You know how you sometimes have a picture you made, and you want to show it to your favorite forum, but you don't want to make a thread for that sole picture of yours? Putting it into the 'Post pictures of yourself' doesn't really cut it either, because it's not you. Most of the time it's some random object, or something else that's interesting, and you would like to see what kind of comments you'll receive on it.
I have that a lot.
Which is why i'm starting this thread.
This is pretty much the photography equivalent of 'the sketch thread', so you can dump whatever pictures you like. Funny pictures you made, pictures with backstories, or otherwise interesting ones. If you're into photography, you can also put pictures here that you'd like some critique on. I'm sure there are people here that know just how to improve on these things.
Well then, i'll start off:
These aren't the best, but they're pictures of something i made in uni. I'm currently following a course called Imagination, it's a half year full time course, and the aim is to produce a minute-long animation with it, mainly done in maya. But more on that later. We had to do poses and expressions with clay yesterday, and these are a couple of shots i made. You can see this is a stereotypical "WHYYY!???" pose. Pretty funny how that works out, even in clay.
I have that a lot.
Which is why i'm starting this thread.
This is pretty much the photography equivalent of 'the sketch thread', so you can dump whatever pictures you like. Funny pictures you made, pictures with backstories, or otherwise interesting ones. If you're into photography, you can also put pictures here that you'd like some critique on. I'm sure there are people here that know just how to improve on these things.
Well then, i'll start off:

These aren't the best, but they're pictures of something i made in uni. I'm currently following a course called Imagination, it's a half year full time course, and the aim is to produce a minute-long animation with it, mainly done in maya. But more on that later. We had to do poses and expressions with clay yesterday, and these are a couple of shots i made. You can see this is a stereotypical "WHYYY!???" pose. Pretty funny how that works out, even in clay.