First and foremost, this topic is - guess what - not a script. It's a way to encourage people to do better, try harder, work more effectively and help others to advance their skills. Basically, it's trying to make you do everything that every scripter should think of of their own... and maybe even surpass the limit they set to themselves, seeing what others can do.
Well, that might be aiming a bit too high... but it's still a nice idea, and if a single person benefits from this, it's already worth something.
You can always keep track of the current item owners by checking my signature - you'll also find a link to this topic in there.
If you want to learn more about the Hows and Wheres, read through the spoilers below...
If you're still reading, that most likely means you're interested in how it's going down. Pretty simple, actually: The items listed in the following block reward scripters for excelling at what they do, put into several categories. Every item is one-of-a-kind, meaning if you got one and the qualified jury thinks that someone else did something of higher quality, more impact or downright better value, you'll find yourself back in the dirt of scripting average-ness, with the new owner of your previously proudly-held title grinning down upon you.
As a quick overview on what I want to do here:
As a quick overview on what I want to do here:
- reward quality, perfection, useability, effort, and the like.
- try to put the people in the spotlight that should be
- engage people to put actual effort into their scripts, instead of releasing mass-produced code
Talking about the qualified jury... that consists only of one member, being myself. Considering I'm the one sacrificing these items, that only seems fair, and after all, I'm the one that tried to script useful and quality scripts when you still felt great pushing event commands around.
The question on how you participate is quickly answered: By submitting a script to the scripting forums. I'll raid through the various shitty scripts, useless snippets and beginner's exercises and maybe stumble upon your quality script that's worth being mentioned in here. In that case, you'll get your own entry in this topic, a link to your achievement, and maybe a few more women that you could've ever hoped for when you decided to go down the scripting path.
Let's put a few factors seperately:
The question on how you participate is quickly answered: By submitting a script to the scripting forums. I'll raid through the various shitty scripts, useless snippets and beginner's exercises and maybe stumble upon your quality script that's worth being mentioned in here. In that case, you'll get your own entry in this topic, a link to your achievement, and maybe a few more women that you could've ever hoped for when you decided to go down the scripting path.
Let's put a few factors seperately:
- you'll automatically participate upon submitting a script to .org's Script forums. Note that it has to be in script form, i.e. in [rgss] or
tags, [b]not[/b] or only additionally as a demo. External links are fine if they lead to a text document directly, or to a pastebin-styled page. In that case, be aware that I'll take you off the list if the script isn't reachable anymore. [*]If you feel you don't need to be praised, you can of course send me a PM, and I'll remove you again as soon as I get the message, and restoring whoever had the title before you. [*]an item cannot be awarded to more than one person and script at the time. They are unique, and they shall remain unique so that whoever owns them can be proud to do so. [*]a person can obtain multiple items, even with one and the same script. Rewarding quality is my top priority here. [*]only scripts submitted after the 1st of June, 2010, are being reviewed for this contest. Usually, it shouldn't take more than a week for me to get you in here. [*]theoretically, all of the item's categories are completely independent from each other, however, if you meet an items requirement perfectly, but fail miserably at another's or just script messy in general, rewarding you for that wouldn't be suiting the high standarts of these titles. [*]along the same lines, more interesting-in-nature scripts are more likely to make it through then the average user learning script. Because different people find different things interesting, let me put it like this: If you got the best script around in all of the above conditions, however all it does is display the name of the game at the title screen, don't be surprised you won't make it in here.[/list] To make one thing clear: This is not your underage neighbour daughter's contest - you'll be judged with the highest level of perfection I can offer. If you think that's just big talking, let me make you aware that it's taken the community about nine months from me launching this project to actually submit the first script worthy to be put on the list. The goal is not to fill up the list, but to get extraordinary scripts together in a list of believeable greatness. If you like to be judged by regular measurements, go to the event forums, you'll get your pat on the head there. Everyone else, have fun at competing for a prize of hopefully unmatched exclusivity![/spoiler][spoiler=What You Get in Addition to a Fictional Item]Basically, you get encouragement. A good reason to script or help. Maybe even a good feeling about what you're doing. Okay, all of that is probably not what you're looking for, huh... well, for the greedy people, here's an additional bunch of stuff you more or less actually get: [list][*]the respect of your fellow scripters... well, at least in theory, as it's still up to everyone individually to decide if that's actually a good script in front of them... but in general, it gives you a good start. [*]a link in this topic for the time you have your title, making sure your script is always reachable to people who want to use it, as well as people interested in quality work. Feel like being an inspiration? Here's your chance. [*]a link in this topic's log for as long as noone breaks this board [*]knowing that you got me to approve your work... trust me when I tell you: That's not an easy thing to do! [*]possibly an actual, monetary reward... next spoiler's covering that.[/list][/spoiler][spoiler=Contributing to the Project]While I won't let you join in on the judging, there's definately ways how you can help me on our way to scripting perfection. Let's have a few: [list][*]this topic is a topic for a reason: You can suggest whatever you feel like that will improve this project. You don't have to suggest scripts, as I'll track them myself, but whatever may be on your mind I'll listen to. [*]if you have a whole lot of money to blow, but don't know what to do with it: Offer it as a reward. I promise to not stop being an uptight bitch about giving the prizes away once you did, so unless there's really a quality substitute out, your money will stay with you. If you feel like retreating, feel free to do so as long as there's no winner being chosen yet... if there is, I guess I can't make you pay, but I figure noone would offer something for nothing ;) As a special reward, you will be featured as a contributor on the tracklist as well. [*]if you're a .org team member with the necessary powers and think I'm going somewhere with this, I'd be utmost happy to get some kind of badge for the awarding people, taking this project to the next level. [*]of course, your opinion matters to me as well. Feel free to express whatever your opinion is regarding this project in this thread - good or bad.[/list][/spoiler] [center]up to now, [b]1[/b] of the available [b]5[/b] items have been grabbed. [img]http://files.blueshack.net/rpgmaker/quest01.png[/img] [size=2]currently unequipped[/size] [img]http://files.blueshack.net/rpgmaker/quest02.png[/img] [size=2]currently unequipped[/size] [img]http://files.blueshack.net/rpgmaker/quest03.png[/img] [size=2]currently unequipped[/size] [img]http://files.blueshack.net/rpgmaker/quest04.png[/img] [size=2]currently unequipped[/size] [img]http://files.blueshack.net/rpgmaker/quest05.png[/img] [size=2]owned by[/size] [url=http://www.arpgmaker.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1004643][u][b]Glitchfinder[/b][/u][/url], [size=2]awarded for his[/size] [url=http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=73959][u][b]Gamepad Input Module[/b][/u][/url][/center] [spoiler=Log]2010/06/01 - Start of The Third Man's Script Quest 2011/03/04 - [url=http://www.arpgmaker.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1004643][u]Glitchfinder[/u][/url] is the first to claim the [i]Shiny, Polished And Well-Taken-Care-Of Industrial Wrench[/i] for his [url=http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=73959][u]Gamepad Input Module[/u][/url][/spoiler]