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the ORAs members

Okay, I just got *extremely* bored so I started to do something random about the ORA.
And I came up with this.

Well, I know I did nothing but to copy and paste the pictures and add a few text.
I had problems with Wachunga since his avatar looks like a bunch of crazy polygones so I personified him as a balloon (don't hit me ':| )

Anyway, I just wanted to share it.




Haha lmao, i love your secret sexy bitch text on your t-shirt.

Nice stuff i love it, and the man dressed as Bomberman just rocks. ^_^
>.< I'm fuckin jealous. That's awesome Squall, you sexy bitch, you. I think Trickster's picture is just...too funny. I love it.
Hey glad you guys like it!

I decided to go on with the trend and make the ORAm.
I especially like Lene on this one :D
I simply adore the J picture... holy moly, a panda with a handgun... I mean, you wouldn't guess another user by that, would you? ^_^

I dislike how you drew Trick/Seph though... a cheap KH picture for Seph and an awesome artwork for Trick? Come on, they have to be on the same level... at least recolor the KH Cloud to look like Bomberman... XD
j/k, of course... ^_^
@jstreet : certainly not ;)

@bluescope : done!

Let me just remind you that I did not draw those characters. I just removed their backgrounds and modified them a bit but that's all.

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