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The Ultimate Battle System!

...or as close to it as possible. *grin*

Yeah, silly title for a post, I know. Heh. I'm not actually going to ask anyone to script this - it'd probably require some massive effort and most capable scripters have instead put themselves up for hire (and most of us found it hard enough to come up with the cash for RMXP).

Anyway, so, this post is more of a request for directions. I'd like to find a script which accomplishes as much of the following as possible. So the listing is of everything I'd like in a battle system script, if it were a perfect world, but I'll take what I can get. I just don't know the key differences between the battle systems out there at the moment.

Pardon my capitalizing things. I really don't know why people do or whether it belongs, but it seems to be the norm, so whatever :)

Again, this is a WISH LIST. This is NOT an outright demand. This is me asking, politely (and, okay, extensively), about what battle systems there are out there that implement as many of these features as possible.

So don't bite my head off for just asking what here has been offered, hey? ^_^

- Side View Battle System.
With the possibility of 'rear' or 'wedge' attacks, where the characters/enemies can show up on either side of the opposition, and characters turn to face what enemy they last fought (or face is a command, etc).

Characters would run up to enemies before executing close range attacks (including close range skills, as opposed to staying still and executing close range skills from range, which looks weird), while staying at range for ranged attacks. Options to create different animation strips for different skills.

- Active Time Battles
An option to turn on/off ATB feature for slower players. Probably agility based to determine speed between turns.

- Limit Breaks
Simpler versions as damage taken/given or more complex like in FFX, either/or.

- Call Mech/Summon
Where you can call either another character to take your place, where that character is a mech (or a summon, I suppose) that has its own set of skills, experience, etc. Perhaps experience could be shared between the mech/summon and the character, or not. This seems to not be too difficult to do with events, however (whereas an entire battle system done by events would be a tinsy winsy bit mor complicated).

- Combination/Joint attacks
What you'd have seen in Chronotrigger, where characters who start certain skills within a short time of each other instead perform a combination skill - which would quite probably have an entirely different animation, or would call a different animation from them each.

- Attacks and/or skills by Keys
By which I mean that instead of a menu of selectable skills, something far similar to Xenogears would be great instead. For those of you who don't know, you'd hit the triangle, square or cross buttons for light, medium or heavy attacks, which would use up one, two or three points. At your first level, you'd only have four points. Every level or so you'd gain another point to use, along with access to more special moves - if you'd practiced them. You practiced moves by hitting their components - so, a special move was triangle, cross (light+heavy). If you did it enough times you learnt a special skill which did more damage and could be called by hitting light+heavy.

An alternative would be similar to the FF8 system, where after calling a skill you could time button presses to the time of impact - rather like Gun blades. It kept you focused on the fight and stopped you falling asleep from boredom.


Now, the reason I mention most of these is in the hope that combat in an RPG Maker game could be far, far more fun than it currently is. Yet more battle graphics would need creating, but given the sharing nature of the community I think that part isn't too unreasonable to wish for.

A script which does all of the above probably is. I know there are scripts out there which do do several of the above, and could probably be modified to do more - but I've had some difficulty working out what would be best suited, and what the primary differences are.

So. Any help would be appreciated. I know I'm not the only one who'd use a system like this. :)
Earthor, I asked because I was having some difficulty working through the alternatives here, so I thought I would ask and see if anyone had any immediate suggestions. I know various 'parts' are here, but whether they can work together? I'm still learning how to sprite and handle events - I don't really want to learn major scripting JUST yet - just want to get a barebones operative thing happening that I can learn and improve on later. :)

Shinasura - thanks, that's the one that seems most promising. :)

Berserker - hope so, he seems like a pretty fantastic scripter. ^_^

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