Welcome to my birthday party!!!
((who let all the foreigners in you know how i feel about those people))
And even though its my bday i still have to talk about other not as cool things so
Tar Nybuki poses the question in RM Discussion: "Are you losing interest in RPG Maker?" Go vote in his poll and post why you are or aren't!
Regardless, have some punch
(wtf more of you people)
Dadevster posted a pretty watercolor painting that you should go leave crits on because it's actually very pretty to us uneducated types.
lets do pinata ill go first
Venetia started a thread about the gays in Des Moines can be of marry now SHAWNJOHNSONNMEWEREMEANT2BE
fffffff cool it till after the cake
The Symposium has been quiet lately please go make new threads there to promote activity that would be great we need some GOOD valid discussions there so if you're a good thread maker go make a good thread.
yay time for cake!!!
what how'd you guys know
also happy bday nachos