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Two scripts for total XP Noob



First of all, simple one. I want to have stats inbattle shown like in rm2k:
Hero1name HP 100/100 MP 100/100 [Command1]
Hero2name HP 100/100 MP 100/100 [Command2]
Where damage and recovery numbers for each hero are shown in hero line. Commands should be basic, so no need for making something crazy :) And no battlers are required at all. Plus, after battle, number of TechPoints gained is shown.

Second one, is little harder. I made CMS in rm2k with party switch, and custom skill system. I want a script that adds these two features to simple menu, when activated by switch after event (Like Materia and PHS in Final Fantasy VII). About skill system, it'll be best to show it on screen.
And you might aquire new skill by selecting square to corresponding element. To learn new skill, you need to gain required number of TechPoints. There are two skills below each element on every lvl (excluding 5th lvl, as its ultimate skill), and you need to learn both skills to gain access to 2nd lvl of said element. Of course each skill requires more TechPoints :). Basically every two skills on each lvl are single and multiple-target type of spell. If there are scripts like these one, I'm sorry and awaiting a link to thread, and as I said in topic, I'm total newbie to RGSS, and can't even do simple thing in it :(. Thanks in advance for help!

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