Why hello there! Are you having a happy day! If you’re not, then maybe this superfantabulous TWODO will help you get there! Or something!
Happy!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Antaus posted the concept for his game, The Legend of Max. It’s surprisingly deep, and he hasn’t gotten many comments so far, so go give him your best criticism and help him out!
Climperoonie also posted the concept for his game, Star Wars: Jedi Squadron. It may be a fan game but it has original characters and a completely new story which makes it stand out. You know the drill – let him know your thoughts on it!
You’d have to be living in a cave if you still haven’t heard about the giant 5-Year Anniversary Contest! The contest is the biggest we’ve ever had and the grand prize is a whopping $150 USD! And already we have eight projects being worked on:
•Vask, by our very own Baconator, tells the story of the rise and fall of the government and how it is overthrown. The game will feature multiple playable characters and funky graphics, definitely a project to keep your eye on.
•Hard Rock Night Affright, by Velocir_X, is an action-adventure that tells the story of two buddies named Connor and Dashaun who get into a bit of trouble with a gang. If you love classic rock music, then you’re going to like what Velocir_X is planning for this!
•Petros is also getting in on the contest action with his game, In The Deep. It’s set on the planet of Taura – or, rather, under it, as Vivius Tiber and his special ops team go searching for an expeditionary team that had recently gone missing. It’s sure to have a great plot full of twists and turns. I’m looking forward to seeing it completed, and so should you!
•Goody Two-Shoes is entering the contest with his project, tentatively titled Saving the Child. In the game, you take the role of a father, who must search for his child after he was kidnapped by a mysterious villain. It will be cool to see what sort of stuff Goody can do with this project!
•The ever-delightful Venetia is working on a project with partner Sophist (along with the help of Brewmeister and etheon) entitled The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll. The game is based heavily on characters and settings from Bob Dylan songs and will
•If steam, dimensions and time warps interest you even remotely, then the project Emotions Ride on Gentle Steam by Akaroku will surely pique your interest!
•No contest would be complete without a project about an underground alien paradise! Eriol Clowphengire is working on his project called DESU! – The Undergound Alien Paradise, an action role-playing game where you can play as a group of different characters with superhero powers and gadgets.
I just want to say that I’m really impressed with the quality of these projects. It’s also really cool to see such diverse ideas being made from three generic themes that we laid out. The creativity from you guys is just incredible – kudos to you! :3
Alexander Morou has an idea for a story he wants to write, a twisted Alice In Wonderland-esque story, not very happy at all! He’d like some opinions on it, I need to explain?
Character Development is a crucial part of any good story, or frankly, anything that involves characters. Guardian’s made a thread with a simple outline to aid in developing specific characters. It’s worth checking out if you’re doing something like this.
Another Guardian thread. In this one, if you want to preview a story you’re writing, or are having trouble with a particular section/segment of a story but don't want to post the whole thing, then go check out the thread!
Daxisheart wrote a short story! It’s of decent length, so if you have some free time on your hands and feel like helping a guy out...
Chasmira posted a bunch of fantasy music compositions, so if you feel like listening to some tunes, then go check out the thread!
Tommy the Cat posted a big list of good freeware games. How nice of him! If you’re looking to play a video game you’ve never tried before but are short on cash, then consider consulting Tommy’s list and trying a game from there!
The Rec Room got lots of new threads this week! Most notably, Peri seems to have unknowingly started a mini-meme, which died as quick as it was created, with her thread Post Here and Receive a Shitty Paint Drawing of Yourself!
Twirly made a bunch (well, five) of adorable little tinysprites for everybody! :3
Wyatt has a fetish for shelves and wants to know what’s on yours.
The October Picscavenger contest is here! So far we only have three competitors (and they’re all staff members!) so get out your cameras and take those pics!
We got quite a few new members (and old ones coming back) this week! Glorious!
-Lyric (came back)
-The Panda (came back)
HAVE A HAPPY AND AWESOME AND FUN AND COOL AND DID I MENTION HAPPY WEEK!!! now if you'll excuse me, it's 5 in the morning and i have to get some sleep ok thank you
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