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Transformation needed



Ok I'm makeing a Naruto game useing minkoffs CBS everything is going fine but ive run into a small problem. I need a script that will alow me to make a character transform into another character, now i have found a transformation script but when i use it it displays the whole battler sheet instead of the individual frames. id post the transformation script but i seem to have lost it so sry about that but all in all what i need is a transformation script that will work with Minkoffs CBS
Thanks in advance.
Dunno if it's quite what you want, but there's an extremely easy way to do transformations, without any script at all.
You make the transform skill link to a common event. Don't change any other settings except maybe the icon or name or whatever.
In the common event, you can use the event options "Change Hero Name", "Change Hero Class", "Change Skills", "Change Base Statistics", "Change Equipped Items", and "Change Hero Graphic", all located on the third page in the first column. You can change all of these to the transformation's stats. If you want the transformation spell's to be based upon the hero's level as well, just include a conditional branch off of the hero's spells - Make it so if the hero knows a level 10 spell, the transformation will know its own level 10 spell when you transform into it.
Then, on every map, you insert a parallel process event with a conditional branch if the Hero name is (the transformation's name), it changes his name back, his class back, his graphic back, removes the transformation's spells, and adds his own spells (do the spells the same way that you did them when transforming, with conditional branches depending on what level spells and such), etc.

Hope that wasn't too confusing >_<



Strangly enough ive tried this and it didnt work properly.
either the character wouldnt change or i would get a wierd error
but thanks for the effort :)



no but i guess i could try it again

ok i tried it the way you said to it works but instead of showing each frame it shows the whole battler sheet


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