So here's the deal. I just started this the other day and decided to make a basic 5 min 2 map game just to test the basics and get used to some of this stuff. Everything works fine except for the variable. I have a common event on the first map that sets the variable to 10 (this is the players reputation with another character). On the second map, the player has a choice to save that other character or run away. If the player runs away, that variable is decreased by 5, if they save the person it goes up by 5. After the boss fight, there are 2 possible events, one if the variable totals 15 or higher and the other does not check the variable. Both are also set to be triggered after the boss fight is over. The problem I have is that it always chooses the event that doesn't check the variable. I tried changing the "bad ending" to check for the variable at 5 or so and it still chose that one. Can anyone help me with this? Let me know if you need more info. Thanks