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View Range (Radius) Script

Radius Script
(Otherwise known as View Range)

This script is made in it's entirety by Monsta. This script was located on a German website and is okay to use as long as you credit Monsta.

This script allows an event to "see" the player or another event within a certain number of tiles.

Original Script in German
#==========Radius Script=========#
#============by Monsta===========#
#=====Version 1.0===24.5.2007====#

# Aufrufen #
# in_radius?(id_sehendes_event,id_gesehendes_event,sichtweite,sichtform,testfenster_anzeigen)

# Der Player hat die ID 0, kann aber auch mit "Player" angegeben werden
# Mit "All" beim gesehenden Event, bekommt man einen Array mit allen gesehenden Events

class Interpreter
  RADIUS = [ [[],[0],[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1],[-2,-1,0,1,2],[-2,-1,0,1,2],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3]],      # Sicktkegel 1
             [[-1,0,1],[-2,-1,0,1,2],[-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3],[-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4],[-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5]] ] # Sicktkegel 2
  def in_radius?(id1,id2,radius=7,radius_form=0,windows=false)
    @all = false
    if windows == true
     @radius_windows = {}
    if (id1.is_a?(String) and id1.downcase == 'player') or id1 == 0
      char1 = $game_player
      char1 = $game_map.events[id1]
    if id2.is_a?(String)
     if id2.downcase == 'player'
      char2 = $game_player
    elsif id2.downcase == 'all'
       @all = []
      char2 = id2 == 0 ? $game_player : $game_map.events[id2]
    if radius >= RADIUS[radius_form].size
      print ("Fehler im Skript: Radius Skript\n\nDer Radius ist größer als die Radiusangabe")
      return false
    for i in 0..radius
      for r in RADIUS[radius_form][i]
       case char1.direction
       when 2 # Runter
        x = char1.x + r
        y = char1.y + i
       when 4 # Links
        x = char1.x - i
        y = char1.y - r
       when 6 # Rechts
        x = char1.x + i
        y = char1.y + r
       when 8 # Hoch
        x = char1.x + r
        y = char1.y - i
       @radius_windows["#{i},#{r}"] = Radius_Color.new(x,y) if $DEBUG and windows
       id = $game_map.id_coordinates(x,y)
       if @all == false         
        return true if id == char2.id
        @all += [id] if id != -1
    if @all == false or @all == []
     return false
    return @all
  def delete_radius_windows
    @radius_windows.each_value{|w|w.dispose if w != nil and w.disposed? == false} if @radius_windows != nil

class Game_Map
  def id_coordinates(x=0,y=0)
    @events.each {|e|return e[1].id if e[1].x == x and e[1].y == y}
    return 0 if $game_player.x == x and $game_player.y == y
    return -1

class Radius_Color < Window_Base
  def initialize(x,y)
    super(x * 32, y * 32, 20, 20)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width, height)
    self.opacity = 170

Because it's in German, there may be quite a bit of confusion. Here's where I come in.

Installing the script: Place it above "Main." Just like every other script.

Setting up an event:
1.) Make an event and set it to Parallel Process.
2.) Make a conditional Branch using the "Script" function.
3.) Insert this piece of code:

The first "6" is the event ID that is "seeing." The next section is the thing that it sees. In this case it sees the Player. The next "6" is the number of tiles in which the event sees. Leave the "0."

To make an event see another event place this code in a Conditional Branch:

In this code, the "2" is the event that it's seeing. "7" is the number of tiles it can see.

It might sound a bit complicated, so for those people who don't want to read it, here's a demo.


Again, it's free to use and post, but make sure to credit Monsta completely. :wink:
Sounds interesting, but the event has to be a parallel process? Man, there's gotta be a better implementation of this idea.
You only really need one parallel process to make every event to want to see. It's even more user-friendly than Near_Fantastica's "Veiw Range."

But just a quick question, does the event see in a circle all the way around it? Do you think you could make a function so it only sees in a semi-circle in front?
It is very user friendly indeed.

The event sees in front of it only, which is more realistic. If you command the event to see 8 tiles in front of him the tiles slowly spread out.
can you use this to play sound effects such as water flowing, ect. when a player gets close to an object? or is there an easier script for that? and can you make it see more than like right in front of it? like what regi said, a circle or semi circle...

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