by Dargor
Version 1.3
I was tired of squeezed text in the help window when an description is too long. So I made this script!
This script will not squeeze the text. Instead, it will scroll it if it's larger than the help window.
This script also supports some message codes like changing colors, displaying variables and actor names.
You also have the possibility to switch to letter by letter mode!
- Scrolling text
- 3 Scrolling modes: 1 Vertical, 2 Horizontal
- Can add new lines using the \L code
- Customizable scrolling delay
- Letter by letter
- Color message code
- Variable message code
- Actor name message code
# ** Advanced Help
#  © Dargor, 2008-2009
# Â 17/02/09
# Â Version 1.3
# Â - 1.0 (02/11/08), Initial release
# Â - 1.1 (03/11/08), Now compatible with the Takentai CBS
# Â - 1.2 (17/02/09), Text can now scroll vertically using Scroll Mode 2
# Â - 1.3 (17/02/09), Now works with text alignment
# Â - Place this script above Main
# Â - Edit the constants in the Advanced Help module and enjoy!
# Â Notes
# Â This script handles the following message codes.
#  - Color    : \C[n]
#  - Variable  : \V[n]
# Â - Actor Name : \N[n]
#  - New Line  : \L
# ** Advanced Help Configuration Module
module Advanced_Help
 # The delay (in frames) before the text starts to scroll
 Scroll_Wait = 120
 # Scroll Mode
 # 0 : Scrolls to left and loops
 # 1 : Scrolls to left and goes back to its origin.
 # 2 : Scrolls down and goes back to its origin when using 2+ lines.
 Scroll_Mode = 0
 # Letter by letter
 Letter_By_Letter = true
# ** Window_Help
# Â This window shows skill and item explanations along with actor status.
class Window_Help < Window_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 alias dargor_vx_help_scroll_update update
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize
  super(0, 0, 544, WLH + 32)
  @scroll_wait = 0
  @scroll_mode = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Mode
  @temp_wait = 0
  @text = ''
  @new_text = ''
  @last_text = ''
  @contents_x = 0
  @line_y = 0
 # * Set Text
 #  text  : character string displayed in window
 #  align : alignment (0..flush left,, 2..flush right)
 def set_text(text, align=0)
  @last_text = @text
  if text != @text or align != @align
   self.ox = 0
   self.oy = 0
   @scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
   @text = text
   @new_text = text.dup
   @temp_text = @new_text.dup
   @align = align
   @max_line_y = 0
   @contents_x = 0
   if align == 1
    @contents_x = ((self.width - get_contents_width) / 2) - 16
   elsif align == 2
    @contents_x = (self.width - get_contents_width) - 32
   if @scroll_mode == 2
    ch = (get_contents_height + 1) * WLH
    self.contents = - 32, ch)
    cw = [contents.text_size(text).width + 16, 32].max
    self.contents =, WLH)
 # * Get the number of lines in the text
 def get_contents_height
  @temp_text.gsub!(/\\L/)        { @max_line_y += 1 }
  return @max_line_y
 # * Get the width of the text
 def get_contents_width
  @temp_text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
  @temp_text.gsub!(/\\N\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name }
  @temp_text.gsub!(/\\C\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "" }
  @temp_text.gsub!(/\\L/)        { "" }
  return self.contents.text_size(@temp_text).width
 # * Convert Special Characters
 def convert_special_characters
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\N\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\C\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { "\x01[#{$1}]" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\G/)        { "\x02" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\\./)       { "\x03" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\\|/)       { "\x04" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\!/)        { "\x05" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\>/)        { "\x06" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\</)        { "\x07" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\\^/)       { "\x08" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\L/)        { "\x09" }
  @new_text.gsub!(/\\\\/)       { "\\" }
 # * Update Message
 def update_message
  # Draw text letter by letter
  if Advanced_Help::Letter_By_Letter
   loop do
    c = @new_text.slice!(/./m)       # Get next text character
    case c
    when nil              # There is no text that must be drawn
    when "\x01"            # \C[n]  (text character color change)
     @new_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
     contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
    when "\x09"
     @contents_x = 0
     @line_y += 1
    else                # Normal text character
     contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @line_y * WLH, 40, WLH, c)
     c_width = contents.text_size(c).width
     @contents_x += c_width
  # Draw the whole text
  else Â
   while (c = @new_text.slice!(/./m)) != nil
    case c
    when nil              # There is no text that must be drawn
    when "\x01"            # \C[n]  (text character color change)
     @new_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
     contents.font.color = text_color($1.to_i)
    when "\x09"
     @contents_x = 0
     @line_y += 1
    else                # Normal text character
     contents.draw_text(@contents_x, @line_y * WLH, 40, WLH, c)
     c_width = contents.text_size(c).width
     @contents_x += c_width
 # * Frame Update
 def update
  # Draw text
  # The usual
  # Scroll text
  @scroll_wait -= 1
  if @temp_wait > 0
   @temp_wait -= 1
   @temp_wait = -1 if @temp_wait == 0
   if self.oy != 0 && @temp_wait == -1
    self.oy -= 1 if Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0
    if self.oy % WLH == 0
     @temp_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
    @temp_wait = 0 if self.oy == 0
  if @scroll_mode != 2
   if self.contents.width > self.width && @scroll_wait < 0
    self.ox += 1
    @scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait if self.ox == 0
   if self.contents.height + 32 > self.height && @scroll_wait < 0
    self.oy += 1 if Graphics.frame_count % 2 == 0
    if self.oy % WLH == 0
     if self.oy > self.contents.height - WLH
      @temp_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
      @scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
    #@scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait if self.oy == 0
  case @scroll_mode
  when 0
   if self.ox > self.contents.width
    self.ox = (-self.contents.width + 64)
  when 1
   if self.ox > self.contents.width + 64
    self.ox = 0
    @scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
  when 2
   if self.oy > self.contents.height - WLH
    @temp_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
    @scroll_wait = Advanced_Help::Scroll_Wait
# ** Scene_Battle
# Â This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_advanced_help_battle_update_basic update_basic
 # * Basic Update Processing
 #   main : Call from main update method
 def update_basic(main = false)
  @help_window.update unless @help_window.nil?

Hope you like it!