I had a USB mouse, used it with my laptop for ages. Suddenly it stops working. I reboot. It works; put laptop into hibernate, bring it back, stops working.
I'd broke the USB key in half, so I figured that might be the problem; bought a new mouse altogether.
Same problem. Mouse works fine until I put my laptop into hibernate (i.e. close the case). When I bring it back - no mouse.
Tried unplugging it. Tried turning the mouse off and on again. Brings the "windows has found a USB device and has drivers" screen, so it recognises and installs the mouse.
No light on the USB key. Cursor doesn't move.
Any ideas?
Google told me "don't use a USB mouse / don't use hibernate". I want a little more than that.
Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit
First mouse was a logitec, second Asda.
I'd broke the USB key in half, so I figured that might be the problem; bought a new mouse altogether.
Same problem. Mouse works fine until I put my laptop into hibernate (i.e. close the case). When I bring it back - no mouse.
Tried unplugging it. Tried turning the mouse off and on again. Brings the "windows has found a USB device and has drivers" screen, so it recognises and installs the mouse.
No light on the USB key. Cursor doesn't move.
Any ideas?
Google told me "don't use a USB mouse / don't use hibernate". I want a little more than that.
Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit
First mouse was a logitec, second Asda.