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Transition pack by Fantasist

I did not make this script, i do not claim it as my own, i'm posting it here simply based on the fact that i feel it could be quite useful to people in the community.
It's for RMXP
It was made by Fantasist at chaos project.
He has since, dropped off the radar, and no longer does anything RGSS related.
If you need any help this script, i can't help you.
It comes as is.
What it is, is about 10 transitions and more can be added for those with RGSS knowledge... something i have little of or none at all.
My hope is others can use it to come up with more than the 10 transitions already there.
Some of which i think people have been asking for, it's not just for battles either, and can be used between teleports.

# ** Transition Pack


# by Fantasist

# Version: 1.1

# Date: 23-August-2009


# Version History:


#   1.0 - First released version

#   1.1 - Added code to make battle scene use the transitions


# Description:


#     This script adds some exotic transitions which can't be attained by

#   regular transition graphics.


# Compatibility:


#     It should be compatible with most scripts.


# Instructions:


#     Place this script below Scene_Debug and above Main. To use this, instead

#   of calling a scene directly like this:


#           $scene = Scene_Something.new)


#   call it like this:


#           $scene = Transition.new(Scene_Something.new)


#     Before calling it, you can change "$game_temp.transition_type" to

#   activate the transiton.


#     As of version 1.1 and above, the battle scene automatically uses the

#   transition effect, so all you have to do is call the battle using the event

#   command.


#     You can also call a certain effect like this:





#   Here is the list of transitions (as of version 1.0):


#     0 - Zoom In

#     1 - Zoom Out

#     2 - Shred Horizontal

#     3 - Shred Vertical

#     4 - Fade

#     5 - Explode

#     6 - Explode (Chaos Project Style)

#     7 - Transpose (by Blizzard)

#     8 - Shutter

#     9 - Drop Off


#   For Scripters:


#     For adding new transitions, check the method Transition#call_effect.

#   Simply add a new case for "type" and add your method. Don't forget to

#   add the *args version, it makes it easier to pass arguments when calling

#   transitions. Check out the call_effect method for reference.


# Configuration:


#     Scroll down a bit and you'll see the configuration.


#   Explosion_Sound: Filename of the SE for Explosion transitions

#       Clink_Sound: Filename of the SE for Drop Off transition


# Issues:


#     None that I know of.


# Credits and Thanks:


#   Fantasist, for making this script

#   Blizzard, for the Transpose effect

#   shdwlink1993, for keeping the demo for so long

#   Ryexander, for helping me with an important scripting aspect


# Notes:


#     If you have any problems, suggestions or comments, you can find me at:


#  - forum.chaos-project.com


#   Enjoy ^_^




# ** Screen Module


#  This module handles taking screenshots for the transitions.


module Screen


  @screen = Win32API.new 'screenshot.dll', 'Screenshot', %w(l l l l p l l), ''

  @readini = Win32API.new 'kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileStringA', %w(p p p p l p), 'l'

  @findwindow = Win32API.new 'user32', 'FindWindowA', %w(p p), 'l'


  # * Snap (take screenshot)


  def self.snap(file_name='Data/scrn_tmp', file_type=0)

    game_name = "\0" * 256

    @readini.call('Game', 'Title', '', game_name, 255, '.\Game.ini')


    window = @findwindow.call('RGSS Player', game_name)

    @screen.call(0, 0, 640, 480, file_name, window, file_type)





# ** Transition


#  This scene handles transition effects while switching to another scene.


class Transition





  Explosion_Sound = nil

      Clink_Sound = nil






  # * Call Effect

  #     type : Transition type

  #     args : Arguments for specified transition type


  def call_effect(type, args)

    # Call appropriate method with or without arguments depending

    # on values of type and args.

    no_args = args.nil? || args == []

    if no_args

      case type

      when 0 then zoom_in

      when 1 then zoom_out

      when 2 then shred_h

      when 3 then shred_v

      when 4 then fade

      when 5 then explode

      when 6 then explode_cp

      when 7 then transpose

      when 8 then shutter

      when 9 then drop_off



      case type

      when 0 then zoom_in(*args)

      when 1 then zoom_out(*args)

      when 2 then shred_h(*args)

      when 3 then shred_v(*args)

      when 4 then fade(*args)

      when 5 then explode(*args)

      when 6 then explode_cp(*args)

      when 7 then transpose(*args)

      when 8 then shutter(*args)

      when 9 then drop_off(*args)





  # * Initialize

  #     next_scene : Instance of the scene to transition into

  #           type : Transition type

  #          *args : Arguments for specified transition type


  def initialize(next_scene=Scene_Menu.new, type=nil, *args)

    @next_scene = next_scene

    @args = args

    # If transition type is specified, use it.

    # Otherwise, use default.

    @type = type.nil? ? $game_temp.transition_type : type



  # * Main


  def main

    # Take screenshot and prepare sprite


    @sprite = Sprite.new

    @sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new('Data/scrn_tmp')

    @sprite.x = @sprite.ox = @sprite.bitmap.width / 2

    @sprite.y = @sprite.oy = @sprite.bitmap.height / 2

    # Activate effect


    call_effect(@type, @args)

    # Freeze screen and clean up and switch scene


    @sprite.bitmap.dispose unless @sprite.bitmap.nil?

    @sprite.dispose unless @sprite.nil?


    $scene = @next_scene



  # * Play SE

  #     filename : Filename of the SE file in Audio/SE folder

  #        pitch : Pitch of sound (50 - 100)

  #       volume : Volume of sound (0 - 100)


  def play_se(filename, pitch=nil, volume=nil)

    se = RPG::AudioFile.new(filename)

    se.pitch  = pitch unless pitch.nil?

    se.volume = volume unless volume.nil?

    Audio.se_play('Audio/SE/' + se.name, se.volume, se.pitch)





  # ** Effect Library





  # * Zoom In

  #     frames : Effect duration in frames

  #   max_zoom : The max amount the screen zooms out


  def zoom_in(frames=20, max_zoom=12)

    # Calculate difference b/w current and target

    # zooms (1 and max_zoom)

    zoom_diff = max_zoom - 1

    # Calculate unit values

    unit_zoom = zoom_diff.to_f / frames

    unit_opacity = (255.0 / frames).ceil

    # Apply unit values to sprite

    frames.times do

      @sprite.zoom_x += unit_zoom

      @sprite.zoom_y += unit_zoom

      @sprite.opacity -= unit_opacity





  # * Zoom Out

  #     frames : Effect duration in frames


  def zoom_out(frames=20)

    # Calculate unit values

    unit_zoom = 1.0 / frames

    unit_opacity = (255.0 / frames).ceil

    # Apply unit values to sprite

    frames.times do

      @sprite.zoom_x -= unit_zoom

      @sprite.zoom_y -= unit_zoom

      @sprite.opacity -= unit_opacity





  # * Shred Horizontal

  #      thickness : Shred thickness

  #       slowness : How slow the screens move out

  #    start_speed : Speed of first step in pixels


  def shred_h(thickness=4, slowness=4, start_speed=8)

    t = thickness

    # Shred screen

    sprite2 = Sprite.new

    sprite2.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@sprite.bitmap.width, @sprite.bitmap.height)

    sprite2.x = sprite2.ox = sprite2.bitmap.width / 2

    sprite2.y = sprite2.oy = sprite2.bitmap.height / 2

    for i in 0..(480/t)

      sprite2.bitmap.blt(0, i*t*2, @sprite.bitmap, Rect.new(0, i*t*2, 640, t))

      @sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(0, i*t*2, 640, t, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))


    # Make sure starting step is not zero

    start_speed = slowness if start_speed < slowness

    # Move sprites

    dist = 640 - @sprite.x + start_speed

    loop do

      x_diff = (dist - (640 - @sprite.x)) / slowness

      @sprite.x += x_diff

      sprite2.x -= x_diff


      break if @sprite.x >= 640 + 320






  # * Shred Vertical

  #      thickness : Shred thickness

  #       slowness : How slow the screens move out

  #    start_speed : Speed of first step in pixels


  def shred_v(thickness=4, slowness=4, start_speed=8)

    t = thickness

    # Shred screen

    sprite2 = Sprite.new

    sprite2.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@sprite.bitmap.width, @sprite.bitmap.height)

    sprite2.x = sprite2.ox = sprite2.bitmap.width / 2

    sprite2.y = sprite2.oy = sprite2.bitmap.height / 2

    # Shred bitmap

    for i in 0..(640/t)

      sprite2.bitmap.blt(i*t*2, 0, @sprite.bitmap, Rect.new(i*t*2, 0, t, 480))

      @sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(i*t*2, 0, t, 480, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))


    # Make sure starting step is not zero

    start_speed = slowness if start_speed < slowness

    # Move sprites

    dist = 480 - @sprite.y + start_speed

    loop do

      y_diff = (dist - (480 - @sprite.y)) / slowness

      @sprite.y += y_diff

      sprite2.y -= y_diff


      break if @sprite.y >= 480 + 240






  # * Fade

  #     target_color : Color to fade to

  #           frames : Effect duration in frames


  def fade(target_color=Color.new(255, 255, 255), frames=10)

    loop do

      r = (@sprite.color.red   * (frames - 1) + target_color.red)   / frames

      g = (@sprite.color.green * (frames - 1) + target_color.green) / frames

      b = (@sprite.color.blue  * (frames - 1) + target_color.blue)  / frames

      a = (@sprite.color.alpha * (frames - 1) + target_color.alpha) / frames

      @sprite.color.red   = r

      @sprite.color.green = g

      @sprite.color.blue  = b

      @sprite.color.alpha = a

      frames -= 1


      break if frames <= 0





  # * Explode

  #     explosion_sound : The SE filename to use for explosion sound


  def explode(explosion_sound=Explosion_Sound)

    shake_count = 2

    shakes = 40

    tone = 0

    shakes.times do

      @sprite.ox = 320 + (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * shake_count

      @sprite.oy = 240 + (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * shake_count

      shake_count += 0.2

      tone += 128/shakes

      @sprite.tone.set(tone, tone, tone)



    @sprite.ox, @sprite.oy = 320, 240


    bitmap = @sprite.bitmap.clone



    # Slice bitmap and create nodes (sprite parts)

    hor = []

    20.times do |i|

      ver = []

      15.times do |j|

        # Set node properties

        s = Sprite.new

        s.ox, s.oy = 8 + rand(25), 8 + rand(25)

        s.x, s.y = s.ox + 32 * i, s.oy + 32 * j

        s.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32, 32)

        s.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bitmap, Rect.new(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32))

        s.tone.set(128, 128, 128)

        # Set node physics

        angle  = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (4 + rand(4) * 10)

        zoom_x = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (rand(2) + 1).to_f / 100

        zoom_y = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (rand(2) + 1).to_f / 100

        (zoom_x > zoom_y) ? (zoom_y = -zoom_x) : (zoom_x = -zoom_y)

        x_rand = (2 + rand(2) == 0 ? -2 : 2)

        y_rand = (1 + rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1)

        # Store node and it's physics

        ver.push([s, angle, zoom_x, zoom_y, x_rand, y_rand])





    # Play sound

    play_se(explosion_sound) if explosion_sound != nil

    # Move pics

    40.times do |k|

      hor.each_with_index do |ver, i|

        ver.each_with_index do |data, j|

          # Get node and it's physics

          s, angle, zoom_x, zoom_y = data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]

          x_rand, y_rand = data[4], data[5]

          # Manipulate nodes

          s.x += (i - 10) * x_rand

          s.y += (j - 8) * y_rand + (k - 20)/2

          s.zoom_x += zoom_x

          s.zoom_y += zoom_y

          tone = s.tone.red - 8

          s.tone.set(tone, tone, tone)

          s.opacity -= 13 if k > 19

          s.angle += angle % 360





    # Dispose

    for ver in hor

      for data in ver





    hor = nil



  # * Explode (Chaos Project Style)

  #     explosion_sound : The SE filename to use for explosion sound


  def explode_cp(explosion_sound=Explosion_Sound)

    bitmap = @sprite.bitmap.clone



    # Slice bitmap and create nodes (sprite parts)

    hor = []

    20.times do |i|

      ver = []

      15.times do |j|

        # Set node properties

        s = Sprite.new

        s.ox = s.oy = 16

        s.x, s.y = s.ox + 32 * i, s.oy + 32 * j

        s.bitmap = Bitmap.new(32, 32)

        s.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bitmap, Rect.new(i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32))

        # Set node physics

        angle  = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * rand(8)

        zoom_x = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (rand(2) + 1).to_f / 100

        zoom_y = (rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1) * (rand(2) + 1).to_f / 100

        # Store node and it's physics

        ver.push([s, angle, zoom_x, zoom_y])





    # Play sound

    play_se(explosion_sound) if explosion_sound != nil

    # Move pics

    40.times do |k|

      hor.each_with_index do |ver, i|

        ver.each_with_index do |data, j|

          # Get node and it's physics

          s, angle, zoom_x, zoom_y = data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]

          # Manipulate node

          s.x += i - 9

          s.y += j - 8 + k

          s.zoom_x += zoom_x

          s.zoom_y += zoom_y

          s.angle += angle % 360





    # Dispose

    for ver in hor

      for data in ver





    hor = nil



  # * Transpose (bt Blizzard)

  #     frames : Effect duration in frames

  #   max_zoom : The max amount the screen zooms out

  #      times : Number of times screen is zoomed (times * 3 / 2)


  def transpose(frames=80, max_zoom=12, times=3)

    max_zoom -= 1 # difference b/w zooms

    max_zoom = max_zoom.to_f / frames / times # unit zoom

    unit_opacity = (255.0 / frames).ceil

    spr_opacity = (255.0 * times / 2 / frames).ceil

    @sprites = []

    (times * 3 / 2).times {

      s = Sprite.new

      s.x, s.y, s.ox, s.oy = 320, 240, 320, 240

      s.bitmap = @sprite.bitmap

      s.blend_type = 1

      s.opacity = 128

      s.visible = false


    count = 0

    loop {

        @sprites[count].visible = true

        count += 1 if count < times * 3 / 2 - 1

        (frames / times / 2).times {

            @sprites.each {|s|

                break if !s.visible

                s.zoom_x += max_zoom

                s.zoom_y += max_zoom

                s.opacity -= spr_opacity}

            @sprite.opacity -= unit_opacity


        break if @sprite.opacity == 0}

    @sprites.each {|s| s.dispose}



  # * Shutter

  #       open_gap : How much the shutters open before moving away

  #       flip_dir : Whether or not the direction of shutters if reversed

  #       slowness : How slow the screens move out

  #    start_speed : Speed of first step in pixels


  def shutter(flip_dir=true, open_gap=16, slowness=4, start_speed=8)

    # Shred screen

    sprite2 = Sprite.new

    sprite2.bitmap = Bitmap.new(@sprite.bitmap.width, @sprite.bitmap.height)

    sprite2.x = sprite2.ox = sprite2.bitmap.width / 2

    sprite2.y = sprite2.oy = sprite2.bitmap.height / 2

    if flip_dir

      ver_step = 1

      sprite2.bitmap.blt(0, 240, @sprite.bitmap, Rect.new(0, 240, 640, 240))

      @sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 240, 640, 240, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))


      ver_step = -1

      sprite2.bitmap.blt(0, 0, @sprite.bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 640, 240))

      @sprite.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, 640, 240, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))


    # Move the shutters apart

    open_gap.times do

      @sprite.y -= ver_step

      sprite2.y += ver_step



    # Make sure starting step is not zero

    start_speed = slowness if start_speed < slowness

    # Move sprites

    dist = 640 - @sprite.x + start_speed

    loop do

      x_diff = (dist - (640 - @sprite.x)) / slowness

      @sprite.x += x_diff

      sprite2.x -= x_diff


      break if @sprite.x >= 640 + 320






  # * Drop Off

  #     clink_sound : The SE filename to use for clinking sound


  def drop_off(clink_sound=Clink_Sound)

    bitmap = @sprite.bitmap.clone



    # Slice bitmap and create nodes (sprite parts)

    max_time = 0

    hor = []

    10.times do |i|

      ver = []

      8.times do |j|

        # Set node properties

        s = Sprite.new

        s.ox = rand(32)

        s.oy = 0

        s.x = s.ox + 64 * i

        s.y = s.oy + 64 * j

        s.bitmap = Bitmap.new(64, 64)

        s.bitmap.blt(0, 0, bitmap, Rect.new(i * 64, j * 64, 64, 64))

        # Set node physics

        angle = rand(4) * 2

        angle *= rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1

        start_time = rand(30)

        max_time = start_time if max_time < start_time

        # Store node and it's physics

        ver.push([s, angle, start_time])





    # Play sound

    play_se(clink_sound) if clink_sound != nil

    # Move pics

    (40 + max_time).times do |k|

      hor.each_with_index do |ver, i|

        ver.each_with_index do |data, j|

          # Get node and it's physics

          s, angle, start_time = data[0], data[1], data[2]

          # Manipulate node

          if k > start_time

            tone = s.tone.red - 6

            s.tone.set(tone, tone, tone)

            s.y += k - start_time

            s.angle += angle % 360

          elsif k == start_time

            tone = 128

            s.tone.set(tone, tone, tone)

            $game_system.se_play(Clink_Sound) if clink_sound != nil






    # Dispose

    for ver in hor

      for data in ver





    hor = nil




# ** Game_Temp


#  Added transition_type attribute which controls transition shown.


class Game_Temp  

  attr_accessor :transition_type  


  # * Object Initialization


  alias transpack_game_temp_init initialize

  def initialize

    @transition_type = 0





# ** Scene_Map


#  Scene_Map modded to use the transition effect when battle begins.


class Scene_Map


  # * Battle Call


  alias transpack_call_battle call_battle

  def call_battle


    $scene = Transition.new($scene)



OKay, thanks to Medinastories for pointing me where to upload the DLL needed. Screenshot.DLL http://www.mediafire.com/?cwyiu9zjac68o3q
Download this file and put it in your game folder.

To use this, instead of calling a scene directly like this:
$scene = Scene_Something.new
call it like this:
$scene = Transition.new(Scene_Something.new)

Before calling it, you can change "$game_temp.transition_type" to activate the transition.

As of version 1.1 and above, the battle scene automatically uses the transition effect, so all you have to do is call the battle using the event command.

Optionally, you can also call a certain effect like this:

For Scripters:
For adding new transitions, check the method Transition#call_effect. Simply add a new case for "type" and add your method. Don't forget to add the *args version, it makes it easier to pass arguments when calling transitions. Check out the call_effect method for reference.

It should be compatible with most scripts.

Credits and Thanks
* Fantasist, for making this script
* Blizzard, for the Transpose effect
* Ryexander, for helping with an important scripting aspect

My, the posters comments
It's an awesome script, so far i like it a lot.

I hope a lot of you really smart folks can come up with more transitions.
No credit to me, give it to Fantasist even though he no longer does RGSS
And that's it, enjoy.
You forgot the DLL file. It's named "screenshot.dll". Otherwise, other people won't be able to use this script. By the way, hand't someone already posted this script?
Did you not read?
I said i need a way to make it available to download... .. read back..
I said i needed to figure out how to get to where people can DL it...
In other words, help please?
As for someone posting this already, i looked all over the forum, i could not find a script for this.. in fact a lot of scripts i look for i can't find... and scripts i request get ignored... i searched to see if it was already posted before posting it, and i could not find it... so i asumed it was not already posted, and i seen requests before for transitions and such.. so i dunno.. i'm just trying to help people..
Thanks! ^_^
Okay now it should be of use to everyone!
Check the first post, and DL that DLL file.
I hope people find it useful.
I can't get permission cause the guy who made it is no longer doing anything, and no one knows how to get ahold of him.
But on his original thread he indicates that others can mod it and what not if they like, he literally no longer does anything RGSS related.
And no one has heard from him in some time, so i'm pretty sure it's fine.

Here is a quote he made before he left.
I have stopped developing code for RMXP. And as of now, I am no longer going to update or even properly support my scripts. I just might, but don't count on it. So you collectors out there might want to download any of my demos and stuff before Sendspace deletes them from their server.

I hate to leave my work unsupported, but I'm just not willing to spend my mental resources on RGSS anymore. So, I welcome the other scripters here to use/adapt my scripts and post their modified versions if they want.

Sorry and thank you.

And when i mention reposting it else where, where i got the script, no one objected.
So it's fine.
I gotta say though, i would like some comments on this script, so far the thread gets lots of views and almost no reply, i wanna know how people like it.
I guess the fact that i can't even help with the script might be an indication as to why no one is saying anything.
I'm hoping someone can use it to come up with other transitions, the ones there are nice, but i think some cooler ones can be made.

Thank you for viewing

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