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Very cool battle idea. help please?

I have an idea for the battle commands, like attack, item, skill etc. Similar to mario rpg and other games, i would like to have it so that when you get into battle, rather than selecting from a menu, there would just be icons. these icons would surround the player for the suitable actions like, attack, skill , item ect...now. this being said, rather than actually picking them and then selecting them with the confirm button, just push the directional button where the icon is to select it once! Example


"Defend" <-----------> "Item"


by pushing on the "up button" "attack" would be selected, all you would really have to confirm is the selection of the enemy you want to attack.

also in addition to this idea, for example, i am using the front on battle system using sprites who are positioned in certian places on the screen. so is it possible to make it to fit these actions around the sprites? like have them in the middle of the icons? if ANYONE can do this, or even try and assist me in doing this, i would greatly appreciate it! thank you!


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