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Tinting Windows

I saw a way to do this once on RMXP.net.

Someone posted a request asking how to make an RGB modifier for windows in-game. I remember someone posting a line where you can put a number between 0-255 and that'd tint the window somewhere on the colour wheel. Does anyone know what I mean? Thanks in advance.
@some_window.windowskin.hue_change(0-360) or self.windowskin.hue_change(0-360)

I believe it should be that. But I'm not 100% sure and I can't check cause I'm at school right now..
Try this

add this in the initiailize method of the window preferably after you call Window_Bases initialize method

 @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name
 self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name).dup

If the above doesn't work then use this
 @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name
file = "Graphics/Windowskins/#{@windowskin_name}"
 self.windowskin = Bitmap.new(file)

then do your hue change
Oh I get it, make a new copy of the windowskin and tint that right? A copy can be messed with as much as you like because the original isn't harmed? Correct??


Edit: Hang on, it doesn't seem to tint at all now!
Yeah Basically what happened is RPG::Cache returned another reference to the Bitmap object and if you edit the bitmap then every single object that uses this bitmap will be changed

so if you plan on editing your bitmap after you get it from RPG::Cache its best to duplicate it Oh and here is a fix to your problem So you can use RPG::Cache.windowskin(file, hue) the module will automatically return a new bitmap object when you specifiy the hue

module RPG
  module Cache
     def self.windowskin(filename, hue = 0)
      self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Windowskins/", filename, hue)

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