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Trickster's ABP Script Edit

I am currently using the "Advanced Battle Points" script created by Trickster. However, I need it editted so that it only regenerates exactly 5 SP per turn.

Be sure to tell me exactly what to remove and add to make this possible.

The names of anyone who helps will go in the credits.
module Battle_Points
  # * Actor ids who don't use the bp system
  Disabled_Actor_Bp = []
  # * Show the amount recovered Actors
  # * Show Enemy Recovered Amount
  # * Starting Bp Percent the amount of Bp you have starting a battle
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => amount, actor_id => amount}
  #   - Note: amount is a float + integer where float is the percent up
  #           and int is the amount up
  Starting_Bp_Rate = {}
  # * Default Starting Bp Rate (1/0 max hp)
  #   - syntax: amount
  Starting_Bp_Rate.default = 9999 #Maximum Sp
  # * Starting Milestones
  #   - Bp start goes up num pts when max_bp passes this amount
  #   - syntax {actor_id => {amount => up}, actor_id => {amount => up}}
  Starting_Milestones = {}
  # * Starting Milestones Default
  #   - syntax: {milestone => up}
  Starting_Milestones.default = {} 
  # * Starting Regeneration Rate for each actor
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => amount, actor_id => amount}
  #   - Note: amount is a float + integer where float is the percent up
  #           and int is the amount up
  Starting_Regen_Rate = {}
  # * Default Regen rate (1/10 of maxbp)
  #   - syntax: amount
  Starting_Regen_Rate.default = 5 # 5 Sp Per Turn
  # * Regen Milestones
  #   - Bp regeneration goes up when max_bp passes this amount
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => {milestone => up}, actor_id => {milestone => up}}
  Regen_Milestones = {}
  # * Regen Milestones Default
  #   - syntax: {milestone => up}
  Regen_Milestones.default = {} 
  # * Defend Recovery Bonus (Amount Recovered when Defending)
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => amount}
  Defend_Recovery_Bonus = {}
  # * Default Defend Recovery Bonus
  #   - syntax: amount
  Defend_Recovery_Bonus.default = 0
  # * Defend Milestones
  #   - Regeneration goes up when max bp passes this amount
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => {milestone => up}, actor_id => {milestone => up}}
  Defend_Milestones = {}
  # * Defend Milestones Default
  #   - syntax: {milestone => up}
  Defend_Milestones.default = {} 
  # * Bp Recovery Turns 
  #   - syntax: {actor_id => [b, a]}
  #   - Note: to be inputted in the form (b + a * x)
  Recovery_Turns = {}
  # * Default Recovery Turns
  #   - syntax: b, a
  #   - Note: to be inputted in the form (b + a * x)
  Recovery_Turns.default = 0, 1
  # * Enemy Starting Bp
  #   - syntax: (enemy_id => start}
  Enemy_Starting_Bp = {}
  # * Default Enemy Starting Bp (by default it is their max sp)
  #   - syntax: start
  Enemy_Starting_Bp.default = 9999
  # * Enemy Bp Regeneration Rate
  #   - syntax: {enemy_id => regen}
  Enemy_Regen_Rate = {}
  # * Default Enemy Regeneration Rate (by default there is no regen)
  #   - syntax: regen
  Enemy_Regen_Rate.default = 0
  # * Enemy Defend Recovery Bonus
  #   - syntax: (enemy_id => amount}
  Enemy_Defend_Recovery_Bonus = {}
  # * Default Enemy Defend Recovery Bonus
  #   - syntax: amount
  Enemy_Defend_Recovery_Bonus.default = 0
  # * Enemy Bp Recovery Turns
  #   - syntax: {enemy_id => [b, a]}
  #   - Note: to be inputted in the form (b + a * x)
  Enemy_Recovery_Turns = {}
  # *  Default Enemy Bp Recovery Turns (every turn)
  #   - syntax: b, a
  #   - Note: to be inputted in the form (b + a * x)
  Enemy_Recovery_Turns.default = 0, 1

That should be it
Thanks, but, uh... Where exactly do I put it? What do I remove; what do I add? Is this a new script or an editted one? If so, which parts are editted?

I'm not a sciptor, so I need that tidbit of info. But anyway, thanks a ton Trickster, I love your userbars!

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