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Title Screen *C&C*

This is the Title Screen for my game.. need some C&C to see what I can fix on it!!
Here is the new Title

here is the new Title Screen
I think the picture would be nicer if there wasn't clouds everywhere. I'm confused as to why there are clouds in front of the ground.
Change the color of your title to black or any other color that stands out against all of the blue.

I'm so glad people are making attempts at title screens now! :thumb:



The yellow is too harsh...try to add a photo filter and the stars are too bright and I would say work on the font, I dunno it just looks too rounded and doesn't really stand out enough
I would put the title on the upper-left and make it much bigger so it REALLY stands out. You could also underline it, add some tribals or nice brushes or something, so it looks more original (although it's allready quite nice).

Use whatever color suits your game most, but no over-flashy ones that kill eyes (yellow)! And blur those stars a little, they look too sharp. But those aren't stars right? 'Cause we see one that is in front of the planet.
I think the ornament on the "S" bothers me, because it devides the title, but the title isn't balenced (more on the right side then the left side of the "S") I think for the colours, it depends on the atmosphere you're trying to convey in the game. The blue looks calm and mystical, and imo it fits well with the motif of time (depending still on what the atmosphere is, though).   



I preffered the non 3D title screens. Anyway, this one seems to lack atmosphere. Add some clouds in the sky, trees, make the water effect nicer, and shrink the moon.
I agree that the 3D ones arn't as great as the previous ones, but that's not to say that they can't become as good or better. The 3D one just seems so 90's imaging company logo...or Reboot, for some reason :/

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