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TLE Sprite Work

Very good, I really like the concept and idea you made for the clothing..(is this a guy or a girl?) But you could improve on the face and the feet, but other than that It looks good.
Keep it up.



I have to agree it looks very A-Sexual... im guessing thats a girl...

Change the face... it looks too masculine... make the straps across the breasts look more like this: (( )) rather than the verical lines like this: || || that you have done... it would give them some better shading / depth...
It's not my concept, i guess what i said really doesn't say it's not >_< But yeah I just made the sprite the concept line art was made by Linken_T. Hmm, how would you suggest making it more femenine? I've already slimmed the body, added breasts, narrowed the face and gave her more fuller lips and eyelashes. She actually has a ponytail you just can't see it in the front idle view. So yeah if you could suggest anything i havent done to make the face more feminine i'd appreciate it because I can't think of anything else. The feet... well i don't see any problems with them really but if you want to be more specific then that would help. As for the starps I don't see what you mean, they aren't straight at all, and they aren't attached to her breasts. They're buckled right above them, so they wouldn't wrap like that.



as i said... those straps that come from over the shoulders... they should curver when passing over her breasts
Well I keep asking for some poinmters but all anyone can come up with is "work on the face" so please please please if your gonna crit at least give details.
I think you should shorten the straps over the breasts because you can't see them too much, i believe this will make her look more feminine, i also think you should add a bit of shadow to the bottom of the bra area so that they look more round.

I cleaned up some pixels off of the bottom of the nose that where not needed and the lips where too wide, those type of lips look better on a male, so i darkened the lips and made them smaller, i also shortened the chin by one pixel and added some darker pixels to the top of the eyes instead of the red, the main things that improved the face where the lips and eyelashes i think.

hope this helps you a bit man, keep it up :thumb:
Edit: And the hair is a bit too flat imo.
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u132 ... xample.png[/IMG]
I really don't have the patience to start over on the same sprite but i guess i'll give it another go in a week or so and just work on new pieces till then. What color specificlly? The green isn't that bright and matches up with the colored concept art. I'de really like to learn sopme better hair techs but i've read all the tuts and have done exactlly what they say. If you know of some better tuts that would be awesome. But at leasts it's better than the hair from my previous sprites. heh...

Sorry I didn't use the female temp but i didn't even know it was there till i started it already. I really don't like the legs on her either, they seem odd.
i will look for some tuts. but her legs are fine. the problem is the green behind makes the gaps look strange :)

the green on the coloring im doing is bright so that when its all done i can mess around with burn and dodge to get a better finish :)

but good work soo far and keep it up :)
ahh, you mean you dont like the legs cause they are kinda close together. thats cause the one you where using is the standing idle frame. the one i gave you is the first of the forward walking frame. :)

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