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Title Screen (Sandgeist)



Well, I made a map of the world in my game, and am planning on using it as my title screen. You see that little purple circle? That's where the title will go... I haven't decided on one yet. Haha.


[EDIT 1]
Here is my next concept for it... since it is a desert-spirit based game, I decided to give it an apt name... Sandgeist.

This title screen is quite simple, done in about 6 minutes.


Criticism is appreciated!


Awesome Bro

It's a bit loud for a title screen. The attention may be drawn away from the logo (once it's attached) and focused on the diarrhea stains in the background. Me personally, the first thing I looked at when it loaded was the centre - again because of the bold brown colour you've used for the land on your map.

I would suggest bringing the logo central, right above where the menu selection will go and possibly reduce the opacity of the your mapped background to bring more focus on the name of the game they're about to play.



Haha, yeah. Now that I think about it, I chose bad colors and made it a little bit too intense (Desert themed game). Maybe I'll rethink the it and make a new title screen. Give me a couple minutes and I'll upload a new one, I work fast with Photoshop :P.



Hey, that's a pretty decent idea.

And that line going through the middle was meant to be there, it was caused by using a gradient to start, haha.

I guess it needs a little work; I'm not good at photoshop.
Well, I got some things to talk, about the logo, and the title..

This font you used in the Sandgeist text layer, is a lot used, and I think you could variate, modifying a simple font like Verdana, or Arial. As well, a good brush could be used to interact with the logo text. I made a small example of what the logo could be to me :


And so on, for the title screen itself :
The blur effect on some brushes, made a bad contrast with the rest of the image. The gradient line, and the strokes, the same. For a game as you described, with a desert thematic, I would use a empty background, in order of use a monochromatic background as you used.


I made them as example, but if you like you can use them, just a little credit please.

Best Regards

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