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(updated)WIP - Sasuke

ok so i know there has been lost of attempts at this char....so please be nice lol but here is my sasuke and really my very frist attempt at spriting
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/t ... sasuke.png[/IMG]

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/t ... asuke2.png[/IMG]

After Again:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/t ... asuke3.png[/IMG]

Once Again:
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/t ... kev4-1.png[/IMG]

close up :
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/t ... 4close.png[/IMG]

Am i getting closer?
should he have some spikes in the hair?
its kinda wierd though i dont think it looks alike sasuke afterall
im sorry but no offense
Seems that there is something that needs to be done about that sasuke Hair... i mean me personally, i think the hair should come down, the color of his shirt should be made darker... his pants made a pixel shorter... hmm, the sprite looks on, but i think it need some major work on it...
ummm.... doesen't sasuke have black hair? and some spikes?

plus you should learn the basic rule of resizing with paint:
if you want to make a pic 4 times larger, and you want it done smoothly and effectively, mulltiply the X and Y pixels by 2
(unless your using a decent photo editor that suppourts Bio-Cubic resize.
in that case, if you want to resize the image, increase both X and Y by the same number.)

i'm writing this because the resize is wrong and it makes him look chubby

but at least the clothes are nice :D .
thanks like i said this is my frist attempt i didn't expect anything less from everyone...i have found that hair can be really hard lol...but other then that the clothes are they ok or no?
hmm... thats not a bad first try! but you need to try some new things out of your comfort zone... the shading is awsome, but you need to work on the hair and the linework...

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