It's been a while since I messed around in VX, so when I started putting some things together recently in an event using variables I was suprised when it has every indication of not working. I seem to recall that this was a known problem in RMVX, and that a fix was developed for it in script format... despite my best efforts in searching for it, I can't seem to find the original posts regarding this (most likely due to the amount of time that's passed since then.)
If I could get a link to that original post and the script fix for the VX variables problem, I'd appriciate it. If I'm making this up out of wholecloth, let me know as well... I'm pretty sure I've set things up correctly within the event and that I'm remembering this right, but we do all have our senior moments, dont we?
If I could get a link to that original post and the script fix for the VX variables problem, I'd appriciate it. If I'm making this up out of wholecloth, let me know as well... I'm pretty sure I've set things up correctly within the event and that I'm remembering this right, but we do all have our senior moments, dont we?