wow, what... what is going on
all I can remember... wait... what's this...?
[imgalt]http://bb.xieke.com/files/paper.gif,the child finds an ideal rolling around somewhere in the back of his head.[/imgalt]
it's... it's a piece of paper?
no, it's more than that... much more...
I can... I can see what's going down...
I can see what's going down right now...
... in the world
one. the Sweat of the individual's Brow, enjoyed by the Many, falls from the Skies as a Blessed Rain to nourish the Seeds of others' Creations. the Sun, become Drunken on the richness and vastness of Creation, turns His attention and Radiance on the fields of sown Ideas.
- oh wow uh... it looks like someone named Yanfly is on a roll with some VX scripts. as I'm reading this, he's posted a bestiary, something to spice up status effects, something to make the after-battle spoils list cooler, and something awesome to make skills way more versatile. these all look way cool... he might even have more by this point. he's certainly getting them out there fast.
- a sideview battle system? apparently this is a big week for VX... I'm not really sure myself, but apparently a lot of people use the Tankentai Sideview Battle System lately. I guess they'll be glad to know that Kylock has posted his latest update of the system.
- oh wow this one looks mad cool. some kid named DeM0nFiRe is working on 3D graphics for RMXP, and from what I see, the project is already working really well. you should check it out, if only to gawk a little.
two. the Melodies of the Soul, given Voice through whatever Means are present, ring throughout the Halls of the Mind, giving Inspiration and Raw Materials to those who are Lacking, and stand as an Echo of the composer's Self until the end of Time. the Cat hears the tune and begins his Dance, spreading Joy in a luminous Ring.
- I guess the order of the week is game music...? LooseEnds has a decent-sized library of tunes right now, and he'd like to hear your opinions. give them a listen?
- aside from that, it looks like there are some singles out by Holk, Ryanide, and nazra7. they'd all like some input on their singles, so if you feel like showing off your music savvy...
three. one's Ideas given Form via Notation act as a Microcosm of oneself, carrying within the Statement one's Views, Struggles, and Experiences. the Thrush, now privy to the very Core of the writer's being, spreads personal wisdom across the Earth with its Song.
- wow, uh... League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? was that a comic? I've only ever seen the movie, but apparently it was a pretty huge graphic novel, too... and Incognitus seems to be a fan. looks like he's working on a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen fanfiction, since there really isn't a lot of good fan-literature about it, but, uh... it looks like it's still a work in progress (although it's already a fairly solid piece.) you should give it a once-over and tell him what you think, whoever "you" are. christ, how long have I been talking to myself like this...?
- on the other side of things, jbrist is asking a question that's pretty central to the whole game making thing -- how long should they be? sounds like it could be pretty interesting.
four. the Brush and the Canvas, the Charcoal and the Paper, the Paint and the Wall, the eternal unity of thought and expression is found within one's Art. the Skies themselves are touched with the depth of Character revealed in art, and their Weeping echoes through all of Existence.
- hellhound is working on some pixel art for his game... sorry, guys, these aren't open resources. if you want to help a guy improve in his field, though, you should give him whatever pointers you may have. oh god, there I go again...
- is it pixel week, too? green raven has posted some lineart he's accumulated. I'm not sure what they're going to be used for, but they seem pretty alright.
kanye. life is merely a Cycle of human Experience, tiny pools of Light drifting together and drifting apart, Restless as anything in all Creation. the Doors, all standing as Spectators to life's many meetings and departures, stoically carry the Joy and the Sorrow of a million years' Locomotion without ever betraying what Wisdom they themselves may have gleaned from their passive Observation.
- looks like a couple newcomers... Louisiana from Norway and R.J. from the Netherlands. that's a lot of place names in one sentence, but it's cool to see people coming in from different parts of the world.
- also, it looks like mawk is stepping down as a mod. I'm not sure why... it's not like I know the guy.
five. a Day has come and gone, as days are wont to Do. this Day marks many Things for many People. for many People it marks that this Day is the Day to do a Thing. the Grass grows in rows and rows, presently unaware of its Nature and its Destiny.
- how was your 4:20, guys? I don't really toke, but mine was pretty cool. some people have been celebrating things a little early, some lit up a bit late, and some don't need to be stoned to have strange cares. but all in all, it was an alright day. how'd you spend yours?
........... ....................... ..... .. . .............. .. ...
what was that...? a sun, a cat, a... I can't remember anymore.
what's this in my hand...? a blank sheet of paper? feh, useless...
toss it out, I guess...
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