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Thousand Fish Art: Help me make my game pretty!

Hey, these are pretty nice. I think some aliasing could go a very long way (I'm mostly talking about Tarlips outline here, to make it look fuzzier) if you wanted to make them look even better of course, but even now they're pretty incredible. Good job!
Aesthetically, I honestly think that these really suit the style of your story. I have nothing negative to say about them, they're amazing, and really unique. I don't really think the tarlips needs to look fuzzier, I think we can gather that it's fuzzy, without it having to actually look fuzzy. I don't think a realistic approach to pixel work would really suit your project too well. (I hope that made sense...) I love this though, keep up the amazing work!
Adiel doesn't have his horn-ears on the sideviews ;)

But otherwise I think your styles of art are refreshingly cute while being refreshingly strange.

Refreshing refreshing o_o
Ah, Venetia, thank you, I can't believe I forgot them (and then didn't notice)!

Arrow, do you mean "fuzzy" as in fluffy, or smoother and less pixelated? I'll be adding some AA anyway, thanks.

  • The colors are the biggest change here. I hate to say it, but when I do a real critique I see that your stuff just looks incredibly flat. It worked in the first game that you posted, since the graphics were much smaller and the result had a real cool old-school feel, but with graphics of this size, you pretty much absolutely need more depth.Upping the contrast on the colors, particularly the outline colors, has helped with that I think.
  • The next big problem was the hair. There wasn't much logical form to it. There still isn't, as I understand the style and I'm trying to keep with it, but realistically the part doesn't make sense with the random places where it's sticking up and curling. I changed the direction of the curls to be consistent with the part (dunno how well that work or not), and I filled in the inner areas with some shading that gave more definition to the form of the hair, which makes it easier on the eyes. I'm not entirely happy with the result, if I had more time before class I would have made more hair from scratch, but it gets my point across.
  • Lastly, I did a little bit of work on the chest and tummy. I wasn't sure if the cute beer-belly was intentional, but I sloped the chest a little to look more realistic and less flat.

General points:
  • You have lots of pillowshading that isn't evident at first because of the cartoony style. I didn't correct much of it- it's more visible on my version with the increased contrast.
  • You're thinking two-dimensionally- and I think you're starting with the outline and working in. Try working the other way- especially with the hair, by using bulkier forms and then working outward. If you need more explanation, just let me know and I'd be happy to help more when I get out of class.

Like I said, I was hurrying because I have class soon, and there's still lots that I'd like to do with this if I had more time. Hope this helps.
Thanks Des, that was really helpful.

I followed your hair technique and upped the contrast some, but not as much as you did; imho you made him look like a corpse, and I want the graphics to be bright and colourful (and yes, the pot belly was intentional). I'm not entirely satisfied with how the hair looks from behind, it feels too empty near the bottom, I dunno:

http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg24 ... snhair.png[/img]

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