I'm not sure if any of you here have ever heard, or even played Magic: The Gathering. It's a classic card game, that's been around for many, many years. And for those of you who do care, it's only a few days 'till the newest set's prerelease, Shadowmoor. Now, I'm normally the person who hangs around the Wizard's site when it's close to prerelease, and carefully look over each and every preview card, and wet myself when I see something that just jumps off my monitor, and into my hot new mental decklist. But this time, when I look over at Shadowmoor, I get a little more... reminiscent. There are now new types of cards that just bent the way the game played; equipments, planeswalkers, tribal. And now they have a few more new things that further bend the rules; the untap symbol, mono-colored hybrids. It, in a way, makes me miss when I was real young. When I played only casually with my older brothers. Back in sets like Onslaught, where I played as little colored spells as I could, to make way for my favorite card type: artifact.
Ever since Magic's birth, I loved the artifacts. Both from the stand-point that 'any deck can play this card', to the whole flavor behind artifacts. Two wizards, standing on opposite ends of the arena. My rival lifts his hands, and summons forth a massive fireball. I respond by waving my hand, and erecting a massive wall of sheer steel, to protect myself from his attacks. All the while preparing my mechanical minions on the other side of the wall.
And then... Mirrodin came out. I just saw a set full of artifacts, and I was happy. Well, until I found everyone playing artifacts, thanks to that silly little affinity deck. So I merely sighed, and pushed away my dream of spells vs, artifacts for just a little while. And now, thanks to the wealth of artifacts back in 10th edition, my muse was struck back up, and I attempt to fight fire with metal once more. So to all you elves, all you faeries, all you rouges...
Holy crap, no colored spells at all! That's right, it only uses a little blue mana for the ruins. Does the deck work? To be honest, I've only tested it once, against a Idyllic Tutor/Enduring Renewal deck. And I must say, this deck did MASTERFULLY against it. Although he managed to drop the tutor and fetch out the renewal real early, and play a few cards like Storm Bind, and Dragon Roost. I got a little lucky when he tutor fetched a Story Circle, a little worried that I hadn't played anything blue, yet I obviously had blue mana. Oh, the surprise value of the deck...
But I digress. I managed to drop a few manipulators, fountains of youth, and the like that kept me alive for the 15 turns it took me to draw one of my Razormanes, or my Triskealavus[es?]. Wait, wait.. I survived 5/5 dragon creatures for a good 10 turns? Yes! Through the overlooked Icy Manipulators, and the good ol' Fountain of Youth. He was always just out of fatal range. And it's not like he could have swung again, all his dragons died to my serrated arrows, rods of ruins and the SIX deserts I had in play. Once I finally drew into my Triskealavus, which I played for 3 mana, thanks to cloud key, the game was pretty much over. I'd drop the trisk, make the babies, kill the trisk with the rod of ruin, put trisk ontop of the deck with the ruins, and use the tomb to draw it again. Until I had 20 little babies to blast him for 20. Ah.. good times.
How the deck wins? Awesome little synergies everywhere. It can survive agro with manipulators, life gain from the gnomes, or the fountain, and blasting their creatures with 8 deserts [4 deserts and 4 Vesuva]. Most decks don't run a lot of artifact destruction, and since EVERYTHING is an artifact, just fetch it again with the ruin. O-ring may cause a few issues, but you can always just over-run with Factory babies.
Until next time, crush with the power of steel.
Ever since Magic's birth, I loved the artifacts. Both from the stand-point that 'any deck can play this card', to the whole flavor behind artifacts. Two wizards, standing on opposite ends of the arena. My rival lifts his hands, and summons forth a massive fireball. I respond by waving my hand, and erecting a massive wall of sheer steel, to protect myself from his attacks. All the while preparing my mechanical minions on the other side of the wall.
And then... Mirrodin came out. I just saw a set full of artifacts, and I was happy. Well, until I found everyone playing artifacts, thanks to that silly little affinity deck. So I merely sighed, and pushed away my dream of spells vs, artifacts for just a little while. And now, thanks to the wealth of artifacts back in 10th edition, my muse was struck back up, and I attempt to fight fire with metal once more. So to all you elves, all you faeries, all you rouges...
4x Bottle Gnomes
4x Icy Manipluator
4x Rod of Ruin
4x Mind Stone
4x Cloud Key
3x Fountain of Youth
3x Jayemdae Tome
3x Serrated Arrows
3x Sculpting Steel
3x Razormane Masticore
3x Triskealavus
2x Platinum Angel
8x Island
4x Desert
4x Vesuva
2x Academy Ruins
2x Urza's Factory
4x Icy Manipluator
4x Rod of Ruin
4x Mind Stone
4x Cloud Key
3x Fountain of Youth
3x Jayemdae Tome
3x Serrated Arrows
3x Sculpting Steel
3x Razormane Masticore
3x Triskealavus
2x Platinum Angel
8x Island
4x Desert
4x Vesuva
2x Academy Ruins
2x Urza's Factory
But I digress. I managed to drop a few manipulators, fountains of youth, and the like that kept me alive for the 15 turns it took me to draw one of my Razormanes, or my Triskealavus[es?]. Wait, wait.. I survived 5/5 dragon creatures for a good 10 turns? Yes! Through the overlooked Icy Manipulators, and the good ol' Fountain of Youth. He was always just out of fatal range. And it's not like he could have swung again, all his dragons died to my serrated arrows, rods of ruins and the SIX deserts I had in play. Once I finally drew into my Triskealavus, which I played for 3 mana, thanks to cloud key, the game was pretty much over. I'd drop the trisk, make the babies, kill the trisk with the rod of ruin, put trisk ontop of the deck with the ruins, and use the tomb to draw it again. Until I had 20 little babies to blast him for 20. Ah.. good times.
How the deck wins? Awesome little synergies everywhere. It can survive agro with manipulators, life gain from the gnomes, or the fountain, and blasting their creatures with 8 deserts [4 deserts and 4 Vesuva]. Most decks don't run a lot of artifact destruction, and since EVERYTHING is an artifact, just fetch it again with the ruin. O-ring may cause a few issues, but you can always just over-run with Factory babies.
Until next time, crush with the power of steel.