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Universal Message System

I am using this message system:

What I want, is a way of having "templates". Basically, I am using messages for different things. Normal messages, which appear above people's heads. Area messages, which show location info upon entering a certain area. And other stuff too. What I want to be able to do is this:

$game_system.message_template = n

If n is 1, it makes the:
x = 100
y = 100
height = something
width = something
windowskin = 001-blue01
opacity = 0

If n is 2, it makes:
x and y defined by the \e[] command
height = something
width = something
windowskin = black_skin
opacity = 0

If n is 3, it makes:
x and y defined by the \e[] command
height = something
width = something
windowskin = black_skin
opacity = 180

It's complicated, but that's basically what i want.

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