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Two hash problems

I have this problem:

Items_groups[:curativos] = {
:items_ids => [1,7]

This is the hash im using. What i need is to acces to the array in a each loop.


Wep::Items_groups.each {|i,j| p i ; p j[0] ; p j.include?(item_id) ; search=i if j.include?(item_id)}

I also need to extract the key name as a string because i need it to acces another hash located in game system(to be saved).

I have been trying but without luck.

pd: the second problem is more simple :

I create an array with config hashes.

Blocker_slot_skills = []

Blocker_slot_skills[0] = {
:skill_id => 2,
:slot_num => 4,
:force => 50,
:block_pos => 77,
:rec_pos => 100

And iterate the array and i want to acces each hash:

for s in Wep::Blocker_slot_skills
p (s.is_a? (Hash)) , s, s["block_pos"], skill.id

I supose that s is a hash. It says true to is_a, s says the hash, but the s["block_pos"] gives nil.



Hey. Don't know if you fixed this, but this might help:

1st problem:
First of all, I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this :items_ids. Unless you want other things in Items_groups[:curativos], just get rid of this :items_ids. Otherwise, maybe this'll help:
[ruby]Wep::Items_groups.each {|i, j|
  p i # => :curativos : keys of Items_groups
  p j # => {:items_ids => [1,7]} : values of Items_groups
  j.each {|k, l|
    p k # => :items_ids : keys of Items_groups[j]
    p l # => [1, 7] : values of Items_groups[j]
But if you don't need this :items_id, you might want something like this:
[ruby]module Wep
  Items_groups = {}
  Items_groups[:curativos] = [1, 7]
Wep::Items_groups.each {|i, j|
  p i # => :curativos : keys of Items_groups
  p j # => [1, 7] : values of Items_groups
For your other problem, you're calling "block_pos" instead of :block_pos.
[ruby]for s in Wep::Blocker_slot_skills
  p s[:skill_id] # => 2



Internally a hash uses object.eql? method for comparing key equality.
With this knowledge you can easily check that "block pos".eql?:)block_pos) returns false which means they are considered to be different keys. nil was returned because it is the default value.
Do not be confused by the syntactic look of symbols. It's not about them having special meaning in this regard, but rather that strings and symbols are not equal.

But : is better for the interperter and also you type less, no?
Anyway, is there a way to acces a simbol with a string? Like if i wanted to have a variable with a word and use it to acces a hash that use symbols, its posible?

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