialog id>).answer = <answer>
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).answer = [<answer line1>, <answer line2>]
#   * optionaly enable it so that it is active at the start of the dialog
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).enable
#   * optionaly set dialog titles to be changed
#     (<title index> must be an Integer)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_titles = [ <any dialog id>, <title index>]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_titles = [ <any dialog id>, <title index>, n]
#   * optionaly set dialog greetings to be changed
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_greetings = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_greetings = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, n]
#   * optionaly set other topics to be enabled/diasbled
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_topics = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, true/false]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = 1st time only) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_topics = [ <any dialog id>, <any topic id>, true/false, n]
#   * optionaly set Game Switches ON/OFF
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_switches = [ <switch idx>, true/false]
#     to have it done only the n first times (default = forever) the topic is triggered (0 or less => forever)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).linked_switches = [ <switch idx>, true/false, n]
#   * optionaly, you can declare a Game Variable to hold the number of time the topic was processed
#     (<var idx> must be an Integer>)
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).processed_count_var = <var idx>
#   * optionaly set it to force a scene to terminate after orocessing the topic
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).set_terminate_dlg
#   * optionaly set it to force a scene to suspend after processing the topic
#       $BDR_Dialog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).set_suspend_dlg

# classes for BDR-Dialog

# BDR_Dlg_Topic
#   defines a topic used in a dialog.
#   a dialog is composed of many topics, but they may be discovered as the dialog goes on
# A topic has the following properties :
#   - owner (R) : a pointer to its owning dialog
#   - index (R) : the order of its creation, used internaly to sort the topics
#   - id (R) : its id in the topics list of a dialog
#   - processed_count (R) : the numeber of time the topic has been processed
#   - orocessed_count_var (R/W) : idx of the Game Variable hodling the processed count
#   - shortcut (R/W) : the shortcut displayed in the topics list of the dialog scene
#       by default, it is set to its id
#   - caption (R/W) :  the one-line text displayed at the bottom of the dialog scene
#   - answer (R/W) : the multi-line answer displayed in the main window of the dialog scene
#       if an Array is assigned the answer is set to it, each elemnt representing a line
#       if a non-array is assigned, it is added as a new line
#   - enabled? (R) : determine the active state of the topic.
#       only active topics are displayed in the topic list of the dialog scene
#       can be set ON with the enable method
#       can be set OFF with the disable method
#   - linked_titles (W) : adds a title index to be set as the active title for the given dialog
#       the list is proceeded when the current topic is activated in the dialog scene
#       must be set to an array containig :
#         * the id of the dialog
#         * the index of the title to be activeted (0 by default)
#         * the number of time this change may be done (1 by default)
#   - linked_greetings (W) : adds a topic id to be set as the active greeting for the given dialog
#       the list is proceeded when the current topic is activated in the dialog scene
#       must be set to an array containig :
#         * the id of the dialog
#         * the id of the topic to be set as the greeting
#         * the number of time this change may be done (1 by default)
#   - linked_topics (W) : adds a topic id to be enabled/disabled for the given dialog
#       the list is proceeded when the current topic is activated in the dialog scene
#       must be set to an array containig :
#         * the id of the dialog
#         * the id of the topic to be set as the greeting
#         * the state of the topic (true = enabled, false = disabled) (false by default)
#         * the number of time this change may be done (1 by default)
#   - linked_switches (W) : adds a Game Switch to be set
#       the list is proceeded when the current topic is activated in the dialog scene
#       must be set to an array containig :
#         * the idx of the switch (must be an Integer)
#         * the state of the switch (true or false) (false by default)
#         * the number of time this change may be done (0 by default => forever)
#   - is_continue_dlg? (R) : dialog is neither a "terminate" not a "suspend" ond. default state
#   - is_terminate_dlg? (R) : if true, terminates the dialog scene immediately after executing the process_topic!
#   - is_suspend_dlg? (R) : if true, suspend the dialog scene immediately after executing the process_topic!
# A topic may perform the following actions (methods)
#   - enable : sets the enable state to true
#   - disable: sets the enable state to false
#   - set_continue_dlg : sets the "end of dialog" state to "continue"
#   - set_terminate_dlg : sets the "end of dialog" state to "terminate"
#   - set_suspend_dlg : sets the "end of dialog" state to "suspend"
#   - update_linked_title!
#       processes the linked_titles list to set active dialog titles
#   - update_linked_greetings!
#       processes the linked_greetings list to set active dialog greetings
#   - update_linked_topics!
#       processes the linked_topics list to enable/disable topics
#   - update_linked_switches!
#       processes the linked_switches list to set Game Switches
#   - process_topic!
#       count the number of processing of the topic
#       process all the linked_<something> lists

class BDR_Dlg_Topic
  attr_reader :owner
  attr_reader :index
  attr_reader :id
  attr_reader :processed_count
  attr_reader :processed_count_var
  attr_reader :shortcut
  attr_reader :caption
  attr_reader :answer

  def initialize(owner, index, id)
    @owner = owner                # owning dialog
    @index = index                # order of insertion in the dialog
    @id = id                      # id, displayed in the topic list
    @processed_count = 0          # number of procressing of the topic
    @processed_count_var = nil    # idx of the Game Variable receiving the processed count
    @shortcut = id                # shortcut displayed in the topic list
    @caption = ""                 # the topic the PC wnats to discuss
    @answer = []                  # the answer the NPC will guive
    @enabled = false              # active state of the topic
    @lnk_ttl = []                 # list of dialog title to change
    @lnk_grt = []                 # list of greetings to change
    @lnk_tpc = []                 # list of topics to enable/disable
    @lnk_swt = []                 # list of Game Swithches to set
    @end_of_dlg = 0               # 0 => do not end dialog, 1 => terminate dailog, 2 => suspend dialog

  # writer for @processed_count_var
  def processed_count_var=(idx)
    if idx.is_a?(Integer)
      @processed_count_var = idx

  # writer for @shortcut
  #  sets it to a String
  def shortcut=(txt)
    @shortcut = txt.to_s

  # writer for @caption
  #   sets it to a String
  def caption=(txt)
    @caption = txt.to_s

  # writer for @answer
  #   sets it to an Array of strings if an Array is the parameter
  #   adds the parameter as a String to the existing Array if is not an Array
  def answer=(txt)
    if txt.is_a?(Array)
      @answer = []
      for l in txt do
        @answer += [l.to_s]
      @answer += [txt.to_s]

  # writer for @enabled
  #   sets it to true
  def enable
    @enabled = true

  # writer for @enabled
  #   sets it to false
  def disable
    @enabled = false

  # reader for @enabled
  #   nb: may process a handler in future versions to handle external conditions
  def enabled?

  # writer for @lnk_ttl
  #   adds a Array containing
  #   - dialog id
  #   - title index
  #   - optional number of change that can be done (default = 1)
  def linked_titles=(keys)
    k = keys.to_a
    idx = 0
    idx = k[1] if k[1].is_a?(Integer)
    nmx = 1
    nmx = k[2] if k[2].is_a?(Integer)
    @lnk_ttl += [[k[0].to_s, idx, nmx]]

  # processor for @lnk_ttl
  def update_linked_titles!
    for (key, idx, nmx) in @lnk_ttl do
      if (nmx <= 0) or (processed_count <= nmx)
        owner.owner[key].title_idx = idx

  # writer for @lnk_grt
  #   adds an Array containing
  #   - dialog id
  #   - topic id
  #   - optional number of change that can be done (default = 1)
  def linked_greetings=(keys)
    k = keys.to_a
    nmx = 1
    nmx = k[2] if k[2].is_a?(Integer)
    @lnk_grt += [[k[0].to_s, k[1].to_s, nmx]]

  # processor for @lnk_grt
  def update_linked_greetings!
    for (dkey, gkey, nmx) in @lnk_grt do
      if (nmx <= 0) or (processed_count <= nmx)
        owner.owner[dkey].greeting_id = gkey

  # writer for @lnk_tpc : add the 3 1st element of the argument as an array the list
  #   adds an Array containing
  #   - dialog id
  #   - topic id
  #   - active/inactive flag
  #   - optional number of change that can be done (default = 1)
  def linked_topics=(keys)
    k = keys.to_a
    nmx = 1
    nmx = k[3] if k[3].is_a?(Integer)
    @lnk_tpc += [[k[0].to_s, k[1].to_s, keys[2], nmx]]

  # processor for @lnk_tpc
  def update_linked_topics!
    for (dkey, tkey, ok, nmx) in @lnk_tpc do
      if (nmx <= 0) or (processed_count <= nmx)
        if ok

  # writer for @lnk_swt : add the 3 1st element of the argument as an array the list
  #   adds an Array containing
  #   - switch idx
  #   - boolea state
  #   - optional number of change that can be done (default = 1)
  def linked_switches=(keys)
    k = keys.to_a
    idx = k[0]
    nmx = 0
    nmx = k[2] if k[2].is_a?(Integer)
    if idx.is_a?(Integer)
      @lnk_swt += [[idx, k[1], nmx]]

  # processor for @lnk_swt
  def update_linked_switches!
    for (idx, ok, nmx) in @lnk_swt do
      if (nmx <= 0) or (processed_count <= nmx)
        if ok
          $game_switches[ idx] = true
          $game_switches[ idx] = false

  # processor for
  #   - @lnk_ttl
  #   - @lnk_grt
  #   - @lnk_tpc
  def process_topic!
    @processed_count += 1
    if @processed_count_var.is_a?(Integer)
      $game_variables[@processed_count_var] = processed_count

  # writer to @end_of_dlg
  #   sets it to 0 (continue dlg)
  def set_continue_dlg
    @end_of_dlg = 0

  # writer to @end_of_dlg
  #   sets it to 1 (terminate dlg)
  def set_terminate_dlg
    @end_of_dlg = 1

  # writer to @end_of_dlg
  #   sets it to 2 (suspend dlg)
  def set_suspend_dlg
    @end_of_dlg = 2

  # reader for @end_of_dlg
  #   true if 0 (continue)
  def is_continue_dlg?
    @end_of_dlg == 0

  # reader for @end_of_dlg
  #   true if 1 (terminate)
  def is_terminate_dlg?
    @end_of_dlg == 1

  # reader for @end_of_dlg
  #   true if 2 (suspend)
  def is_suspend_dlg?
    @end_of_dlg == 2

# BDR_Dlg_Dialog
#   defines a dialog
#   a dialog is composed of many topics, but they may be discovered as the dialog goes on
#   generally, a dilog contains all what you have to discuss with a single NPC
#   a dialog may by modified by topics discussed even with other NPCs
# A dialog has the following properties :
#   - owner (R) :  a pointer to its owning dialog list
#   - id (R) : its id in its owning dialog list
#   - title (R) : its active title displayed at the top of the dialog scene
#   - title (W) : list of all potential titles
#       if an Array is assigned the title is set to it
#       if a non-array is assigned, it is added to the list
#   - title_idx (R/W) : the index to its active title in the title list (0 by default)
#   - topic(id) (R) : the topic identified by its id
#       to add a topic to the dialog, you just have to read it !! like
#       * $BDR_dilaog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption = <caption text>
#       * s = $BDR_dilaog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption
#   - greeting (R) : the topic used when the dialog is entered
#       same as topic(greeting_id)
#   - greeting_id (R/W) : the id of the topic used as a greeting ("" by default)
#   - active_topics (R) : the list of all the enabled topic ids

class BDR_Dlg_Dialog
  attr_reader :owner
  attr_reader :id
  attr_reader :title_idx
  attr_reader :greeting_id

  def initialize(owner, id)
    @owner = owner      # owning dialog list
    @id = id            # id
    @titles = []        # list of text displayable at the top of the dialog scene
    @title_idx = 0      # the index of the active title
    @greeting_id =""    # identifier of the greeting topic
    @topics = {}        # list of topics

  # reader for @titles
  #   returns the title identified by @title_idx
  #   nb: may process a handler in future versions to handle external conditions
  def title

  # writer for @titles
  #   sets it to an Array of strings if an Array is the parameter
  #   adds the parameter as a String to the existing Array if is not an Array
  def title=(txt)
    if txt.is_a?(Array)
      @titles = []
      for l in txt do
        @titles += [ l.to_s]
      @titles += [txt.to_s]

  # writer for @title_idx
  def title_idx=(idx)
    @title_idx = [idx,0].max if idx.is_a?(Integer)

  # reader for @topics
  #   returns the topic identified by <key>
  #   create a topic if non-existent
  def topic(key)
    k = key.to_s
    if @topics[k].nil?
      @topics[k] = BDR_Dlg_Topic.new(self, @topics.size, k)

  # writer the @greeting_id
  def greeting_id=(key)
    @greeting_id = key.to_s

  # reader for @topics
  #   returns the topic identified by @greeting_id
  def greeting

  # reader for @topics
  #   returns an Array containing the ids of the enabled? topics
  def active_topics
    r = []
    # for (k, t) in @topics do
    # to ensure a sorting by order of creation of the topics
    for (k, t) in @topics.sort {|a,b| a[1].index <=> b[1].index} do
      if t.enabled?
        r += [k]

# BDR_Dlg_Dialogs
#   the main class : the dialog list
#   contains oll the dialog in a game
# its instance is BDR_Dialog
# it has the following properties :
#   - [id] (R) : the dialog identified by its id
#       to add a dialog to the list, you just have to read it !! like
#       * $BDR_dilaog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption = <caption text>
#       * s = $BDR_dilaog[<dialog id>].topic(<topic id>).caption
#   - suspend_dialog_id (R) : key of the suspending dialog
#   - suspend_topic_id (R) : key of the suspending topic
#   - is_terminated? (R) : true if the dialog scene was 'terminated', false if 'suspended'
#   - is_suspended? (R) : false if the dialog scene was 'terminated', true if 'suspended'
# it can perform the following actions (methods)
#   - set_terminated : set the exit status to 'terminated'
#   - set_suspended : set the exit status to 'suspended'

class BDR_Dlg_Dialogs
  attr_reader :suspend_dialog_id
  attr_reader :suspend_topic_id

  def initialize
    @dialogs = {}                 # list of dialogs
    @suspend_dialog_id = ""       # key of suspending dialog
    @suspend_topic_id = ""        # key of suspending topic
    @terminated = true            # true = 'terminated', false = 'suspended'

  # reader for @dialogs : returns the dialog identified by a key
  #    create a topic if non existent
  def [](key)
    k = key.to_s
    if @dialogs[k].nil?
      @dialogs[k] = BDR_Dlg_Dialog.new(self, k)

  # writer for terminated
  #    sets it to true ('terminated')
  def set_terminated
    @terminated = true

  # writer for terminated
  #    sets it to false ('suspended')
  def set_suspended(dkey, tkey)
    @suspend_dialog_id = dkey
    @suspend_topic_id = tkey
    @terminated = false

  # reader for @terminated
  def is_terminated?

  # reader for @terminated
  def is_suspended?
    not @terminated

# overriting of Scene_File for saving/loading of $BDR_Dialog

class Scene_File < Scene_Base
  alias old_write_save_data write_save_data
  alias old_read_save_data read_save_data

  def write_save_data(file)

  def read_save_data(file)

# instanciation of BDR_Dlg_Dialogs

$BDR_Dialog = BDR_Dlg_Dialogs.new

# the Scene using $BDR_Dialog
# to call it, have the Event execute the script:
#   start_dialog(<dialog id>)
# with <dialog id> being the id of the dialog you want to handle

class Scene_BDR_Dlg < Scene_Base
  def initialize(dlg=nil)
    @dialog = dlg                # the dialog being processed
    @sel_topic = ""              # id of the topic "under the cursor"
    @active_topics_id = []       # list of active topic ids
    @active_topics_short = []    # list of the sama active topic ids, to be passed to the command window

    @dialog = $BDR_Dialog.suspend_dialog_id if $BDR_Dialog.is_suspended?

  # to myself : a screen is 544*416
  def start

    # create the answer window and display the greeting
    ogreeting = $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].greeting_id
    if $BDR_Dialog.is_suspended?    # use the 'suspend' topic as the greeting
      $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].greeting_id = $BDR_Dialog.suspend_topic_id
    @win_answer = Window_Base.new(0,64,406,288)
    if $BDR_Dialog.is_suspended?    # restore the 'normal' greeting
      $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].greeting_id = ogreeting
    else    # the 'suspend' topic has already been orocesses at suspention time
      $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].greeting.process_topic! # 

    # create title window
    @win_title = Window_Base.new(0,0,544,57)

    # create the initial wommand window

    # create the caption window
    @win_caption = Window_Base.new(0,359,544,57)


  def terminate


  def update
    oindex = @win_topics.index

    # if the cursor in the command window moved => do the apropriate display updates
    if @win_topics.index != oindex
      @sel_topic = @active_topics_id[@win_topics.index]

    # if B-key => exit
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

    # if C-key => process the selected topic
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

  # create the command window
  def create_topics
    if $BDR_Dialog.is_suspended?
      # get old shortcut for memorized datas
      oidx = 0
      oshort = $BDR_Dialog.suspend_topic_id
      # memorize the SHORTCUT of the topic selected
      oidx = @active_topics_id.index(@sel_topic)
      oshort = @active_topics_short[oidx] unless oidx.nil?

    if not @win_topics.nil?

    @win_topics = Window_Command.new(136,@active_topics_short)
    @win_topics.x = 408
    @win_topics.y = 64
    @win_topics.height = 288

    # reposition the cursor at the same SHROTCUT as before the window recreation
    if not oidx.nil? and @active_topics_short.include?( oshort)
      @win_topics.index = @active_topics_short.index( oshort)
    @sel_topic = @active_topics_id[@win_topics.index]

  # update the title window
  def update_title

  # update the command window and its dependancies
  def update_topics
    create_topics    # re-create the command window as the active topics list may have changed

    do_terminate if $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].topic(@sel_topic).is_terminate_dlg?
    do_suspend if $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].topic(@sel_topic).is_suspend_dlg?

  # update the caption window
  def update_caption

  # display an answer
  def update_answer

  # display the greeting
  def show_greeting

  # general update of the answer window with a generic answer
  def update_answer_with(txt)
    t = txt.to_a
    for l in t do
      n +=1

  # get both active topics lists
  def get_active_topics
    @active_topics_id = $BDR_Dialog[@dialog].active_topics
    @active_topics_short = []
    for key in @active_topics_id do
      @active_topics_short += [$BDR_Dialog[@dialog].topic(key).shortcut]

  # performs the terminate procedure
  def do_terminate
    $scene = Scene_Map.new

  # performs the suspend procedure
  def do_suspend
    $scene = Scene_Map.new

# general function to start the dialog scene

def start_dialog(id)
  $scene = Scene_BDR_Dlg.new(id)
  @wait_count = 1

def resume_dialog
  $scene = Scene_BDR_Dlg.new
  @wait_count = 1

  def is_dialog_suspended?

  def is_dialog_terminated?

Exemple of Setup

# initializing $BDR_Dialog data for the demo
# use of a 'to-be-writen' external software may help !!
# see INSTRUCTION to know how to initialize the dialogs

# Barnaby's dialog

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].title = ["man with a funny hat","Brother Barnaby"]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].title = "Brother Barnaby the Healer"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].title = "Brother Barnaby the unpatient Healer"

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].greeting.answer = "Hello"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].greeting.answer = "How do you do?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].greeting.linked_greetings = ["Barnaby","hello"]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("hello").answer = ["Hello","Didn't we meet already ?"]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").caption = "What is your name ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").answer = "I am Brother Barnaby"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").linked_titles = ["Barnaby", 1]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job0", false]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job1", true]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Name").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job2", false]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job0").shortcut = "Job"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job0").caption = "What is your job ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job0").answer = "How rude !!"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job0").answer = "We have not yet being introduced"

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").shortcut = "Job"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").caption = "What is your job ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").answer = "I am a healer"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").answer = "I can also give you a couple of potions"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").linked_titles = ["Barnaby", 2]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job1", false]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job2", true, 0]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Heal", true]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job1").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Potion", true]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").shortcut = "Job"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").caption = "What is your job ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").answer = ["I already told you ...","I am a healer !!!!"]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").answer = ""
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").answer = "And not a patient one !!!!"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Job2").linked_titles = ["Barnaby", 3]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Heal").caption = "Could you heal me ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Heal").answer = "Do you fell better ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Heal").linked_switches = [ 1, true]

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Potion").caption = "I'd like some potion"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Potion").answer = "Pay attention, my stock is limited ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Potion").linked_switches = [ 2, true]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Potion").linked_switches = [ 3, true, 5]
$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Potion").processed_count_var = 1

$BDR_Dialog["Barnaby"].topic("Bye").caption = "Au revoir !!"

# Rosemonde's dialog

$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].title = "ugly woman with warts on her face"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].title = "Rosemonde"

$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].greeting.answer = "Hi, handsome hero !"

$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Name").caption = "What is your name ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Name").answer = "I am Rosemonde"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Name").answer = "And Barnaby's sister"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Name").linked_titles  = ["Rosemonde",1]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Name").linked_topics = ["Rosemonde","Barnaby",true]

$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").caption = "Who is Barnaby ?"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").answer = "It's the guu you can see over there"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").answer = "He is a healer"
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_switches = [4, true]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_titles = ["Barnaby", 2]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job0", false]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job1", true]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Job2", false]
$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Barnaby").linked_topics = ["Barnaby", "Heal", true]

$BDR_Dialog["Rosemonde"].topic("Bye").caption = "Goodbye"


<just looking for how to load an image for now...>


You should be able to download the Demo there :


I hope you'll enjoy it.

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