Tricking or Martial Arts Tricking, is a fairly young sport that has only really been acknowledged as an activity in itself for the last ten or so years. Practitioners combine various advanced kicks, flips, and twists from several martial arts and gymnastics, and blends it together to form a set of movements (tricks). One of the things that stands out most about Tricking is the aim of comboing moves (a fluidic series of moves performed sequentialy using transitory techniques).
It is not "idiots that imitate Trickster's name. Jamester, Rickster. It loses meaning now that the dick sucking fuckster made a dramaster post and left" as Atemu asserted. Also, I didn't leave, I was asleep. Thanks for insulting me.
So yeah, anyway, no that that is out of the way, has anyone here heard of Tricking before? Or perhaps there is even someone who does it (not likely (except Jamesters, but I don't thik he visits here anymore)).
If you haven't heard of it and want to know more, here is a video of me and a friend Tricking (I am the one in shorts):
It is not "idiots that imitate Trickster's name. Jamester, Rickster. It loses meaning now that the dick sucking fuckster made a dramaster post and left" as Atemu asserted. Also, I didn't leave, I was asleep. Thanks for insulting me.
So yeah, anyway, no that that is out of the way, has anyone here heard of Tricking before? Or perhaps there is even someone who does it (not likely (except Jamesters, but I don't thik he visits here anymore)).
If you haven't heard of it and want to know more, here is a video of me and a friend Tricking (I am the one in shorts):