Bacon":2y69rilg said:
What is the best restaurant you have been to?
A place called Fleur de Lys in Las Vegas, the Mandalay Bay hotel. Owned by chef Hubert Keller.
The ambience is beautiful, the staff is decked in tuxedos. There are two stories, one of which has an eat-in wine rack room. You're served sparkling water on the rocks and a 50+ page compliment of spirits. It's 4 star fare, you can't get out of there under $200, but god every bite of the food is fucking amazing. They also serve genuine Kobe beef there. You can get the tour of the kitchen and meet the chef, too, when you order the Signature Tasting Menu (where you typically get 5-8 small meals tailored specifically for you, based on your likes and dislikes). They also serve a $5000 burger--but I have never tried that ;o
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
What is the worst restaurant you have been to?
A Waffle House up in Pensacola FL. Went there during a road trip. I was tired and famished. I ordered a Belgian Waffle. They took 20 minutes getting it to me because the cook was sitting there talking on his cell phone. The waffle was ok--still rather cold in the middle, but I was starving-- but they failed to give me a fork. After asking for one twice and waiting another ten minutes, I had to search out an open table and gank its silverware. The whole time I never got my orange juice I ordered and just had to drink water. They tried to charge me for the OJ and I had to argue with them and show them the glass which still had water in it to prove I never got any OJ. Then when I didn't leave a tip, the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. Ugh
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
What is the most exotic food you have had at a restaurant?
I have had so much exotic food, it's hard to say. If it's raw, I'll eat it. If it's spicy, I'll eat it. If it has a name I can't pronounce, I'm all over it. I'll eat anything that doesn't have eyes looking up at me. I once had a dessert made out of avocados and guinea fowl eggs (it was amazingly good). I've had a plate of assorted foie gras paired with cheese from around the world. I've had smoked Capybara (a giant rodent which is farmed like cattle in Venezuela) (it wasn't great). I've had crawdad and prairie dog gumbo in Lousiana (it was pretty damn good). I've had almost anything a Japanese menu can whip up, from Sea Urchin (bleh) to seaweed wrapped roe (yum). I've even eaten it off a naked woman once (a dining party I'll never forget >.>). God, I love food.
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
What is the best/worst memory you have had at a restaurant?
Best? When I went to Caracas, into a tiny little straw/adobe hut without electricity, which served the best Mexican food I've ever had. I was also serenaded by locals on guitar and weaseled out of ten bucks American because I ran out of pesos. They kept it lit at night with torches and by stringing a ton of christmas lights in from a neighbor with electricity. It was an amazing, eclectic experience, and I think about it sometimes still.
Worst? A visit to Olive Garden where my ex-boyfriend told me it was over and that he was totally cheating on me :/. Also the food was so-so.
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
What is the worst/best food you have had at a restaurant?
Best? Kobe Beef at this Japanese steak house that no longer exists in California. It was like eating beef-flavored butter ;o;
Worst? When my coworker and I went to a place for lunch in downtown Tampa and we both ordered burgers, but hers came back with a gigantic cockroach cooked into it, and I had already eaten most of mine. :X (that's what I get for wolfing down food). The burger sucked but the possibility of it being roach-infested was ... disheartening, to say the least.
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
Do you enjoy going to restaurant? How often do you go?
I LOVE it. But I never get to go anymore. I don't have any money. I'd go all the time if I could, to try new and exotic anything.
Bacon":2y69rilg said:
Do you have any odd/funny stories involving an experience at a restauraunt?
I was at a steakhouse, just finishing up the meal, which was decent, and a bunch of paramedics and firefighters ran in, and made a bee-line into another dining room. I'd smelled smoke the whole time but I figured it was just the smell of cooking. Apparently the kitchen was on fire :x. Someone had to be treated for smoke inhalation or something. The place was evacuated, and I didn't feel like waiting around, so I left without having to pay the bill. Heh heh.