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Unique Job Class System

The idea is that this script will allow the character to not only switch jobs, but customize them even further.

Like a basic job class system each job has a max level independant of the characters normal level, requirements, stat bonuses, and a set of equipment that they specialize in.

#Mock Up 1
Job Name
Level - Max Level Experience/Next Level
(Can require other jobs at certain levels, GP, Stats, overall exp from normal level, and unique to this system Items needed to break the seal on that job class, kinda like the sphere grid, by press a Button, lets say X for now).
(These are basically stat bonuses).

That ends the basic things the next part is were the good stuff starts.
By pressing a certain button (Lets say A), a menu is brought up for Affinity Selection. with similar requirements to the normal jobs. This is more or less an advance version of the base job with different bonuses and stuff.

IE. You select the Knight Job, press A that brings up a list of available elements. The player selects Fire and the job is now switch to Blaze Knight, which gives new skills and/or commands (AIBC, this particular function can be coded into AIBC).

Skills do not carry over between Base jobs but can carry over to elemental jobs (If the scripter plans to implement that is >:)).

Because I plan on using the Support Abilities script, I guess you can have each job class read from the database to increase compatibility with other scripts.

If possible I would like to have it look kinda like a sphere grid with Icons representing each job

#Mock Up 2
PS, if you make it a dual class system I will greatly appreciate it :3
You are tempting me, I always wanted to make a job system and the one you're requesting seems so cool. I might give it a try, i just need more detailed informations. By the way, what is dual class system?
A Dual class system is having the ability to use to classes at once, like Black Mage and Warrior. I good example would be the job system in Final Fantasy XI

As far as more details you lost me on that one.
Nevermind about the details, I misunderstand a part of your post! :p
As for the dual classes, that's good. It makes the system even better :thumb:

Maybe, but this one is far more complex than FFV job system.
But one thing's sure, it's a good thing to start with the basis!

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