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The song of his life.

Alright, for once I decided to post one of the songs I wrote a while ago. You will either love it, or hate it. I doubt there will be anything in between. lol. There is music that goes to it, but it's only in my head at this point. :P

Born out of love, yet covered by sin,
Trying to fight the pain deep within.
Pain stricken writing, to help his release,
Already wishing that he was deceased.

With pen to the paper he scribbles his note,
Placing his stainless steel knife to his throat.
One little movement is all it would take,
Knowing that his life was truly at stake.

The song that he writes is the pain of his life,
Taking his soul with the blood-covered knife.
Wishing that he had a friend to keep near,
to help him abolish his hatred and fear.

Who can he cry with, who even cares?
He just needs his God, to answer his prayers.
Swallowed by darkness, there is no way out,
The sound of his screams are muffled by doubt,

The music he yearns for, is the song of release.
All that he wishes, is for love and for peace.
If he will find them, no one will see,
All that he wants is just to be free.

The song that he writes is the pain of his life,
Taking his soul with the blood-covered knife.
Wishing that he had a friend to keep near,
to help him abolish his hatred and fear.

A puddle of blood soaks into the ground.
He lies there dying, with no one around.
Silently crying and hoping he's free,
Hoping that soon, in God's arms he will be.

The song that he writes is the pain of his life,
Taking his soul with the blood-covered knife.
Wishing that he had a friend to keep near,
to help him abolish his hatred and fear.

What can he do now? what more can he say?
He just wants the pain to be taken away,
God if you're up there, please hear my cry.
Please free his mind, but God don't let him die.

The song that he writes is the pain of his life,
Taking his soul with the blood-covered knife.
Wishing that he had a friend to keep near,
to help him abolish his hatred and fear.
First thing I did was automatically check to make sure you rhymed consistently throughout the whole piece, and it looks like you managed that so a hearty 'go you!'.

Good ending, and beginning. Very well written.

Thank you for viewing

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