If I use the SDK script in a project, a crash error appears whenever I go into the menu screen or the debug screen.
Error: Script "Window_Base" line 30: RGSSError occurred. disposed window
Edit: I've figured out that the problem is that when I use both a HUD script and the SDK in one project at the same time, it makes it impossible to go to the debug screen or the menu screen.
I don't entirely need the SDK in my project until it is finished, but there is one feature that comes with using it that I need for certain evented systems.
You know how MAP X and MAP Y go by grid # and not pixel #, while Show Picture goes by pixel # but not grid #? Well, the SDK fixes that bug, and I am now wondering if there is a script other than the SDK that fixes this issue. Unless there is a RMXP patch that I havent downloaded yet.
Thanks for your help.
(Although technically, it is actually Pixel Movement v1.3 that fixes the grid # and pixel # bug, but I need the SDK to run it.)