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Title and logo's from my game

ok, i made these using the GIMP, and i just wanted some C&C. One is my game title, and the other two are logos to be used with adrianmati and takrenas logo script.
http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m174 ... fGames.png[/IMG]

Any comments are appreciated, and welcome.



hey i was bored so i played around with one of your logos. I changed the dark bg and added someother stuff. Here it is: Logo :)



Hmm, Your title looks Great!
Although, the font...

Also, well, I think that your Logo could use a little Work (a lot of work)

Do you use photoshop?
if so, you could Spice to the Fonts a little, and it would look great!

Thanks for the reply's.

@koss: I like the different layout you did, but i wanna stick to a dark background... just my personality i guess.

@kraft: i use the GIMP. I download fonts from the net, and then use the script-fu feature in gimp... that's how i got the different looks on the text.
BTW... which logo needs work? there were two in the spoiler.
also The simplicity of the title is the beauty of it... think of an old photo... that's the effect i was going for... an old photo is beautiful in it's simplicity because photos nowadays can be taken with a phone... back then you planned a photo for weeks.

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