50 years ago in the nation of Neiration. A powerful man began an rebellion against the government. Many people sided with him to take down the government. The nation is in intense chaos. The entire world was shocked of what was happening in this peaceful nation. Turner the man behind the rebellion had power like no man has seen before. Neiration's King Ralph gave it his best efforts to stop Turner. However Turner wouldn't be denied, and lead his rebells to victory. Now the former King Ralph left the country with his family and closest friends. The world now looks at the new nation The Federation.
Over the next 50 years the world would become more industrialize. Many people was highly successful. Nations worked with one another. The Federation often work with other nations on top profitable projects. They was also known to have advancing technology at a fast rate. These were times of peace.
The world is now in utter chaos. The most advance nation in the world The Federation is on a mission to conquer the world. Many nations has fallen to The Federation. Other nations are in great fear because they could be next to fall. The Federation has it eyes set n Gauchet. A powerful nation but just like every nation it is weak compared to The Federation. A young man, Franklin has been summon to see the mayor of Herts. The mayor Jones wants Franklin and his nephew Harper to stop The Federation's evasion in Gauchet.

Naramura-for the rtps
Naramura-for the rtps
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