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Very first graphic of any kind

I've decided to try and learn how to sprite and figured I'd start off with icons and work my way up from there. This is just a simple sword made of ice. Keep in mind that I have never done anything artistic before (beyond stick figures in my school notebooks). Just want to know if I'm going in the right direction. I also would have rather had it at a slant, but I know next to nothing when it comes to this kind of stuff and so I kept messing up when I started diagonally.

http://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t90/ ... gDeath.png[/IMG]

Fire away.
Well I started with pokemon sprites :P And you started with icons. But oh well.

It looks alright too. And from the looks of the handle, Im not sure if its possible at a diagonal slant :-/
But due to it being vertical the "sword" looks like a dagger.
I just used Firefox to zoom 400% on the image (lost my glasses) so I'm going to agree with Halestorm5. It appears more as a short blade instead of a sword, which would profit most from being diagonal (and hence having more room to bear it's size).

But, if this is you're first attempt you did a pretty good job of it. Though, to make it look more like a sword I'd attempt to rotate it on a slant, and perhaps elongate the handle. The handguard/pommel - whever the hell people call it nowadays - seems a bit big though, and makes the blade look smaller due to that - and the vertical. But as I said, good job, really.

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