Blue hair and red eyes? Welcome to 90% of all jRPG good guys for either trait, dude.
For one thing, he has a severe case of Goemon hair -- except Goemon's hair follows the shape of his head, at least. The boy's scalp ends at roughly one-quarter or one-third the 'do's height. I agree, there aren't enough RPG protagonists with jewfros, but I doubt that's what you intended here.
For another, your jaw is inconsistent in shape (longer on his right than his left -- considering the way he's leaning, you'd think the hair would cover more of the right side of his jaw, so it looks particularly out of place here -- and the way the hair cuts it off looks boxy and above all else lazy. He must have a very square manly jaw for a child if that tapers at all up his head. If you're not willing to finish off his face shape, do it anyway because it's good practice.
Finally, I suggest you avoid drawing lines in single strokes. The technique may differ from person to person, but I made massive headway with my art when I started drawing lines with multiple smaller strokes, since it game me a lot more feeling of control over the shape I was drawing.