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Tips on How to Not Get Yelled At

Do you do stupid things?
Hell yeah you do. We all do! But probably not as many as you.

Do you puzzle at why your partner, parent, roommate, or person-who-is-always-around-you:
- Gets pissed at you for seemingly no reason?
- Bitches at you for doing something "the wrong way"?
- Becomes REALLY REALLY quiet with that REALLY REALLY angry face, because they're stifling a string of slurs and screaming rants, and you know it's all your fault but you don't know why?
- Gets so fed up with you they start banging your friends or neighbors?

Or, do you always get REALLY fatigued with your partner, parent, roommate, or person-who-is-always-around-you for doing stupid shit?
Do you sometimes want to throttle them, poke them in both eyes, give them a colombian necktie, eat out their beating heart with only your bare teeth?

... Then this thread is for you.

Post what REALLY REALLY annoys you that other people in your life do, and what that person SHOULD be doing to make the murderous voices in your head stop chanting for their blood sacrifice on your Altar of Stopdoingthat.

Doing so could:
- keep someone from being kicked out onto the street by an angry roommate!
- save a marriage!
- make a friendship endure the ages!
- halt a potential copycat of the Menendez case!
- keep someone's girlfriend out of the arms of the mailman!
- save someone from being fatally chainsawed in the femoral artery by a fed-up, strung-out spouse!

Here's how to post:

The basic semi-format for posting your 'guide'":1mj3bocy said:
This is the thing that pisses you off

How NOT to do this thing:
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Etc.

What happens when this thing is done wrong:
1. Thing 1
2. Thing 2
3. Etc.

How to ACTUALLY do it:
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Etc.

(though you can post however you want, that's just there to give you some ideas. drawing/providing diagrams is smiled upon!)
Here's one:


If you think it's ok to slap these in your dishwasher without
even turning on the tap ... Someone may strangle you.

A dishwasher is not a magical machine that takes all items you use in your kitchen and sanitizes them perfectly, regardless of how much week-old dried-up lasagna or burnt cheese scrapings you have caked on all of it.

This is NOT how you "do the dishes":
1. Open dishwasher.
2. Cram all things in the sink-area into random places inside of the dishwasher.
3. Stack shit like crazy. No matter if the water sprayers can reach it! Bowls within bowls on top of plates on top of cups? Go for it! If the door still closes, it'll get clean!
4. Put in all your Teflon, iron, and stainless steel pots, pans, and gourmet knives. A little soap & hot water never hurt anything.
5a. Close the dishwasher. Fail to even put in detergent or start it.
5b. Close the dishwasher & start it. Forget to run the garbage disposal.


Water isn't magic. If sprays won't directly hit your dish,
the crap that's on it WON'T be washed off.

Doing the above will cause:
1. Your dishwasher to eventually clog, as all the debris sloughed off the dishes will fall into the debris trap, and/or get clogged in the waste water drain.
2. Your dishwasher will fail to drain, as there's too much shit in the debris trap/garbage disposal, and your dishes will be soaked in grody mildew nasty garbage water.
3. Your dishes will be heat-blasted with hot air that cakes remaining debris onto the plates/glasses in a manner that resembles cement.
4. Tomato sauce, wine, or stainy juices will not be washed off properly, and may stain your dishes (esp plastic or wood ones) permanently.
5. Pans & pots will lose the coatings that protect them from the pressure, heat, and the scrapy nature of detergent. So they'll rust. Stainless steel WILL stain. Rivets may loosen as materials in the handle expand and contract. Soapy water will be trapped inside of the crevices, to slowly denature the materials.
6. Gourmet (very finely sharpened) knives will be very quickly and expertly dulled. So much for paying the extra money for extra sharpness.
7. The jet sprays of water won't be able to reach the things that are stacked within each other. So they won't really get clean. A crusty spoon may be sanitized, but it's still crusty.
8. If you don't turn on the dishwasher, and leave dishes in there with lots of food caked on, the food will decay, and your dishwasher will STINK LIKE HOLY HELL after only a day.
9. You may be strangled!!!


All dishes should have open spaces that can be reached by water
jets. Plates on bottom, cups on top, and bowls either up top,
or only where there is ample room. Never stacked.

How to ACTUALLY load a dishwasher:

1. Know where your dishwasher's water jets are. They're different on a lot of models.

2. TURN ON THE FAUCET. As hot as you can stand without burning yourself.

3. Manually clean your teflon, iron, or stainless steel pots, pans, and gourmet knives, with soap and hot water. Dry them on a rack.

4. Grab some steel wool, or a scratchy sponge, or a dish brush, and scrape/rub/scrub all obvious debris off/out of all dishes. Wash on the side of the garbage disposal.

5. Give them a little rinse to send the debris down into the garbage disposal.

6. Load them in the dishwasher, paying attention that all the dishes can be sprayed by the water jets. If there are too many dishes, put them aside for the next load.

7. Run the garbage disposal.

8. Add detergent. Optional: add spot-removing gel, so your dishes/glasses don't get calcium build-up and water spots.

9a. If the dishwasher isn't full, close it and wait until the next dishwashing round to start it. The dishes aren't caked with crap, so it won't smell horrific when you come back.

9b. If the dishwasher is full, run it.


I guarantee that will save you like SO MANY ARGUMENTS and possibly, stranglings, in the future -- and, you'll have ACTUALLY clean dishes!!! WOO!!
Spookeh":2ke50v4s said:
I do my dishes by hand, because that's more reliable :shades:

Same here, then I put them in the dishwasher for the extra "clean." :) Good 'ole raising from my parents enabled me to be clean when the ladies come over (or other company). Haha!
Spookeh":2lveklsb said:
I do my dishes by hand, because that's more reliable :shades:

I'd say me too, except there's a pile of dirty dishes on the counter. So claiming to do them at all would be misleading.
Well I guess it's a good thing Ven and I don't live together, or this site would be less one Peri very shortly. :eek:uch: But I don't have a dishwasher right now and wash all of my communal dishes in a timely fashion. Man, that's one thing that pisses me off, when people trash communal areas like hall kitchens. You might live here, but this isn't your house!
I always thought garbage disposals were a Malcolm in the Middle joke, you know, like the other weird shit that happens, but turns out they're a real thing.

Americans are strange :| like, what?

Why would you make such a thing exist
There aren't garbage disposals in Britain??? What happens when food and gunk and shit goes into your sink drains? You have to manually fish all of it out?? What a pain in the ass.
Garbage disposals reduce plumbing & drain clogs to almost nil.

Garbage disposals aren't complicated or even expensive;
why wouldn't everyone [in 1st world countries] have one ...?

Once when searching for a new place, I literally passed up an otherwise nice apartment, JUST because it didn't have a garbage disposal. I can't even operate in the kitchen without one :x
(also i found one in a nicer part of town but yeah the lack of a disposal was a big fat nail in that coffin)

Spookeh":aq28yvzl said:
I do my dishes by hand, because that's more reliable :shades:
But then they don't get sanitized b/c you're not heating them to >170 degrees [f].

ANYWAY, people, post more Tips on How to Not Get Yelled At
Sorry to continue the dishwashing talk but I have only seen a single person in my entire life who had a garbage disposal in his sink. And he was super-rich too. The drains don't get clogged because we don't dump trash into our sinks like weirdo Americans.
There aren't garbage disposals in Britain??? What happens when food and gunk and shit goes into your sink drains? You have to manually fish all of it out?? What a pain in the ass.
Garbage disposals reduce plumbing & drain clogs to almost nil.

We put it in either the composter or a slop bucket to be collected first. We don't just try and force everything down there with a gaumless look on our face at the fact it's not moving.

Those exist here, but no one uses those. Well, except for those, "I'M TEACHING MY KIDS HOW TO SAVE THE ENVIORNEMENTALLABORDTHEPRIUS!" families.

Well, in California at least.

Unless you are referring to green waste trash cans, in which case we do use them.

Also, I've only ever used my garbage disposal for things like eggshells and small amounts of stray pasta because the garbage can was sort of far away.
It's not really about dumping garbage in there (btw: eggshells are really bad for it). It is for some people I guess (they're wrong), but it's nearly impossible to get a sink full of dishes that has no chunks of anything or food stuffs on it that are slightly too big to just go down the drain. It saves you the time/mess of having to stop what you're doing, bring the plate/mess to the wastebin, and toss it down there. Also it keeps things like scraps of animal fat/skin or small things like that which crop up while cooking from being put in the wastebin to fester and stink or attract bugs for days until you take out the trash.

Wasn't really expecting a garbage disposal debate here o_O
Generally speaking, if you have a garden, you'll want to throw eggshells out there rather than in the trash or the garbage disposal. They don't exactly take forever to break down, and they're a handy source of fertilizer.
I had eggshells in my compost bin for years and they never went. I just kept throwing them back to the bottom every time I took compost out. Bet they're still there. o.O
Eggshells take a really long time to break down unless you're constantly turning the compost and adding lots of sources of bacteria that nosh on them. If you left a chicken's egg shell just chillin' in a closet or something in your house, in a dry place, it'd keep for 50+ years. Bacteriums and moving water are the only things that'll wear em away.
Venetia":13o9jr47 said:
Eggshells take a really long time to break down unless you're constantly turning the compost and adding lots of sources of bacteria that nosh on them. If you left a chicken's egg shell just chillin' in a closet or something in your house, in a dry place, it'd keep for 50+ years. Bacteriums and moving water are the only things that'll wear em away.

No wonder the pond looked so much better when I was dumping them in there. (It has a waterfall too)

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