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Time System Edit

I was wondering if it is possible, and if someone could help me with this, as I am lost on tring to do it. To get rid of the "step" counts in the menu system, and replace it with a timer. What I am hoping to achieve is this:

Time: (24 hr in game time system)
Gold: (amount of gold you have earned)
Play time: (Amount of time you have played)

Does anyone have a clue on how to do it?
Find in scene menu the part were it's says to call the scene steps and replace it with what you want then delete the scene steps and put the script for the time and in scene menu replace the words steps to time in those line here you must edit for showing the time:

@steps_window = Window_Steps.new
@steps_window.x = 0
@steps_window.y = 320

Meaning it will come something like this:

@time_window = Window_Time.new
@time_window.x = 0
@time_window.y = 320

And remove window steps and put window time or what it's called but if it's called different you must write window_Time..new different

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