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Time Script HUD Edit

I recently started using Trickster's Time System scripts found here.

Was kinda wondering if the HUD system, the thing that makes a little window at the top of the screen, could display more than just the time that has passed.

Right now it shows just the time, like 8:00 PM or 12:00 AM and so on.
What I want it to do though is instead of showing just the time, it should show both what time it is and what day it is (not necessarily what month/year it is since I'm not really using those parts)

Example: "Monday, 12:00 AM" or "Saturday, 7:00 PM"

shadowball made something similar to what I'm looking for here. Except his script changes the play time in the menu, and he uses the actual time and date, not the one generated by the script.

So if it isn't to much trouble, I'd like to request a script-edit to the HUD script so that it shows the Day as well as the Time generated by the Time System Script.

Here's the Time System Script:

 ●● Trickster's Time System
 Trickster (tricksterguy@hotmail.com)
 Version 2.2
 Date 7/13/07
 goto rmxp.org for updates/support/bug reports
 This script allows your game to have time. Also includes a simple Day Night 
 System. And Also you can setup events that happen at a certain time 
 (ex. at 0 to 6 minutes past each hour, or on Tuesday March 20, 2007 at 
 3:00 PM to 4:00 the same day and year), This script wasn't meant to be an exact
 copy of our calendar as it is not accurate
  * Simple
  * Can Set Time to a certain hour, minute, month, day, year
  * Can Speed up or slow down time
  * Can Disable Tinting
  * Tinting is disabled on inside maps
  * Can Setup Initial time
  * Can redefine the time system
  * Includes a Time HUD
  * Can export to regular variables 
  - If you want to disable day night toning completely do this in a call script
  $game_time.tone_enabled = false and that will disable it
  - To Change the time just call $game_time.(value) = time replace (value) with
  either minute, hour, day, month or year and time is the new time
  - To Move Time forword just call $game_time.(value) += time replace (value)
  with either minute, hour, day, month, or year and time is the time to move 
  forward by
To Setup A Event's Time Condition:
  - Use an Event Comment that says Time_Setup
  - To set the minutes the event is to happen type
      start_minute (minute)
      end_minute (minute)
    and that setups the event to happen starting at start_minute and ending at
  - To set the other parameters (hours, days, months, and years) follow the 
    above but use start_hour and end_hour for hours, start_day and end_day for
    days, start_month and end_month for months, and start_year and end_year for
  - There are also two other parameters on_day and on_month which checks if it
    is on a day.
  - New 2.2 a script condition has been added useful for checking if the time
    is between for example 2100 and 500 (note this is evaluated in the scope
    of the Game_Time class use minutes, hours, days, months, years to get the
    respective value of the variable) you may also call methods defined in this
    class as the condition.
# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log('Time System', 'Trickster', 2.2, '7.13.07')
# Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.2, [1, 2, 3, 4], ['Map Info'])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?('Time System')
module Time_Setup
  # * Minute Length
  #   - How Many Seconds are in a Minute?
  Minute = 2
  # * Hour Length
  #   - How Many Minutes are in a Hour?
  Hour = 60
  # * Day Length
  #   - How Many Hours are in a Day?
  Day = 24
  # * Month Length
  #   - How Many Days are in a Month?
  Month = 30
  # * Year Length
  #   - How Many Months are in a Year?
  Year = 12
  # * Starting Time
  #   - Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
  Time = 2007, 11, 7, 9, 37
  # * Days of the Week
  Days = %W( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday )
  # * Months of the Year
  Months = %W( Janurary Feburary March April May June July August September
  October November December )
  # * Time Format
  #   0 - HHMM 1 - HH:MM 2 - HH:MM AM / PM (Splits Day Rate in Half)
  Time_Format = 2
  # * Morning
  #   - When is it Morning?
  #   - Default - Defined as 5AM to 12PM
  Morning = proc {|hour| hour >= 5 && hour < 12}
  # * Afternoon
  #   - When is it Afternoon?
  #   - Default - Defined as 12PM to 6PM
  Afternoon = proc {|hour| hour >= 12 && hour < 18}
  # * Evening
  #   - When is it Evening?
  #   - Default - Defined as 6PM to 10PM
  Evening = proc {|hour| hour >= 18 && hour < 22}
  # * Night
  #   - When is it Night time?
  #   - Default - Defined as 10PM to 5AM
  Night = proc {|hour| hour >= 22 && hour < 5}
  # * Time Effect
  #   0 - Wait (In Map Only) 1 - Wait2 (In Map in Battle) 2 - Active
  Time_Effect = 2
  # * Time Speed (At Start of Game)
  Speed = 1
  # * Time Stopped (At Start of Game)
  Stopped = false
  # * Time Stopped During Events
  Stopped_Events = true
  # * Time Stopped Maps
  #   - syntax map_id => stopped flag true: stopped time false: otherwise
  Stopped_Maps = {}
  # * Time Stopped Maps Default
  Stopped_Maps.default = false
  # * Increase Speed up Time Maps
  #   - syntax map_id => speed
  Speed_Maps = {}
  # * Increase Speed up Time Maps Default
  Speed_Maps.default = 0

class Game_Time
  # * Include Time Setup
  include Time_Setup
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :minute_length
  attr_accessor :stop
  attr_accessor :speed
  attr_accessor :tone_enabled
  attr_accessor :stopped_event
  attr_writer :map_stop
  attr_writer :map_speed
  attr_reader :minutes
  attr_reader :hours
  attr_reader :days
  attr_reader :months
  attr_reader :years
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Initialize Minute Length
    @minute_length = Minute
    # Time Stopped Setup
    @stop = Stopped
    # Setup Speed Multiplier
    @speed = Speed
    # Setup Stopped Event
    @stopped_event = Stopped_Events
    # Setup initial time
    @minutes = 0
    @hours = 0
    @days = 0
    @months = 0
    @years = 0
    # Add Minutes
    self.minutes += Time[4]
    # Add Hours
    self.hours += Time[3]
    # Add Days
    self.days += Time[2]
    # Add Months
    self.months += Time[1]
    # Add Years
    self.years += Time[0]
    # Setup Counter
    @counter = 0
  # * Minutes
  def minutes=(minutes)
    # Set Minutes
    @minutes = minutes
    # Update Time
  # * Hours
  def hours=(hours)
    # Set Hours
    @hours = hours
    # Update Time
  # * Days
  def days=(days)
    # Set Days
    @days = days
    # Update Time
  # * Months
  def months=(months)
    # Set Months
    @months = months
    # Update Time
  # * Years
  def years=(years)
    # Set Years
    @years = years
    # Update Time
  # * Total Minutes
  def total_minutes
    return @minutes + total_hours * Hour
  # * Total Hours
  def total_hours
    return @hours + total_days * Day
  # * Total Days
  def total_days
    return @days + total_months * Month
  # * Total Months
  def total_months
    return @months + total_years * Year
  # * Total Years
  def total_years
    return @years
  # * Update
  def update
    # Return if time stopped
    return if @stop || @map_stop
    # Increase Counter
    @counter += 1
    # Return if not @minute_length seconds passed
    return if @counter / Graphics.frame_rate.to_f < @minute_length
    # Reset Counter
    @counter = 0
    # Add One Minute
    @minutes += @speed + (@map_speed.nil? ? 0 : @map_speed)
    # Update Time
  # * Update Time
  def update_time
    # Add To Amounts
    @hours += @minutes / Hour
    @days += @hours / Day
    @months += @days / Month
    @years += @months / Year
    # Restrict to [0, Max]
    @minutes %= Hour
    @hours %= Day
    @days %= Month
    @months %= Year
  # * Is Morning?
  def is_morning?
    return Morning.call(hours)
  # * Is Afternoon?
  def is_afternoon?
    return Afternoon.call(hours)
  # * Is Evening?
  def is_evening?
    return Evening.call(hours)
  # * Is Night?
  def is_night?
    return Night.call(hours)
  # * Time
  def time
    # Get Number of Digits
    digits = Math.log10(Hour).to_i + 1
    # Branch By Time Format
    case Time_Format
    when 0 #HHMM
      time = hours.to_s + sprintf("%0#{digits}d", minutes)
    when 1 #HH:MM
      time = hours.to_s + sprintf(":%0#{digits}d", minutes)
    when 2 #HH:MM AM/PM
      # Restrict to [0, Day / 2 - 1]
      hour = hours % (Day / 2)
      # Set to Day / 2 if 0
      hour = Day / 2 if hour == 0
      # Get Time
      time = hour.to_s + sprintf(":%0#{digits}d", minutes)
      # Get AM and PM Text
      time += ' ' + (hours >= Day / 2 ? 'PM' : 'AM')
    # Return String
    return time
  # * Full Time
  def full_time
    # Get Number of Digits
    digits = Math.log10(Hour).to_i + 1
    # Get Year String
    year = self.years.to_s
    # Get Month String
    month = current_month
    # Get Day of Week
    day_name = current_day
    # Get Day
    day = self.days.to_s
    # Branch By Time Format
    case Time_Format
    when 0 #HHMM
      time = hours.to_s + sprintf("%0#{digits}d", minutes)
    when 1 #HH:MM
      time = hours.to_s + sprintf(":%0#{digits}d", minutes)
    when 2 #HH:MM AM/PM
      # Restrict to [0, Day / 2 - 1]
      hour = hours % (Day / 2)
      # Set to Day / 2 if 0
      hour = Day / 2 if hour == 0
      # Get Time
      time = hour.to_s + sprintf(":%0#{digits}d", minutes)
      # Get AM and PM Text
      time += ' ' + (hours >= Day / 2 ? 'PM' : 'AM')
    # Return String
    return "#{time} #{day_name}, #{month} #{day}, #{year}"
  # * Current Day
  def current_day
    return Days[total_days.to_i % Days.size]
  # * Current Month
  def current_month
    return Months[total_months.to_i % Months.size]

class SDK::Scene_Base
  # * Main Update
  alias_method :trick_time_base_main_update, :main_update
  def main_update
    # The Usual
    # Branch By Time Effect
    case Time_Setup::Time_Effect
    when 0
      # Return if not in Scene_Map
      return if !$scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
    when 1
      # Return if not in Scene_Map or Scene Battle
      return if !($scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) || $scene.is_a?(Scene_Battle))
    # if Time is not nil
    unless $game_time.nil?
      # If Event Running and Time Stops for events
      return if ($game_system.map_interpreter.running? ||
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?) && $game_time.stopped_event
      # Update Time 

class Scene_Map
  # * Transfer Player
  alias_method :trick_time_map_transfer_player, :transfer_player
  def transfer_player
    # The Usual
    # Set Map Speed
    $game_time.map_speed = Time_Setup::Speed_Maps[$game_map.map_id]
    # Set Map Stop
    $game_time.map_stop = Time_Setup::Stopped_Maps[$game_map.map_id]

class Scene_Title
  # * Command New Game Game Data
  alias_method :trick_time_title_commandnewgame_gamedata, :commandnewgame_gamedata
  def commandnewgame_gamedata
    # The Usual
    # Create Game Time
    $game_time = Game_Time.new
  # * Command New Game Map Setup
  alias_method :trick_time_title_commandnewgame_mapsetup, :commandnewgame_mapsetup
  def commandnewgame_mapsetup
    # The Usual
    # Set Map Speed
    $game_time.map_speed = Time_Setup::Speed_Maps[$game_map.map_id]
    # Set Map Stop
    $game_time.map_stop = Time_Setup::Stopped_Maps[$game_map.map_id]

class Scene_Save
  # * Save Data
  alias_method :trick_time_save_write_data, :write_data
  def write_data(file)
    # The Usual
    # Dump Game Time

class Scene_Load
  # * Save Data
  alias_method :trick_time_save_read_data, :read_data
  def read_data(file)
    # The Usual
    # Load Game Time
    $game_time = Marshal.load(file)

class Game_Event
  # * Object Initialization
  alias_method :trick_time_event_initialize, :initialize
  def initialize(map_id, event, *extra)
    # Setup Event
    @event = event
    # Setup Arguments
    args = %w( Time_Setup start_minute end_minute start_hour end_hour
    start_day end_day start_month end_month start_year end_year on_day
    on_month night day evening morning script)
    # Get Setup Information from Comments
    time_setup = event_comment_list(*args)
    # If not nil and has the View Range Key Set Instance Variable
    @time_setup = time_setup unless time_setup == nil
    # The Usual
    trick_time_event_initialize(map_id, event, *extra)
  # * Time Condition
  def condition_time(page)
    return if @event.pages.index(page) == nil
    return @time_setup[@event.pages.index(page)]
  # * Refresh Trigger Conditions
  def refresh_trigger_conditions
    # Check in order of large event pages
    for page in @event.pages.reverse
      # Skips If Page Conditions Not Met
      next unless page.condition.conditions_met?(@map_id, @id)
      next unless time_conditions_met?(page)
      # Set local variable: new_page
      new_page = page
      # Remove loop
    # Return new page
    return new_page
  # * Time Conditions Met?
  def time_conditions_met?(page)
    # Get Time Setup for Page
    time_cond = condition_time(page)
    # Return flag if not valid
    return true if time_cond == nil or not time_cond.has_key?('Time_Setup')
    # Evaluate Minute Handlers if any
    min1, min2 = time_cond['start_minute'], time_cond['end_minute']
    # If Passed Minute Conditions
    return false unless min1 == nil or $game_time.minutes >= min1
    return false unless min2 == nil or $game_time.minutes <= min2
    # Evaluate Hour Handlers if any
    hour1, hour2 = time_cond['start_hour'], time_cond['end_hour']
    # If Passed Hour Conditions
    return false unless hour1 == nil or $game_time.hours >= hour1
    return false unless hour2 == nil or $game_time.hours <= hour2
    # Evaluate Day Handlers if any
    day1, day2 = time_cond['start_day'], time_cond['end_day']
    # If Passed Day Conditions
    return false unless day1 == nil or $game_time.days >= day1
    return false unless day2 == nil or $game_time.days <= day2
    # Evaluate Month Handlers if any
    month1, month2 = time_cond['start_month'], time_cond['end_month']
    # If Passed Hour Conditions
    return false unless month1 == nil or $game_time.months >= month1
    return false unless month2 == nil or $game_time.months <= month2
    # Evaluate Year Handlers if any
    year1, year2 = time_cond['start_year'], time_cond['end_year']
    # If Passed Hour Conditions
    return false unless year1 == nil or $game_time.years >= year1
    return false unless year2 == nil or $game_time.years <= year2
    # Evaluate on Day Handlers
    on_day = time_cond['on_day']
    # If Passed On Day Condition
    return false unless on_day == nil or on_day == $game_time.current_day
    # Evaluate on Month Handlers
    on_month = time_cond['on_month']
    # If Passed On Month Condition
    return false unless on_month == nil or on_month == $game_time.current_month
    # Get Time of Day Conditions
    morning, afternoon = time_cond['morning'], time_cond['afternoon']
    evening, night = time_cond['evening'], time_cond['night']
    # If Passed Morning Condition
    return false if morning != nil and morning ^ $game_time.is_morning?
    # If Passed Afternoon Condition
    return false if afternoon != nil and afternoon ^ $game_time.is_afternoon?
    # If Passed Evening Condition
    return false if evening != nil and evening ^ $game_time.is_evening?
    # If Passed Night Condition
    return false if night != nil and night ^ $game_time.is_night?
    # Get Script Condition
    script = time_cond['script']
    # If Passed Script Condition
    return false if script != nil and not $game_time.instance_eval(script)
    # Passed Time Conditions
    return true
# * End SDK Enable Test
And here's the HUD Add-On Script:
 ●● HUD Addon for Trickster's Time System
 Trickster (tricksterguy@hotmail.com)
 Version 1.0
 Date 3/31/07
 Goto rmxp.org for updates/support/bug reports
# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log('Time HUD', 'Trickster', 1.0, '3.21.07')
# Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.2, [1, 2, 3, 4], ['Time System'])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?('Time HUD')
module Time_Setup
  # * Time HUD Location
  #   - note: width = 160 height = 64
  Position = 480, 0
  # * Time HUD Opacity
  Opacity = 160
  # * Time HUD Back Opacity
  Back_Opacity = 160
  # * HUD Switch
  #   - Switch ID to turn hud off
  HUD_Switch = 100

class Window_TimeHUD < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Call Window_Base#initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, 64)
    # Setup Contents
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    # Setup Time
    @time = nil
    # Setup Opacity
    self.opacity = Time_Setup::Opacity
    # Setup Back Opacity
    self.back_opacity = Time_Setup::Back_Opacity
    # Refresh
    # Setup Visibility
    self.visible = $game_switches[Time_Setup::HUD_Switch]
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Return if same time
    return if @time == $game_time.time
    # Set Time
    @time = $game_time.time
    # Clear
    # Get Width
    cx = contents.text_size('Time').width
    # System Color
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    # Draw Time Text
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, cx, 32, 'Time', 2)
    # Normal Color
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    # Get Width
    dx = contents.text_size(@time).width
    # Print Time
    self.contents.draw_text(cx, 0, contents.width - cx, 32, $game_time.time, 2)
  # * Update
  def update
    # Call Window_Base#update
    # Refresh if different time
    refresh if @time != $game_time.time
    # Setup Visibility
    self.visible = $game_switches[Time_Setup::HUD_Switch]

class Scene_Map
  # * Main Window
  alias_method :trick_timehud_map_main_window, :main_window
  def main_window
    # The Usual
    # Create Time Hud Window
    @time_hud = Window_TimeHUD.new
    # Setup it's position
    @time_hud.x, @time_hud.y = Time_Setup::Position
# * End SDK Enable Test

Not asking for much. I've been trying to figure out how to do it myself, but it'd help if I knew something about scripting ~.~ (doesn't know crap 'bout scripting ':|)

Thanks in Advance.
I only really scanned your post, but I'm guessing you would use something like

draw_time(actor, x, y)

then lower down

draw_time(actor, 50, 50)

but that requires you to have

@command_window.new(160) above it.

I may make this later if i get time.
Thanx :P

I tried editing the line of script that puts the time into the window myself but meh, I cant figure out from the script how the days are decided..

(my nabish-ness at scripting is probably clear in this post ~.~)
It's fine if you are noob-ish with scripting. We all (were) or are at one point.

I looked over the script, it's interesting. I'm going to try and implement it in a new project, and then edit with the answer. Give me a little bit.

Edit: Ok I got some of it.

I'm not sure yet how to draw the time, but presetting it.

module Time_Setup
# * Minute Length
# - How Many Seconds are in a Minute?
Minute = 2
# * Hour Length
# - How Many Minutes are in a Hour?
Hour = 60
# * Day Length
# - How Many Hours are in a Day?
Day = 24
# * Month Length
# - How Many Days are in a Month?
Month = 30
# * Year Length
# - How Many Months are in a Year?
Year = 12
# * Starting Time
# - Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
Time = 2007, 11, 7, 9, 37
# * Days of the Week
Days = %W( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday )
# * Months of the Year
Months = %W( Janurary Feburary March April May June July August September
October November December )
# * Time Format
# 0 - HHMM 1 - HH:MM 2 - HH:MM AM / PM (Splits Day Rate in Half)
Time_Format = 2
# * Morning
# - When is it Morning?
# - Default - Defined as 5AM to 12PM
Morning = proc {|hour| hour >= 5 && hour < 12}
# * Afternoon
# - When is it Afternoon?
# - Default - Defined as 12PM to 6PM
Afternoon = proc {|hour| hour >= 12 && hour < 18}
# * Evening
# - When is it Evening?
# - Default - Defined as 6PM to 10PM
Evening = proc {|hour| hour >= 18 && hour < 22}
# * Night
# - When is it Night time?
# - Default - Defined as 10PM to 5AM
Night = proc {|hour| hour >= 22 && hour < 5}
# * Time Effect
# 0 - Wait (In Map Only) 1 - Wait2 (In Map in Battle) 2 - Active
Time_Effect = 2
# * Time Speed (At Start of Game)
Speed = 1

Hold on, I might be on to how to draw it.

Edit2: Ok, you literally just create a new script under it, and initialize the whole thing. I'm not sure if this will work, but heres a go at it.

class Scene_Map
alias sk_bar_main main
def main
@bars = Window_Sk_Bars.new
@bars.dispose if @bars != nil
def refresh
return if !@actor
draw_time(actor, x, y)
alias sk_bar_update update
def update
class Window_Base < Window
def sk_initialize(font=0,size=20)
font = "Tahoma" if font == 0
self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width-32,self.height-32)
self.contents.font.name = font
self.contents.font.size = size
def draw_text_outline(x,y,w,h,str,c=normal_color,a=0)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(235,175,125,155)
self.contents.font.color = c
class Window_Sk_Bars < Window_Base
def initialize
self.opacity = 0
def update
actor = $game_party.actors[0]
draw_time(actor, 44, 40)

I'm pretty sure that WONT work with it, but if you edit the draw_time and add in a bar for the time (using the time in game) it may work.

Thats a basic overview
Errr lets see,

I placed it as a new script under the Time HUD Addon.

I get the following error:

Syntax error on line 45.

class Window_Sk_Bars < Window_Base

EDIT: Took out line 45 from the script to stop the error message. It gave me an error on line 57 then , but fixed that since it was due to a typo since "Time" wasn't in quotation marks.

Now I get the following error:
Line 58: NoMethodError Occurred.
Undefined method `draw_time' for <Window_Sk_Bars:0x1e081a8>

What do I have to edit in draw_time? o_o



Tell me if this works:

I made a tiny edit, just replace your hud script with this one. If there is a problem with window size, or syntax error, tell me exactly what it is so I can fix it (I can't test cuz I don't have SDK 2.2, and I don't fell like getting it.)

 ●● HUD Addon for Trickster's Time System
 Trickster (tricksterguy@hotmail.com)
 Version 1.0
 Date 3/31/07
 Goto rmxp.org for updates/support/bug reports
# * Begin SDK Log
SDK.log('Time HUD', 'Trickster', 1.0, '3.21.07')
# Begin SDK Requirement Check
SDK.check_requirements(2.2, [1, 2, 3, 4], ['Time System'])
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?('Time HUD')
module Time_Setup
  # * Time HUD Location
  #   - note: width = 160 height = 64
  Position = 480, 0
  # * Time HUD Opacity
  Opacity = 160
  # * Time HUD Back Opacity
  Back_Opacity = 160
  # * HUD Switch
  #   - Switch ID to turn hud off
  HUD_Switch = 100

class Window_TimeHUD < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Call Window_Base#initialize
    super(0, 0, 160, 64)
    # Setup Contents
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    # Setup Time
    @time = nil
    @day = nil
    # Setup Opacity
    self.opacity = Time_Setup::Opacity
    # Setup Back Opacity
    self.back_opacity = Time_Setup::Back_Opacity
    # Refresh
    # Setup Visibility
    self.visible = $game_switches[Time_Setup::HUD_Switch]
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Return if same time
    return if @time == $game_time.time
    # Set Time
    @time = $game_time.time
    @day = $game_time.current_day
    # Clear
    # Get Width
    cx = contents.text_size('Time').width
    # System Color
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    # Draw Time Text
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, cx, 32, 'Time', 2)
    # Normal Color
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    # Get Width
    dx = contents.text_size(@time +  " " + @day).width
    # Print Time
    self.contents.draw_text(cx, 0, contents.width - cx, 32, @time + " " + @day, 2)
  # * Update
  def update
    # Call Window_Base#update
    # Refresh if different time
    refresh if @time != $game_time.time
    # Setup Visibility
    self.visible = $game_switches[Time_Setup::HUD_Switch]

class Scene_Map
  # * Main Window
  alias_method :trick_timehud_map_main_window, :main_window
  def main_window
    # The Usual
    # Create Time Hud Window
    @time_hud = Window_TimeHUD.new
    # Setup it's position
    @time_hud.x, @time_hud.y = Time_Setup::Position
# * End SDK Enable Test
Wow there are no Errors O_o. It runs pretty smoothly :P. Thanks btw =D

Now the Hud displays the time like so:

Time 9:32 AM Sunday

Is there any way to put the Sunday in front?

EDIT: Never mind I figured out how to switch them XD.

The only issue with it is that the window displays the information kinda squished together. Other than that it works fine.


Never mind that too, I fixed the window :P

Thank you both so much for your time XD, I'll be sure to give both of you proper credits.

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