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title menu script request



Hi! I'm lookingd for a title menu script for my Kingdom hearts fan game
Kingdom hearts - Realm of darkness

I wan't it to look like kh1 and kh2 but i allready have an background.

So please give me a hand. :smile:
Hey thought I'd save FF12_Master the task of doing something thats been done before, this script is Paradog and Trickster so credit them, not me. Simply mess with the images and variables in the script and you can replicate the KH title screen.


# Custom Title Screen ver. 1.01

# Script by Paradog Rewritten By Trickster

# [url=http://rpg.para.s3p.net/]http://rpg.para.s3p.net/[/url]



# * Begin SDK Log


SDK.log("Custom Title Screen", "Paradog/Trickster", 1.01, "3.5.07")



# * Begin SDK Requirement Check


SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [1,2,3,4])



# * Begin SDK Enable Test


if SDK.enabled?("Custom Title Screen")


module Para_Title


  # * Image Menu

  #   - Use Images Instead of a Command Window


  Image_Menu = true


  # * Transparent Command Window


  Transparent = false


  # * Window Background Opacity


  Opacity = 160


  # * Horizontal Command Window Alignment

  #   - set to 0 to override with Position Value

  #   - 1 left 2 center 3 right


  Horizontal_Align = 2


  # * Vertical Alignment

  #   - set to 0 to override with Position Value 

  #   - 1 left 2 center 3 right


  Vertical_Align = 0


  # * Command Window Position

  #   - x, y


  Position = 0, 288


  # * New Game Image Sprite

  #   - Located in Graphics/Titles


  NewGame = 'newgame', 'newgame_active'


  # * New Game Position


  NewGame_Position = 210, 260


  # * Load Image Sprite

  #   - Located in Graphics/Titles


  Load = 'continue', 'continue_active'


  # * Load Position


  Load_Position = 250, 300


  # * End Game Image Sprite

  #   - Located in Graphics/Titles


  End  = 'shutdown', 'shutdown_active'


  # * End Position


  End_Position = 290, 340


  # * Blend Type for Sprites

  #   - 0 normal 1 add 2 subtract


  Blend_Type = 0



class Scene_Title


  # * Main Sprite


  alias_method :para_custom_title_main_sprite, :main_sprite

  def main_sprite

    # The Usual


    # New Game Sprite

    @sprite_newgame = Sprite.new

    @sprite_newgame.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type

    @sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[0])

    @sprite_newgame.x, @sprite_newgame.y = Para_Title::NewGame_Position

    # Load Sprite

    @sprite_load = Sprite.new

    @sprite_load.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type

    @sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[0])

    @sprite_load.x, @sprite_load.y = Para_Title::Load_Position

    # End Sprite

    @sprite_end = Sprite.new

    @sprite_end.blend_type = Para_Title::Blend_Type

    @sprite_end.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::End[0])

    @sprite_end.x, @sprite_end.y = Para_Title::End_Position



  # * Main Window


  alias_method :para_custom_title_main_window, :main_window

  def main_window

    # The Usual


    # If Transparent Window Option

    if Para_Title::Transparent

      # Window Transparent

      @command_window.opacity = 0


      # Set Back Opacity to Defined Value

      @command_window.back_opacity = Para_Title::Opacity


    # Branch By Window Align

    case Para_Title::Horizontal_Align

    when 0

      @command_window.x = Para_Title::Position[0]

    when 1

      @command_window.x = 0

    when 2

      @command_window.x = (640 - @command_window.width) / 2

    when 3

      @command_window.x = 640 - @command_window.width


    # Branch By Window Vertical Align

    case Para_Title::Vertical_Align

    when 0

      @command_window.y = Para_Title::Position[1]

    when 1

      @command_window.y = 0

    when 2

      @command_window.y = (480 - @command_window.height) / 2

    when 3

      @command_window.y = 480 - @command_window.height


    # Return if not image menu

    return if not Para_Title::Image_Menu

    # Set Command Window Invisible

    @command_window.visible = false

    # If Continue Enabled

    if @continue_enabled

      # Load Bitmap

      @sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[1])


      # Set Load Opacity

      @sprite_load.opacity = 160

      @sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[1])




  # ● Update


  alias_method :para_custom_title_update, :update

  def update

    # The Usual


    # Return if not image menu

    return if not Para_Title::Image_Menu

    # If Input

    if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)

      # Reset All

      @sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[0])

      @sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[0])

      @sprite_end.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::End[0])

      # Brach by command window

      case @command_window.index

      when 0 # new game

        @sprite_newgame.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::NewGame[1])

      when 1 # load

        @sprite_load.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::Load[1])

      when 2 # exit

        @sprite_end.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title(Para_Title::End[1])






# * End SDK Enable Test


SDK or not Line 2 is a commented line so its an installation problem, not a coding problem. I'll do a quick demo of the way I had a KH title screen setup.

Heres a demo, extract playtest and copy the scripts and images over.

Thank you for viewing

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